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Everything posted by apuszczalowski

  1. Not disagreeing with what you said, just what the article was suggesting/saying The fact that there is talk of giving Atlanta a 3rd shot at a franchise, but won't consider a 2nd chance for Quebec isn't right
  2. This was talked about dureing the Sportsnet broadcast of the game tonight that Buffalos attendance hasn't been good outside of the home opener The thing is, attendance around the entire league is pretty bad in alot of areas, there were even rumblings that I saw about whether the Jets could relocate because they have had really bad attendance this year.
  3. Like Crosby? Maybe One Day McDavid will get that too
  4. That group dropped out a few weeks ago, I believe this group was the one that included The Weekend, not the one including Snoop Dogg....... I think all of the deals included a deal with the land to develop a new arena on
  5. What employer today would be able to dictate to its employees that they must wear something that could go against a religious belief, or be viewed as a political view, AND have the ability to send them home or not pay them if they refuse to wear it? Work places have uniforms/dress codes/approved attire for the work place, but no business is going to have the right to make their employee wear something that would go against their personal beliefs or views. If anything, those requirements usually include not being able to wear things that would express these views/beliefs/etc. in the work place. Most workplaces would be looking at lawsuits if they told their employees they had to participate in an event that required you to show support for a cause that was sexual/racial/political/religious in nature. Typically the only ones permitted would be ones based in medical issues because it doesn't matter what beliefs you have that are sexual/racial/political/religious in nature, everyone can be affected by Cancer/Heart disease/alzheimers/etc. The problem is, outside of maybe raising money for a group through auctioning off the jerseys afterwards, these nights don't do anything except try an make the league/teams/players look like they give a damn. The players that refused to wear the jerseys/participate in it have all said the right things and have not shown they don't believe anyone in the LGBTQ+ community shouldn't be allowed to play or that they wouldn't accept them as a teammate or friend. Its a bit hypocritical to be pushing that those players need to accept the LGBTQ+ community, while not accepting the fact that there will be those that don't feel they can participate in events like this. The only ones that should be viewed negatively are the one that are actively doing something to take away rights from LGBTQ+ individuals, or attacking/ treating anyone differently because of they are LGBTQ+. This has been going on for a while though, its nothing new. I would think many here remember the episode of Seinfeld where Kramer refused to wear the Aids ribbon. He was their to support the cause and was part of the walk, he just wouldn't wear the ribbon and was viewed as not supporting the cause because he didn't have one on.
  6. Because its not time to spend money yet, apparently Spending money now on talent to improve this team will only hurt them by giving them a chance to make the playoffs too early and everyone knows its detrimental to a franchise making the playoffs too early. Unless your the cup favorite, its better to skip the playoffs You also can't spend money on good players because they could block your picks & prospects from making the team, and the only way to be a successful dynasty is to draft all of your top players. The Pegulas have spent money on this team from top to bottom. They spent on the front office, they spent to upgrade parts of the arena, they have spent on players. But right now, the Sabres aren't their favorite toy anymore and the Bills are the new favorite because they are winning and successful. The Sabres, are years of spending money unwisely, continue to be a bottom feeder in the league and its caused a big loss of support for the franchise by the fans (and therefore loss of income) so they have moved their focus to the Bills. Once the shine and lustre has worn off on them, they will either be back to focusing on the Sabres, or sell the franchise.....
  7. The post I quoted said this exactly, that they are a goalie away from the playoffs
  8. If they were looking to tank again, he has shown with Twitter he might be the man for the job!
  9. Most of his time in the AHL he was battling injuries and recovering from Hip Issues which could have affected it. I think this is one of the first years since coming up from the OHL that he has been healthy enough to play a full season and he has been thrown to the wolves to sink or swim in the NHL
  10. But they have lots of picks and prospects, and the futures bright! How many times could we say that in the past......
  11. That does explain Adams response every year that they still need to evaluate the current roster before making moves...
  12. Probably not for the Sabres though, they wouldn't be interested in that kind of service....
  13. The years just continue to beat you down. Some can still fight it and stay positive that everything will be OK, for others, they have been beaten down so much that you get to the 'I'll believe it when i see it" mentality.
  14. And how do you do that when you never make it to the playoffs? ....Said pretty much every year for the last 10+ years
  15. Were they also going to the game on their Unicorns to sit next to Sasquatch If they thought there was going to be a 'Crushing of the Bruins' they are beyond Optimism and more into the Delusional category
  16. Wrong, just getting to the playoffs isn't good enough. If your not a cup contender its better to miss the playoffs so you can get great players through better draft picks. Thats what was said all the time here when the Sabres were Tanking for Eichel...
  17. Most likely, I was also going to say that I would complain about the fans being there for wanting to see this in person......
  18. But I also wouldn't want to play Goalie with the defences play in front of me either.....
  19. Because they are mostly in Black and Gold with B's?
  20. I would rather believe it is the lack of support by the Front Office not wanting to risk losing precious Picks and prospects, or deviating from the 'Future' plan by showing faith in this group that they could make the playoffs with a bit of help..... Instead of rewarding this group with getting further then people believed and being in a position to make the playoffs, they are told the future is more important and that just making the playoffs isn't going to help their development.....
  21. It will be an easy poll going over to the 10 fans still in attendance and ask them who they boo'd
  22. Its Buffalo sabres hockey, just keep lowering your standards as the seasons goes on if you want to be pleased with it.....
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