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Everything posted by OverPowerYou

  1. How long can we keep losing like this and the coach/gm/owner accept what is going on?
  2. Has there ever been any other team that had generational talent and still sucked consistently for years?
  3. God bless these people that go to these games. How do they stomach it? Free tickets?
  4. Does anyone think we can get 8th place?
  5. i would like to see the buffalo sabres make a playoff push and at least be relevant in April. The bills have really depressed me this week
  6. Unfortunate that we had to endure a year of suffering to get Reinhardt and now we are still suffering because of him
  7. I have not been to a game since March of 2016. I usually go to about 3 a year but I just don’t have it in me anymore. What a shame.
  8. Sabre’s always seem to lay an egg against the irrelevant teams. Also, besides the Jacksonville Jaguars and Phoenix Coyotes, is there a more bleh team out there?
  9. Every team needs a good play maker
  10. I’m about to watch my first period of hockey this year. Expect the sabres to flame out now. You’re welcome
  11. I have always liked Dallas despite them winning our Stanley Cup
  12. Anybody but Boston please
  13. I'll never understand why everyone hates the leafs. They are our closest neighbors and have sucked for the longest time and have been losers. If anything I would root for them as my second team because I have a lot of family up there too.
  14. I know this goes against all things Buffalo because we haven't won a Stanley cup, but I like to root for the small market teams. I want Columbus to win the eastern conference now
  15. Who do we dislike more, Robin Lehner for the islanders or Oreilly for the blues?
  16. After all we did lose it twice
  17. Well looks like our 8% chance of getting Hughes just got lower
  18. For the sake of the fans that go to the game and hoping to get Jack Hughes, I want to lose every game 6-5
  19. If we didn't have spring or summer i would probably kill myself.
  20. Will the playoff games be on msg or something ?
  21. I heard Ryan miller is still playing
  22. So wait, how does this work? Can we actually get the #1 pick?
  23. I'm more interested in the bills free agency. That's how you know it's March in Buffalo
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