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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. I guess it doesn't hurt to freshen up the lube.
  2. Looks like we should prepare our anuses. SMH.
  3. Oh look, another terrorist attack in Canada targeting service personnel. Second in the last three days, with a soldier being run over by a car on October 20. Gee, not like these terrorist groups put out directives about attacking military, police, and other personnel in recent weeks or months or anything. Third "lone wolf" terror attack on North American soil in the last month. But hey, you know, whatever bro.
  4. More Republican fear-mongering: http://politics.blog.ajc.com/2014/10/21/democratic-turnout-flyer-if-you-want-to-prevent-another-ferguson/
  5. Those damn Republicans and their fear-mongering:
  6. Ah, this is where your "FAUX NEWSSSSSSSSSS" stuff comes in. I think all cable news is trash, actually. Most of the time I watch TV it's DVRed episodes of Cheers and Wings and Frasier and Seinfeld and such. But hey, there's gotta be something to that whole "ratings leader" thing. Next you're gonna say "you probably listen to too much radio." Meh. Not for me. I find the prominent radio hosts that you undoubtedly presume I listen to just because I'm a conservative to be highly irritating. Usually I'm listening to the punk, rock, and metal stations on Sirius or MLB Network Radio. When there's a Sabres game, I'll listen to WGR through the bluetooth in my car. Stay predictable, bruh.
  7. http://www.businessinsider.com/marco-rubio-wants-ebola-epidemic-visa-ban-2014-10 Good for Marco Rubio. Simply banning flights is not enough.
  8. Yeah I'm sure you weren't insinuating anything by that at all, especially at a time where leftist after leftist after leftist from Paul Begala to Markos Moulitsas to the DCCC to even elected officials are blaming Republicans for it. I'm sure you were merely making an innocent observation. Yeah. You keep saying this "go back to your Google" thing as if I'm supposed to be ashamed of saying things I know are true and backing them up with facts so that people like you don't say "oh yeah? Where's your proof?" I know how people like you operate. Clockwork. For example, I know the reason you keep saying things like "you are seriously deranged" is simply to delegitimize by questioning my sanity.God forbid I'm compelled to respond passionately to your trash. Pure Alinsky. Bravo. As always though, the facts speak for themselves. I know that you yourself don't care but if only one person reads it then that's good enough for me.
  9. Oh, the sequestration that was Obama's idea to begin with. Those were the cuts K9 was talkin' about. Well gee, Niner, if you had only said that in your original post. http://www.washingto...ebola-research/ And save it with the "our friend takes EVERYTHING as a partisan insult" trash. You don't get to make partisan insults and lob partisan inaccuracy and fear-mongering then whine that I'm replying in kind, ok?
  10. Oh yeah? These budget cuts? The ones on the second page of this PDF? http://www.cdc.gov/f...D_Factsheet.pdf Or these? http://www.bizjourna...l.html?page=all Maybe Harry Reid could have put politics aside and funded the NIH during the shutdown instead of opting instead for pressure? Or hey, how about this? http://www.bloomberg...t-disease-waned Pretty sure ebola is an infectious disease. Four Pinnochios: http://www.washingto...ebola-research/ Or maybe NIH could have spent less time and money studying things like why lesbians are fat (http://projectreport...7&icde=15499915), why we watch show reruns, why fruit flies fall in love, studying marital fights and women calming down, rabbit massages, or a multitude of other stupid ###### studies we've wasted time and money on. What a stupid, stupid, stupid ###### talking point. Oh yeah, if only we had MORE MONEY and IF ONLY those Republicans didn't try to KILL EVERYONE to save a few dimes. Oh yeah, Republicans are the fear-mongers but prominent Democrats everywhere are the ones CONSTANTLY stoking fear, laying blankets of blame, with the not-so-underlying point that half the country, those bigots and racists and homophobes and tightwads and haters and stuff are responsible for any and all ebola failures. ###### off with this ######. And I know what the retort is going to be. "I didn't name any political party in my original post but hey, you said it for me and you got defensive so that shows I'm right." Transparent garbage. Of course, this post was one big waste of time. You're gonna believe what you believe and I'm going to believe what I believe but if one person on this board who doesn't know that much reads the facts and actually learns something instead of buying into stupid narratives like the one you've put forward, then that's good enough for me.
  11. Yeah, you might be onto something.
  12. https://twitter.com/...949091781636098 https://twitter.com/...948027497971712 https://twitter.com/...950088641843200 https://twitter.com/...953882280361984 https://twitter.com/...955016936480769 https://twitter.com/...950342493728769
  13. Sorry. I get angry when we get annihilated by our biggest rival. Sorry you can't get aroused enough to feel the same. Anything for your precious ###### tank.
  14. Yeah well that's not what happens when you do everything in your power to create a losing roster with a losing culture. You just lose. And you stay losing.
  15. Despicable. But hey, that's what people want, right? To be bad enough to get ###### embarrassed by our biggest rival and the most detestable, thuggish ###### in the entire sport?
  16. No. Not every comment made with passion is "Did he ###### your wife or something?" "Dude, you need to get laid." "Did he run over your cat?" Just pissed that this jabroni stole all that money, didn't do a damn thing to live up to it, and then blames it on the team as if it's their fault, even though he can't even get another job in the NHL. I ###### hate when people on the internet reply with stupid ass, trite ###### like that.
  17. Eat my taint, Ville. Maybe the team wouldn't have been such a disaster had your worthless ass performed even in the ###### slightest. Guy whines about not being able to perform because of the environment here yet nobody else wanted his ###### ass so he went and signed with some piddly ass Russian league team. Yeah, Russia is a ###### BEACON of stability. God, what a detestable piece of ###### that guy is. Never wanted him to begin with.
  18. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/e1aafd56020e4cb2bf5aa5c383f6356a/ebola-czar-knows-washington-not-medicine Siiiiiiick choice.
  19. This seems like a pretty stupid thing to do: https://twitter.com/...503681657565184
  20. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/10/14/world/middleeast/us-casualties-of-iraq-chemical-weapons.html?smid=tw-nytimes Can't be. I was told Bush Lied and People Died.
  21. The Ducks are pissed that we're thugging it up like they are.
  22. "Columbus Bad. Guevara Good." - leftists, lol. Hope I'm in front of the computer at work tomorrow for a good bit so I can watch the game during the day.
  23. Sure. I was just using him to illustrate a point.
  24. Welp, I guess we'll just have to hope that we end up as lucky as Chicago finally was after a decade of worthlessness in a quarter of the time, I guess.
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