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Everything posted by apuszczalowski

  1. He got close to Thomas, but as Jeanerett said, he just came back from 4 games off, unless he wants to be the new record holder for leagues longest suspension, he can't breathe on anyone too hard without risking it
  2. But why? The Grad student was the one who actually witnessed the act. it becomes heresay from anyone else he tells because they can only go by what they are told by the grad student. my point is, where is the level where the person reporting it is no longer responsible once they report it to someone higher?
  3. - The Grad student is getting the free pass because he reported it to Paterno. - Paterno has a Linch Mob after him because he reported it to his superior, who didn't do anything about it (allegedly) and he didn't follow up on it So why is no one going after this grad student for not doing more? If anything, the NCAA should be banning the entire program if its proved that the school covered up multiple occasions of this happening
  4. Thats what happens when you put a mediocre product out there and spend the offseason trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the fans that you are truly trying to build a contender. This has worked in previous years, but it won't work forever, fans eventually get smarter and see through the bargain bin signings and get real tired of waiting for "the core" to grow up and develop into their "potential"
  5. Its a classic "Just give it to them" Boston Moment
  6. Why couldn't the Sabres have made the deal to bring him to buffalo? Oh yeah, thats right, Darcy regier, he was probably too busy working out an extension for Connolly or getting ready to go Dumpster diving for his big "FA splash"
  7. If those couple off the posts were shots by the Sabres, these versus announcers would be going insane about how beautiful of a save it was by Thomas. Earlier they were going nuts (before the shot went off Sekera to save a goal) about the great save Thomas made on Vanek right in front, when it was just vanek shooting it off the logo on thomas' chest, even I've made those saves
  8. One of my favorite bands I saw them last year in Toronto and even with Scott possibly having no idea where he was and going on really late (they opened for Linkin Park who apparently were having trouble coming to the event), they were still great I want to find the DVD of that VH1 Storeytellers they did, I love when they do their stuff acoustic
  9. Peter Griffin did a much better version
  10. I really can't complain about much now Started work this week at a new job, I now work for a municipality Guess my biggest complaints are that you have to wait 2 weeks before unemployment will give you anything, so my 2 weeks between jobs, I got no pay, but now I am making more in take home pay then what i was being payed net at my last job. So yeah, things got better for me
  11. I get to miss it cause I got laid off. If I didn't, I would be watching it in person if I could get a ticket, or on CI since I can't watch it on TV without it accross the border. It would have worked out great too, My girlfriend has a dinner thing with her co-workers for her last day at the store she was filling in at for the last year, so I could have gone and not been b*tched at for going by myself and not bringing her along. Also too, since we haven't finished the work to our house, we haven't moved anything in yet, and don't have phone or cable yet until we do move in
  12. I could have told you it sucked. It was Blair Witch meets Godzilla. It gave me a headache. Can't wait for the sequel! :thumbdown: :rolleyes: :death:
  13. That sucks, but would it really be that much better anywhere else at the moment? Seems like all over good jobs are getting harder to come by Now to get this thread back on track...................... I hate that I live +/-35 minutes (depending on bridge traffic) from the arena north of the border, and the only way I can catch Sabres games is to get the NHL Centre Ice package, or wait til TSN has a game scheduled.
  14. Yeah, i do some drafting on the side for 2 people, but it isn't much. For a Window builder/installer I charge $75 to do some shop drawings 9mostly cut and paste stuff that take me a couple hours if I take my time). For a house designer I charge $200 to do a full set of plans (Floor plans, Elevations, and a Building Section) for him, he does all his stuff by hand still so he can now take on extra work having me do some drawings for him. Usually I am just taking some of his hand drawn drawings and re-drawing and revising them in AutoCAD. Maybe 8 hours of work, but right now, especially in the town i live in, its getting slower. I can atleast collect unemployment for a bit and if it comes down to it, I will just take whatever i can get for the paycheck
  15. That does suck, its not easy to be unemployed at anytime, and it has to be even worse now considering the economic situation right now in the US, and a big concern for you with a child. I haven't really been trying that hard looking for a new job previously. I had only been looking in the area of working in a Town/City Building department as a plans examiner/Building Inspector. I have the education (3 year diploma in Construction Engineering, and I have written a few of the tests that are required in Ontario for our building code), but I don't have the experience working in that environment, and the only way to get it is to get a job working in one. I have kept an eye open at other jobs before this, but theres been very little around here for architectural draftsperson that pays well, and the couple I did apply for, I never heard back from. If I specialised in Mechanical drafting, there are plenty of available options. The problems seems to be experience for me I guess, and you can't get that without getting the chance to work in that environment
  16. Its ok, things usually work out for me, and I was tired of this job anyways since there was no real room for growth/advancement. I was just hoping to leave on my own terms with a better job lined up. And yeah, I hate that line too, cause you know its a standard letter and its complete BS. I would prefer they say that they chose someone else, or atleast say some reasons why they didn't chose you, like they need someone with more experience, or with certain certification that you do not have.
  17. LOL, thats ok, It drives me nuts when people complain about other peoples really long posts :nana: I was thinking of making another post after that one that said I hate it when people make really long posts about personal issues, but you beat me to it
  18. I have been waiting a while to have a chance at one of these, Its not really a complaint as it might be more of a rant, but whatever.............. Just to make Labatt happy so it is a complaint I will start it like this I hate when your boss decides that they need you to work in another area for a while and then they expect you to know exactly what you are doing, and the person who is in charge of that area is never any help and an idiot I hate when you get rejection letters from job interviews and you can just tell that what they wrote was complete BS I hate when you buy a house and then a week later after taking posetion of it, your boss comes to tell you the week after taking your first week vacation in about 3 years, that you will most likely be laid off in 2 weeks because the work we have been getting does not really require your services So now the details I work as a Draftsperson/Designer at a small construction company where i do a little bit of everything. So about 4-5 weeks ago (just before labour day), my boss came to me and said that with the Site Supervisor/Project Manager off on vacation for the week, and another labourer on vacation, he needed an extra hand on the job site to complete a big job that was coming close to the deadline. I like getting out of the office as much as possible so I said ok. So I worked with a Surveyor the first day laying out the parking lot and the curbs/islands. The next couple days I worked with the excavators digging trenches for the curbs. Thats when the fun began because my boss decided he wanted to keep as much of the existing asphalt as possible for the parking lot, but the drawings we had were designed so that everything was new, so the grades and elevations on the drawings were thrown out the window and I was expected to figure out what they wanted, telepathically. So the first week goes alright, and then I'm told I'm still coming back when the 2 guys come back from vacation until the curbs are in since I worked with the Excavator and Surveyor to lay them out and dig the trenches. All during this time, and since about July, I had been looking at houses with my girlfriend. We made an offer on one house below asking, and after making a couple counters, we were getting no where (even though the Sellers agent were begging these people to sell cause the house had been on the market so long) so we gave up on that one and moved on. We found a great one that was taken over by the bank right near my house now that woul have been a steal, but we tried to make an offer and think there was some shaddy dealing going on with it cause the Sellers agent would not let the sale go to a competition for the house, as there was an offer made just before ours and he said they would get first crack at it. So we moved on and found another that could be a good investment in a nice neighborhood. It had been vacant since May because the owners had bought it for their son to live in to finish school while they moved out west. They were desperate to sell, but wanted their money back for it. So we offered to pay what they paid a year ago for the house (plus all appliances) and got the house on the condition we take posetion before the end of September. That was not a problem, so we made the deal and took posetion on the 22nd of the house after a quick 2 week closing. Back to work, So for the next 2 weeks, the work i had just done (the digging and the layout) gets changed and redone about 5 times because the engineer who designed the parking lot doesn't want it to differ from his original design, and also because we were supposed to dig deeper for the curbs to place grannular material below (something I was not aware of was necessary, seeing as how I have never worked installing curbs before). So after a couple more weeks of doing and redoing this work, and guys coming in with machines to grade and regrade the parking lot, I'm starting to get fed up. I am paid on salary, Mon - Fri, 8-5 in the office. I was working more hours and often times I was there longer the the Site Supervisor was, who all I ever saw do the entire time I was there was talk on his cell, make jokes with the subtrades, and take the owners on tours of "his work". I worked 2 extra Saturdays, and even drove down to the Site on Labour day for a couple hours (the only one besides my boss and one of the excavators to do that) For the past little while I have been applying for jobs to work for local towns/cities in their building departments. So I get 2 calls for interviews, the first on a thursday morning, the next one on the following Monday afternoon. So I tell my boss that I am taking the Thursday off to make up for one of the Saturdays i worked. He never said anything about it, but the Site Supervisor said I couldn't take the time off. I told him I didn't care what he thought and that I worked extra days that I was not paid for, and would be taking this day off for personal reasons, and then compromised by taking only the morning off. Then the next day I message my boss again and tell him that since I couldn't get Thursday off, I needed Monday off. he messaged me that he needed me there and that he couldn't give me Monday off. I said I could be there for the morning, but had things to take care of because I had purchased a house and it closed in a week. He said ok to taking the afternoon off, but the next day they both said they needed me to be fully committed to the jobsite for this week. I had already scheduled my vacation for the next week and was not changing it cause I was using that time to move into my new house. Fast forward to my vacation, I get the keys to the house late monday and meet my girlfriend and her mother there after she gets home from work. i start mesuring some thing and find that the bedrooms in a 70 year old house weren't made big enough to fit a Queen Size bed, so we decide to make the house a 2 bedrrom from a 3 bedroom and i start taking a wall down the next day. So I spend my week off working on removing a wall and making it look nice instead of moving in. Luckily we both still live at home with our parents so we are in no rush to move in. I get 3 rejection notices for interviews I had been on recently, and all were pretty much the same, "We regret to inform you we chose someone else who was more qualified for the job, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc" For one of the jobs, I had all the qualifications they asked for except for experience in working for a town/City, and from what people tell me, I also didn't have a personal connection with that City/Town. Oh well, I still have my current job, no big deal, I will keep trying. (one fo the jobs I interviewed for has now reposted the job posting) I show up to work on the Friday of my vacation to get my pay check, and my boss mentions that we need to discuss a few things on Monday. So I say ok, see you then, thinking that we are going to talk about upcoming projects. My girlfriend joked that she hopes he isn't firing me. Well, I show up on Monday, finally back at my desk in my office, about 15 minutes before quiting time, my boss comes to me and says that he feels bad because I just bought a house, but he made the decision last week that he was giving me 2 weeks notice that unless buisness picks up for design build work, he would be laying me off. The big upcoming projects we have upcoming were all designed by Architects, so there is no work for me at the moment, and he is ok with me putting my name out and looking for a new job. I have to spend the night trying to convince my girlfriend things will be fine as she was more worried then i was and instead of working on getting my house ready to move into, I have to spend the night getting my resume sent out and job hunting. So now I sit here doing absolutly dick all except surf the web looking for a new job at my current job, and venting a bit. So thats my past couple weeks of rollercoaster ride fun
  19. thats true too, you do find that alot of the "daytimers" at those places are oldeer woman, most are just there to suppliment their partners income and earn some extra money for themselves and their family. Alot of them were house wifes who know have children old enough to not require a parent to supervise them and they want to get out of the house to do something. The night shifts are usually the younger kids running the place because they were in class during the day
  20. There are some that are just @ssholes all the time and then I would agree. But the crap that some of these employees have to go through, they don't pay you enough to have to put up with what some customers and employees put you through. I worked at a KFC from when i was 15 - 19 as a "cook". At the time I had to pay for gas and insurance on my vehicle, plus anything else I wanted, while in Highschool so I worked 40 hour weeks (or close to 40 hour weeks) along with the other cooks. To get the extra hours though, I needed to learn the front counter and work the register, and you can't imagine what some people put you through up there. I had one customer order 2 of the family meals, customer took them and was fine. He came back 20 minutes later irrate at me for not including paper plates and plastic utensils. He demanded free food and when i said I couldn't do that, but I would be happy to give him plates and forks (something they will give out for free IF YOU ASK) he said that wasn't good enough and he should be compensated for his "troubles" and that I should have known that by ordering all that food, he was having a family get together at a local park, and that the kids were all complaining vcause they were hungry and he couldn't serve them food without plates and forks. I told him only a manager could give him free food, and that the manager was not in and had left for the day. He demanded to speak to someone at that moment so I went to the back and gave him the managers home phone number. He then asked to use our phone to call him and I told him to find the payphone down the street, cause its against store policy to allow a customer in the back. He stormed out and I received a call from the manager saying to give him what he wanted becuase if he complained to head office, thats what they would do, So I packed it up ready to go for when he came in. He demanded that i apologise to him, and I told him I did nothing wrong, he said I did and that obviously the manager agrees because he got what he wanted, and I told him I followed store policy. He told me then he would report me and my attitude to the manager the next day and have me fired. i told him good luck, I look forward to it. I kept my cool and laughed it all off while he was becoming irrate because under $7 an hour is not worth it in my opinion to get worked up about something like that, when most of the other female employees that did that job would have been brought to tears in that situation. When it came to the minimum wage jobs that I have had, I always did my best and what was asked of me, but I never went over and beyond, and never took things personally or cared much about the job because it was just that, a minimum wage job that was to earn me some extra spending money.
  21. Oh, I know what you mean, by my thinking was that they can go ahead and fire me, they don't pay me enough to care more about the job, especially when up here, they can pay you less then minimum wage before you turn 16 under "student minimum wage" for doing the same job as everyone else
  22. Read the label closely, most of those are labeled Cranberry Cocktail. Also too, i think there is only a certain percentage that they need to have for it to be classified as a juice
  23. They don't pay enough for someone to care about their job. Sometimes the reason why people are at that job 2 ar because A. they are too young to get anything better at the moment and don't have parents that are willing to just give them money so they can do things like go out or hang with friends or B. they are currently in school trying to get a better career and thats the only job they can get thats flexible enough to work around their schedule. I know, I have been both A & B
  24. Some people would rather watch their president speak for 2 hours about the state of the Nation I guess I watched most of the young stars game and had it on while grouting a tile floor, but I caught the final shootout with Miller. The annoucers said it and you could see, they all went blocker side to beat him. As for all the people bashing the All-Star game, I'm sure you all want to see them giving 110% out there and playing like it was game 7 of the cup (until a Sabres gets hurt), but its just a fun game and break for these guys, and something different for the fans. The NHL thiks fans only want to see goals so they love this because its always high scoring. Its just something fun for the fans and players, don't take it so seriously
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