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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. Can we please do this in the regular season? If we have another playoff-less year, OK FINE. I just want to see some damn life. Last year, not only was the team bad, but they played a completely unlikable brand of hockey. Boring, listless, dreary. Hoping we can just be entertaining at the very least even if we end up being bad.
  2. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/please-come-home---plea-4355123 Oh look, more privileged trash leaving their first-world country to become terrorists.
  3. http://www.economist...ory_id=17730424 The notion that "poverty causes terrorism" is patently false. An absolutely naive, criminal, and downright dangerous inaccuracy. If poverty was the cause of terrorism, then you wouldn't have British medical students leaving their lives to join terrorist groups, http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz3DJVOlA00. You wouldn't have girls from Austria, Colorado or Minnesota leaving their nursing classes to go join terrorist groups. http://www.dailymail...IS-jihidis.html. You wouldn't have people in Oklahoma beheading people (http://www.bbc.com/n...gazine-29408139) or threatening to (http://www.washingto...oworker-police/) in the name of religion. You wouldn't have people in first world countries sympathizing with terrorist groups. You wouldn't have people in first world countries going to and coming back to fight on their behalf. Men and women in developed countries. Look at the lowest portions of lists of countries sorted by GDP. Not exactly a who's who of terrorism, are they?: http://en.wikipedia....GDP_(PPP)#Lists I mean hey, go ahead and believe what you wanna believe I guess.
  4. http://www.businessinsider.com/palestinians-protestors-ferguson-twitter-2014-8 Heh. No ######.
  5. I guess it's true what they say....there's no point discussing politics with people. "Idiotrix"....that's original, lol. Enjoy your night, folks. Hopefully ISIS proves to be as inconsequential as you all think they are. I doubt they'll stop wanting to execute everyone that isn't Wahhabi but hey, who knows, we might get lucky on that one.
  6. Probably thinking about how much it sucks to have all the gains they made pissed away so soon. The best part of this is how Obama went around saying it wasn't his decision to remove troops from Iraq, as if he didn't campaign on that for years and years and years and years and triumphed that every single opportunity he got.
  7. Yeah let us know when Christians in this country behead people and execute people and rape women and blow buildings up and force people to convert to Christianity or kill them and kill them anyway or anything even close to what these savages do on a daily basis all around the world. What a stupid ###### thing to say.
  8. So much for "ending the war in Iraq" lmfao. Annihilate ISIS.
  9. The team last year was unbearable and completely insufferable. I checked out by like early January and that's probably being generous. For a person trying to develop and hone his love for the game, these last couple years has been completely detrimental to my own development and I'm sick of it. Give me a chance to fall---and stay----in love. It felt so damn good to watch meaningful hockey in the Olympics and the playoffs and it sickened me that the Sabres were not a part of it and were not only the worst team in the league but boring and an eyesore to watch. If you're going to be bad, at least be entertaining. We weren't. The team was downright detestable. Nothing will develop the players more than meaningful hockey. If our management is now as good as we think it is, then we'll find a way to find players regardless of where we draft. We have to remember that while the goal is Stanley Cups and that's obviously what we should strive for, we spend six months of our year watching this team night in and night out so we should be entertained and thrilled too. If that means a playoff chase that falls short, okay. If that means a first round exit, that's okay too. Just build. Languishing and hoping draft picks pan out is not building, no matter what anyone says. It's throwing a bunch of ###### together hoping that it will all click at once and suddenly we won't be bad anymore. I'd kill for another thrill ride like the series against Philly in 2011, regardless of outcome. Be the team that they say, "damn, AND they have all those picks to work with?" rather than the team that they say "well, at least they have all those picks to work with."
  10. First person I thought of. Unbelievable. Heartbreaking. Jeanneret helped me fall in love with the Sabres. This is brutal news.
  11. Good to have Moulson back. At least we'll get some offense out of him.
  12. Hard to give up Myers now after he started to come around more and more. Funny how he was Enemy #1 when he was a nightly disaster though. Good for him for showing at least a bit more later on in the season. Hopefully we hold onto him but if you get a good deal you gotta do it.
  13. Ehrhoff was probably my favorite remaining Sabre so it's sad to see him go. I guess it was to be expected. Sayonara, FA class of 2011.
  14. "Business Conservative." Some of those questions were way too vague. Pretty dumb.
  15. California here, regrettably.
  16. Well, Folignos. :-/
  17. All I can think of is "Hart Foundation."
  18. I'm sick of losing and looking bad doing so. Do whatever it takes to win, and if that doesn't work, at least do whatever it takes to look like we're worth even the *slightest* of ######.
  19. I'll take Girgensons being as good as Lucic without being as much of a detestable piece of ###### as Lucic, thanks.
  20. That's why I hate that whole "You'd love him if he was on your team!" crap that sports fans say. No. No I wouldn't.
  21. ###### Boston and ###### Milan Lucic.
  22. You can have all the high draft picks in the world, if you don't have the management to go along with it then those high draft picks don't mean jack.
  23. Glad we didn't win the lottery despite having the best odds. I don't want to be rewarded for losing.
  24. Anybody but Boston or Philadelphia, obviously. ....but don't we get a boost in that pick if St. Louis makes it to the WCF?
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