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Everything posted by apuszczalowski

  1. How is Gerbe lower on the totem pole then Ellis and Scott? i could understand maybe keeping Scott in because the Leafs have Brown and Orr, but gerbe is lower then Ellis? I think he is out cause he still is not 100% from his injury yet. As for Sultzer, he has been one of the better defencemen out there for the Sabres this season (not saying much though compared to the other defencemen), unless they want to keep Leopold in because he has more experience as a veteran and without Regher they wanted some more veteran experience on defence to counter the youth of Weber and Brennan
  2. He is a business man who sweet talked a huge group of people into falling in love with him when he bought his new toy He is a hockey fan and a fan of the team, he has more money then he needs so he has the ability to buy lavish toys and spend tons of money to get what he wants. He also comes accross as a guy who may be a little too nice and too loyal. He went out and used his cash to get accessories (new locker room and updates to the arena) and additions (players) for his new toy. He also realises this is a business and made business moves to make money with his toy (the property deal outside the arena, the 50% off sale as the teams "apology/thank you" for the lockout) that will help him stay in the good graces of the area. Being a business man, he knows what works, and he knows what will continue to make the fans praise him and continue to give up their money to him. Not really, just because "every guy says the same thing", it doesn't make it true because most of the time (especially in the case of this with the media), one guy is only saying it cause he is repeating what the other guy says. It happens all the time (and not just here or in sports) where someone in the media says something and everyone starts believing/repeating it cause now they believe its truth/fact One could argue better players considering a huge chunk of their team remains unchanged year after year and are guys who have been here and brought up through the teams system. Most of their moves on the player front have been minor in nature (3rd/4th liners). 5/6ths of their top forwards are guys who have not played outside of the Sabres organisation for their proffesional careers
  3. Leo may be a vet and has played long minutes, but for anyone who has watched him play this season, he hasn't done that well at itHe wouldn't be someone that a team is going to give up alot for right now, even if they need a defencemen, theres plenty of options out there right now that could provide the same for less.
  4. its what the lockouts/strikes just show/prove to all the fans, Its all a business
  5. Yeah, but thats also back when Leafs fans had hope before being beaten down many times by the front office and truly believed their team was actually going to make the playoffsThey still think they are going to make the playoffs, but they are a little more realistic about it now
  6. Damn, guess I should have waited to buy mineBought them just before the season started and paid about $90 each for corner 100 level about 20+ rows up. Even at that time I figured that was a decent deal. But this is what happens today with how easy it is to re-sell tickets on the internet. People now buy multiple season tickets just to re-sell the majority of them and try to turn a profit. Its great when the teams are doing well because the demands high and people get stupid and pay huge amounts for them, when the teams struggle you better be ready to take a loss........ Yesterday the Sabres sent me an email saying a block of tickets were now on sale for tonights game
  7. Are you sure about that? I though he can still be sent down IIRC, but if he is he can't be called up til after the junior season is over. The team is less likely to send him down because he is now using up a year on his entry level deal. As for the pressure, I would think the pressure is on for him now, now its time to show your team and coaches and GM that they made the right decision and you belong and deserve to be up here. He is going to cost the Sabres a player now when the teams healthy (trade, waivers, sent down to Rochester). As I said in previous posts here, this wasn't the no brainer that even here makes it out to be. There were pros/cons to either decision. He didn't do anything to play himself off the team and back to juniors, but he also didn't do anything to make keeping him up on the roster a lock. (Just because other guys have struggled to produce, doesn't mean he is better). Its good that they are giving him the chance to stay, and from what it sounds like, Ruff wanted him to stay and he has shown enough promise/potential in his tryout in roughs mind that he wants to continue to see what he can do. After Sundays game, it seems like Ruff made that game the test for Grigs by taking away the protection he put on him during the first few games, and gave him the ice time to sink or swim. From Ruffs comments after Sunday, it appears the results were at the worst he treaded water which was enough to say he should stay. I think it was more Regier who would have sent him back down because its the easiest move to make right now. He can go back down and it opens the spot up for one of the guys coming off IR. Now theres little to no chance that Grigs will get sent down later, so he has to get to work and try to move someone in a deal, or find someone he can sneak through waivers to Rochester.
  8. Besides the Stage, Standing ovation for the tv timeouts (personally I think that sounds like a really dumb tradition), and the Ice Girls, almost every single game I have been to there have been similar things going on at the arena. Maybe not exactly the same, or as much, but they do the same things
  9. It better be a win tonight, I hate the silent drive home with the wife from the game if the Leafs win. Shes a better person then me and will atleast talk a little bit and not take it so hard if the Leafs lose.....
  10. In a few weeks, looking back on those 'Canes games, its not going to look as bad losing to them They have a very good team thats gonna do some damage this year
  11. Wow, shouldn't you have told us that those photos were NSFW before posting them, those are borderline pornography :rolleyes:
  12. I don't know what kind of security scans you have been through......... If it was a metal detector wand, then its a quick pass up and down the front and back, if theres no noise then continue on to the next one. No going 18" from "Pretty Parts" with virtual carassing
  13. Nope, thats it.I wasn't sure if a player could be called up directly from a Junior team, or if callups have to come from Rochester
  14. Must be all Ruffs fault
  15. yup, it just means his contract with the Sabres starts and he will be considered to have played one season in the NHLJust not sure weither a player can be called back up directly from his junior team later if sent down, or if they have to come up from the teams minor league affiliate (Rochester)
  16. He has been doing ok for them, but hardly anything worth kicking and screaming over losing. I think he was given the A because they still think he can be the guy who started out last season hot, and he is one of the remaining veterans on the team now...... As for the others mentioned Bernier and Torres? Is Bernier still in the league? Torres name is only familiar because of the suspensions. Pailles has been as inconsistent (when Healthy) for Boston as he was here, Pyatt has been bouncing around the league since leaving. I don't know of anyone (MacArthur is the only really debatable one) that it can be said that they have flourished or reached their expected potential for a long period of time since leaving Buffalo.......
  17. I don't know if theres a rule because its Juniors that if he is sent down he can't be called back up, and that all callups have to come from Rochester.If there isn't, they can, but if he plays in a 6th game he is considered to have been part of the team this year and will be given a year of service in the NHL. So if they could and do call him back up, his contract kicks in with the Sabres for the season
  18. Wait, I thought Grigs was the best faceoff guy?Myers may have height, but I wouldn't call him a tower, unless your comparing him to the Space Needle or CN Tower in Toronto. He was taken down yesterday along the boards by #8, if you want something physical done I think your better off calling Gerbe or Ennis to do it over Myers. People need to stop thinking just because of his heigh he is going to be the next Chara, he is more likely ot be the next Charo then Chara
  19. So wait, what was it, A frisk or was it someone holding a metal detector wand?Theres a big difference here between getting frisked or a wand being waived. I don't know anyone who is going to get off by waiving a metal detector in front of someone (although I guess there are some weird fetishes out there). If this is because they frisked/gave you a pat down, theres a huge issue if the person was male.
  20. Crap, looks like he has to stay up for 7 games in order to get his first point, then play against the Sabres to get his first goals
  21. Yeah, because all of those players who never developped and were ruined by Ruff have gone on to long and propserous NHL careers...........Aside for MacArthurs great start last season, and Kassians 5 games so far this season, who else has gone on to be better with a different coach on a different team?
  22. Yeah, they need to just stop thinking and make a snap decision that could really affect this team either way instead of actually thinking it through and weighing options. THE FANS HAVE TO KNOW IF GRIGS IS STAYING OR GOING RIGHT AWAY!!!!!!!! This decision isn't just as simple as keep him or send him down. If you keep him, who do you cut? Can you work out a trade so that you can create a spot for him when guys return from IR? If he stays do you keep him on the same line with the same guys? Is it better to send him back down to log alot of minutes on a top line in Juniors compared to limited time on the 3rd or 4th line? but yeah, us fans have to know NOW so just decide already and don't overthink it. Decision has to be made before Tuesday at 7 i think, if he plays against the Leafs tomorrow he will have played 6 games and is up for the season IIRC............
  23. right now saying that Grigs is our 2nd or 3rd best Centre is like saying he is the tallest midget, its not like teh rest of the centres on this team have been playing like #1 or #2 guys. That still doesn't mean he has done anything special to deserve a spot on the team, but like I said, he also still hasn't done anything that says he deserves not to be on the team and thats the problem that makes this decision tough on the Sabres and makes it a lose/lose no matter what they decide
  24. I think I'm going to blame Ovi for all this, if he would have just put in that empty netter like an NHLer should be able to do instead of hitting the goal post, this situation never would have happened. Milelr would have been back in and they would have ended the game 5on5
  25. The way i look at it, he hasn't really done anything out there to say he has earned a spot on the team to stay up, yet he also hasn't done anything to say that he needs to be sent down either. It would have been so much easier if he would have looked really bad these first five games, or if he would have been lighting it up out there. problem is he hasn't done either and that makes the decision so tough and not as clear to make, a valid arguement could be made either way. The Flyers just sent down Laughton, who was looking much better on the ice then Grigs One of the biggest problems for the team is the fans right now. If Grigs is sent down, for any reason, they will riot that their saviour was not kept up and that its yet another mistake. Yet if he is kept up and does nothing, the same people will complain that the team is holding him back. He is 18 years old, spending the rest of the year in Juniors isn't going to destroy the kid, although staying up and having to face the pressure of a fan base that expects HUGE things from him could hurt his confidence if he doesn't start producing soon. I'm sure that whatever decision the Sabres make, it will be viewed as the wrong one by most here
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