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Everything posted by apuszczalowski

  1. the more you post here, the more I agree that your name suits you perfectly..........
  2. Another player ruined by Ruffs system, only to leave and prove he is a star that was held back............
  3. yeah, yeah, Ruff ruins careersWhos career has he held back? Who has left this team to go on to be a much better player (for more then only a few weeks/months) after playing for Ruff? Just pointing out a bit of a hypocritical comment, not meant as an "attack"
  4. If he provides the physical play we are all looking for and helps Ennis and O'Rielly rack up points, I wouldn't have a problem with Foligno not being a huge goal scorer.many here have said that he was projected to only be a 3rd liner anyways....
  5. I'm sure that sizzle is against firing Ruff too because he is a favorite with plenty of fans, along with teh biggest fan, the owner. Why would you be willing to upset the fans?
  6. I can understand for someone who is expected to be and made their career as a goal scorer, the side may be important based on the side they shoot from, but are we really big on Foligno cause he is a goal scorer or because of his physical play? It might not work, or it might not make a difference I would assume they try moving a d-man too, but without giving up a forward, your just adding to a jumbled mess without another deal.
  7. Seeing as how the Avs are a west coast team, and Stafford only has a few years left on his deal, they won't be facing off much against each other that this will matter. This year they don't play the Avs and any other year they only face of 1-2 times IIRC?
  8. thats where I say the deal has to be hinged in that if they want a roster player and top prospect, the higher quality of the top prospect, the lower the quality of the roster player. You want the Sabres top prospect for a RFA you can't sign, your gonna get Leopold. You want someone better, then your gonna get a lower quality prospect. we are talking about dealing for a young player who hasn't proven hes gonna be a superstar here. If the Avs don't like your deal and you want him and think he will be something special, make him an offer and give up the picks
  9. then put Ennis at RW and flip Foligno, he is here to be physical and throw hits while knocking in the occasional goal so does it really matter if hes on the other side of the rink doing it?
  10. If you really want him, why not just make a big offer (Or slightly more then what he is asking for that the Avs don't want to give him) and give up the draft picks only? If you go the trade route, I would make every deal contingent on the Sabres signing him to a deal (or a sign and trade type deal where he is under contract prior to it being finalized) The deal would also be hinged where they get either a better roster player and lower prospect, or a better prospect and lower roster player. If they want Ennis or Foligno, they would have to take a lower level prospect. If they want Armia or another higher prospect, they would have to take Stafford. Personally I would try to deal Stafford and a better forward or defencemen prospect for him and then move Ennis back to wing OR Trade Ennis with a lower prospect because anything else sin't going to improve the current roster much and just make things more messed up. i would leave the top line alone and wouldn't include Van/Pom or Hodg. Adding another centre is going to create a bit of a mess if you keep Ennis or can't move him to the wing , unless you send Grigs back. I think its time that Darcy gets a little desperate and starts to make use of some of the prospects as trade bait, and not just follow his usual replace a leaving vet with the next prospect approach they have been using. If not, then its time for a complete dismantling and rebuild of the roster, which means moving Pomminstein, Vanek and Miller for picks and prospects. Either way, something needs to be done other then sitting around waiting for things to magically come together
  11. They will buy the tickets, then put them up on Stub Hub so they can get their money back and attend a few games, then teh rest of the time their seat will be filled with the away teams fan No ones stopping you, just remember to pronounce it "Bahston"
  12. Well, Staffords on the roster and is a "Roster player" (along with McCormick, Scott, Gerbe, etc.) as for the top prospect, they would have to give up someone good, but is Grigorenko actually a prospect since he is playing int he NHL right now for the club? I always assumed a Prospect is someone playing in your minor league system. how dare you not praise Saint Grigorenko!He would be a superstar in this league if he wasn't being held back by Ruff, and getting more ice time, and skating with better players, etc....................
  13. His trade stock is much lower then if he had been playing up to his potential (or looked like he would see his potential), theres always going to be a GM who is going to be looking at a player his age and think that maybe all he needs is a new team and change of scenery to fix him and get him playing to his potential. Going back to Chara as an example, he bounced around to 3 teams before he reached his potential. The league is filled with players who were underperforming for one team and then reached their potential when they switched. Thats why someone with his potential is always going to have some value in the trade market.
  14. It was said on teh radio this morning when discussing the defensive scratches that Leopold is probably less likely to get scratched because he is the guy on defence who is on the ice in alot of different situations (PK, PP, 5on5, etc.) He has been bad alot this season, but they are probably giving him more of a chance to pay out of it because of how much they expect him to do, and because its usually easier for a veteran to snap out of a slump then a younger rookie. Weber has played his way onto the roster (after being almost ran out of here by most here), Sulzer hasn't been horrible, but he isn't much more then a #5-6 defencemen, and Brennan hasn't done anything really great to stay in the lineup, unless you consider not being a complete mess enough to keep someone in the lineup
  15. No it isn't, its a valid response to continue a discussion/debate, its part of having a grown up/intellectual discussion about somethingIts easy to just kick and scream and throw your tantrum saying that something has to be done, and then give no input how to fix it.
  16. Of course it is, the amazing Enroth doesn't need to play better, the team around him needs to be better. Only Miller lets in soft goals, goals scored on Enroth are ones that no one could save............
  17. Bucky is now their Hero because he said something they agree with...
  18. Thats a little bit of an over exagerationThey went without making the playoffs from 2001 to 2006, they spent the years between 1983 and 1993 withou a single playoff series win its only been 5 years since they won a playoff series and they atleast made the playoffs twice since then, but yeah, its teh worst streak of playoff ineptitude in its entire history
  19. You are right, lets keep that for the articles Bucky writes that aren't in agreement with the way you see things..........He is only a crappy journalist when he writes something you disagree with well, guess you can forget about ever caring what Eklund says thenAtleast, until he writes about a trade idea you had or agree with, then everyone can tell us that he is on to something and we should listen/look into it!
  20. Thats gotta suck for the ones playing in that game, they have to play to get into the tournament, but a bunch will probably lose their spot to an NHLer who might be able to play in the games now, but couldn't play in the qualifier.
  21. So in other words, what your saying is that coaches are not necessary, except for maybe setting a lineup and telling you when to go in or come off?
  22. how can you legally stop the fan base from re-selling their tickets? With legal scalping sites like Stub Hub, or even teh one the Sabres have themselves, you can't control who is allowed to buy them. Making the games better for the Sabres fans to watch may help people not want to sell so many tickets, but that also drives up demand for the tickets making them worth more in re-sale. They could always just tell their security to turn a blind eye to opposing teams fans, and make the environment a little less nice for them when they come here, that might scare many of them away.
  23. Shouldn't that be Hodgson carrying Vanek and Pomminstein?
  24. But it also wasn't any worseThe difference was Miller played MUCH better the last 2 games which made the defence look better because their mistakes weren't put into the net Its only because he is feeling the pressure to move aside so Saint Terry Pegula can take his spot, its all part of his plan to make Buffalo "Hockey heaven"
  25. No, The self proclaimed greatest fans in the world who deserve better from ownership would prefer to flip chunks of their season tickets to pay for the ones they keep, and then spend hours on message boards whinning that the atmosphere is dull and theres no support at the arena. But hey, atleast they turned a profit on their tickets.........
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