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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. You think the players don't hear or see anything outside of cheers when goals are scored at home? Really? This is 2014. They know what's up. They know what such a ridiculous amount of Sabres fans are clamoring for. They know how sports fans are nowadays. Morons who think that if you're not a title contender you should just lose, as if there isn't something to be said for a team that was horrendous last year to improve so much that they push hard for a playoff spot this year, feeding off each other, developing, and fostering a winning culture where even if they're not gonna win a Cup, they'll at least smell and fight for the playoffs. There are multiple people who are straight up encouraging losing and are upset when we lose. You yourself are admitting being OK with finishing dead last again this year. That's ###### pathetic. I'd rather be an 8th seed than have the #1 pick. What good is a number 1 pick when you're horrendous? If you're bad enough to get a #1 pick, that #1 pick is not going to be enough to pull you out of it. Sorry. Arguably our best and most exciting player right now is Zemgus Girgensons, who was a #14 pick. If you have good management and scouting (which is what successful teams *actually* need, not be bad enough to get a #1 pick) then you can make a great pick anywhere. Push and fight as much as possible, put a good showing, show the players that you're NOT happy losing, they'll work harder, and you build from there. I just can't believe we've gone from "there's nowhere to go but up" to "oh well, it's cool." Not improving on last year's atrocity would be unacceptable. Whatever, this is just a matter of philosophies. No need to rehash these stupid arguments. Losers will be happy losing because they think a savior will save them and they'll suddenly not suck anymore. As Bills and Sabres fans, I'm not surprised that you people encourage losing on purpose. It's all Buffalo has known for years now. Would be great to break that culture. But hey, keep going with that. It's sure worked out for all the other professional sports franchises who are perpetual losers with perpetual high draft picks who, for some reason, just can't get good again. Gee, I wonder why.
  2. Fans foster a lot. Way more than your NBA2K-mentality presumes. Nobody wants to play for fans that want them to lose instead of win. Hampers development of a young team. They should be striving to be as good as possible so that everyone says, "damn, AND they have all those picks and cap room and flexibility and talent in the minors?" instead of "well, at least they have all those picks and cap room and flexibility and talent in the minors." But whatever, keep rooting for your team to lose. Loser. Befitting of a losing culture. I'm sure all those young players will be on the first plane out of Buffalo when they can if they keep hearing that their fans are happy they're losing just so some jabroni draft pick comes in as the "man on the white horse" to "save us."
  3. If I was Tim Murray, I would have left Andrej Meszaros on the South Side after the game without a wallet, cell phone, or bulletproof vest. ###### garbage player.
  4. Hopefully Connor McDavid and the other guy everyone is on the nuts of both turn out to have awful careers. Teams shouldn't be rewarded for being disasters. Ever. You cannot foster a winning culture by encouraging and celebrating a losing one. Of course, I shouldn't expect anything else from Buffalo sports fans.
  5. ###### ass Meszaros
  6. ###### this ######. I have an NLCS game to watch.
  7. ######. Zemgus should have had that. What a swing there.
  8. God be with you, Jhonas.
  9. What if one of those guys end up being horrendous?
  10. Vagionta has been playing pretty well so far.
  11. Damn, that was sexy between Reinhart and Hodgson.
  12. Can't believe I'm relying on the Sabres to save me from this Thursday Night Football catastrophe.
  13. Actually, I'm cool with a playoff berth no matter who's contributing. You know, because we watch hockey to be entertained and, you know, you can't win if you're not in and, you know, after years of being horrendous even a "first round exit" would be fantastic for our young, young team. Listen, if Tim Murray's management is as good as everyone thinks it is, then it doesn't matter where we pick-----we'll get the right guy. You do not foster a winning culture by losing. It's simply impossible. You'd think Buffalo Sports Fans would realize that by now.
  14. That would be fantastic.
  15. What a sight for sore eyes this gamethread is. Go Sabres! Here's hoping for the same as what happened with my Phoenix Suns last year. I just want to be entertaining, even if we end up losing games. Last year's performances were horrendous, and the team was detestable and boring. Games were a chore. Here's hoping we beat the ###### out of Scott Hartnell tonight, and that we take advantage of them not having a few key players.
  16. Oh I love my beans, lol. The beans I had at LC's in Kansas City are probably the best thing I've ever eaten in my life.
  17. Yikes, that much of a delay with Gamecenter? That's horrendous. MLBTV is usually ahead of TV, lol.
  18. I'm in California. No pizza logs here, lol. They sound ###### awesome. Considering I never have any issue with foods people typically think tie you to a bathroom for hours, I would destroy these.
  19. I'm a Texans fan actually so I'll be having the Texans game on my TV with the Sabres game on a stream on my computer. Hooray technology!
  20. That guy Kincannon is a ###### loser and a total prick. SMFH. And I wouldn't evict South Carolina. I rather love Tim Scott.
  21. So these things are basically pizzaquitos?! They look spectacular. I could probably eat 25 in one sitting.
  22. Aren't they opening on Wednesday, technically? A fuller slate on Thursday, sure, but there are four games on Wednesday and there won't be any playoff baseball or football that night.
  23. Koch Brothers. Ooga booga. https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/list.php
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