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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. Yeah. And I'm okay with that. Especially a day game on a Saturday. Sunday wouldn't be such a good idea, what with the NFL and all. But yeah. Sure. I just think it sucks that people are being deprived. They want something to be drawn to with the game and they act like there isn't anything but the sport is in a really, really special place right now. Madison Bumgarner is doing ###### that basically nobody has ever done in the history of the World Series and the freakin' ROYALS are in the World Series! That's worthy of watching and getting really, really excited about.
  2. But at the same time, allowing kids to stay up until 11:30 ET, 12 ET for the games isn't going to kill them. I don't understand this. If anything, they'll learn to love and appreciate how cool the playoffs/World Series are and think, "hey, Dad's letting me stay up to watch this.....this must be pretty special." So they go to school groggy for a couple days. It builds character. Who DOESN'T have stories of sneaking a radio to bed, staying up late or even at the ballpark until late, etc? Not to mention staying up with your kids and watching with them, sharing that moment and sharing your memories with them. THAT'S what builds lasting love for the game. Baseball is magical. It used to be treated as such.
  3. These playoffs have been arguably the best ever. I feel bad for people who haven't been watching. Game after game after game after game with incredible happenings. If these playoffs can't get you interested in the game, nothing ever will.
  4. Sucks for you, considering the game today is full of absolutely incredible, potentially all-time level talent. Like, loaded. As time goes on, baseball remains my favorite sport and quite frankly, it isn't even close.
  5. World Series for me, too. If I get home from work in time, I'll pop up a stream with baseball on TV.
  6. http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2014/10/gillibrand_local_officials_in_oswego_seek_ban_on_microbeads_harming_lake_ontario.html
  7. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/47769e17d96f4710bf4ce2bd246d6e9d/suspect-2-deputy-deaths-captured-after-manhunt Yikes.
  8. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2014/10/24/could-non-citizens-decide-the-november-election/ Crazy.
  9. Ex-######-actly.
  10. Also, yikes....###### NYC right now, man. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/24/nyregion/craig-spencer-is-tested-for-ebola-virus-at-bellevue-hospital-in-new-york-city.html?smid=tw-bna First confirmed case of ebola there.
  11. Attempted terror attack in NYC today: https://twitter.com/...431475328798723 Video of man with ax charging a cop here. Good God that's horrifying.
  12. I'll say being only being down 2-0 at this point is a victory in and of itself.
  13. Well at least you can admit that much.
  14. What can I say? I'm not very bright. Y'all are right. Predicted Response: "Most accurate thing you've ever said." Hey, if every religion is the same, you don't have to send your addresses to ISIS. You can send them to Buddhist temples, Jewish synagogues, or Orthodox/Protestant/Catholic churches.
  15. Everyone who thinks my posts are a bigger deal than the terrorist attack today and are stuck making excuses like "every religion does it" and justifying it with "well, if we weren't involved..." ....in other news, how ###### stupid do you have to be to jump the White House fence? Another one happened about an hour ago. Anyone who is jumping over the White House fence should be shot dead immediately. It's absolutely ridiculous that people keep doing this.
  16. I sure wish more regular ones would publicly denounce these actions. Pretty curious that this "Michael Joseph Hall" converted to Islam instead of, say, Latvian Orthodox, huh? If all religions are the same and there are ###### in every religion, then I wonder what the deciding factor was.
  17. Ah, so they're justified in their actions because they're merely responses to American encroachment. Okay. Tell that to my family in Aleppo, Syria that was forced to flee the country in recent months. Tell that to my own IMMEDIATE family that had to flee Lebanon during the civil war in the late 1970s. If we stayed, we'd be dead and it wouldn't be the Christians or Americans' fault. Tell that to my 1.5 million of my ancestors who were murdered by Ottoman Turks 100 years ago. Listen, you can sympathize with them all you want. That's your prerogative. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.
  18. I'm not the one beheading men, women, and children, blowing buildings and buses and coffee shops and malls to bits, running soldiers over with my car, shooting people, throwing acid or stoning or raping or selling women in sex trades, gassing people with chemical weapons, committing mass executions and genocides all across an entire region, declaring war on anyone who isn't my religion, expressing desires for a global caliphate, implementing sharia law, or any of the other pleasantries and mainstays of our Muslim extremist friends. At least I have that going for me.
  19. Oh well. Three Muslim converts have committed terrorist attacks on North American soil in the last month. I don't really care if I'm "kind of an ass about it."
  20. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/22/us-canada-attacks-suspect-idUSKCN0IB2IX20141022 "Canadian convert to Islam." SHOCKA!
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