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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. We look competent. It's.....it's beautiful.
  2. Frankly, I prefer we win all of them like this. Or any other way.
  3. This is so.....refreshing.
  4. Heard RJ on the radio. Great to hear him and thrilled to hear not one but TWO goal calls. You can definitely tell his voice is damaged though. Sad.
  5. Well, at least there's a reason to listen/watch this ###### today. Will Rick be simulcast on the radio? Have to drive as the game starts, ugh.
  6. Those homophobic, bigoted, backwards Republicans just elected openly gay Carl DeMaio to the House.
  7. Those racist, sexist Republicans just elected Mia Love from Utah to the House.
  8. GOOD.
  9. Scott Walker sits on his throne of skulls.
  10. Cory Gardner wins in Colorado. Shame. I wonder how Coloradoans are going to get condoms and tampons and stuff now that that tyrant won.
  11. Anti-black, anti minority GOP ex-confederate state elects black Senator and minority woman governor. Anti-woman GOP elects first GOP senator in West Virginia in 60 years.
  12. I'll take that all day.
  13. http://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/tom-harkin-dont-be-fooled-because-joni-ernst-is-really-attra
  14. Another ###### odd-man rush. SMH. Just like that 4-on-2 a little bit ago where only two of the four touched the damn puck.
  15. Didn't know we were allowed to score.
  16. Just saw highlights of the game-winner. I mean really, that's some Edmonton-type ###### right there. Pathetic.
  17. Had to be Brad Marchand, huh? That schnozztastic ######.
  18. Couple of interesting things here.
  19. Not accurate at all. Adam Jones, Carlos Gomez, the Dodgers with their bubble machine, Eric Hosmer (and all the Royals), Jake Peavy, Freddie Freeman's hugs, all the signs that players make toward their dugout once they get back on base, Jose Fernandez, Munenori Kawasaki and so many other examples. There's a ton of personality in the MLB. A ton.
  20. I don't know. I find it flimsy. If I love a sport and a game, I'm not going to be like "you know what, ###### this, it's taking 20 minutes longer than it used to." I don't know. Maybe that's a legit reason for y'all. I'd love for you guys to come back into the fold if they take measures to shorten the game. I just doubt it. I don't think it's "lying" about it or anything, I just think there's other factors involved. Beyond a time aspect, it's hard to rekindle the love for a game that you've stopped watching, no?
  21. I just don't think that people who aren't watching or dislike baseball will all of a sudden be like, "Oh wow, they shortened games by 20 minutes. I LOVE baseball now!" I just don't buy it.
  22. Which is sad because people whine about the Yankees and the Red Sox and blah blah but when they get a team like the Royals into the World Series after 29 years they end up not caring. Makes no sense. And I'm not sure where the "greed and lack of loyalty" thing comes from. I'm not a fan of labeling any business, organization, or corporation "greedy" since their entire purpose is profit, but if any league can be qualified as "greedy" it's the NFL, what with its attempt to infiltrate every night of TV, spreading exposure of the draft, all the fantasy sports ######, etc. And if it's the players who are greedy? Well, baseball has no salary cap. Some players get more and some players get less. Mike Trout, the best player on the planet and a guy you can legitimately compare to Mickey Mantle took significantly less than what his market value would have been to stay with the Angels for like 7 more years. Andrew McCutchen and Paul Goldschmidt, two superstar players took way less than what their value would have been otherwise to stay with Pittsburgh and Arizona respectively. The Braves (my favorite team) locked up all essential pieces of their core last offseason for likely much cheaper than they would have gotten on the open market were they to hit free agency. Plus with all the arbitration rules and team control rules and all that, baseball is an entirely different beast anyhow. Baseball is a very unique sport and I think I've realized a big reason why I love it so much. The game variation. I can watch games and STILL see things I've genuinely never seen before. In football, basketball, or hockey, it's always a big lead and a comeback, a low-scoring game with a last second shot or a field goal, something like that. In baseball, there are *so* many ways to win. Hell, even tonight, I saw an infield chopper that somehow got into the outfield and drove in two runs. Last year's World Series featured a "walkoff interference call" for example. There is just so much variation that the game doesn't feel stale. And I don't get too up in arms about game length anyway, and I generally refuse the "pitch clock" idea since the beauty of baseball is that it's not bound by any clock. Pitchers should work quicker and more efficiently anyway, but I'm a Braves fan and I'm spoiled in that regard, watching countless games that don't go over 2.5 hours in length.
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