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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. Just pointing out the hypocrisy is all. I don't care much for the specific issue. Personally I'd never live in New Orleans just because of these storms. Wish peoplethere would realize it.
  2. lol, how lame
  3. Because it's a statement loaded with race. Cool. If Bush went on campaigning and doing interviews with Glamour and Reddit with a hurricane bearing down on the Gulf Coast, and ignoring Jindal's request for full state of emergency declaration, well, he'd be the devil himself. Not to mention that Obama shouldn't be campaigning anyway over these next three days since it's generally accepted that you pretty much sit down and shut up when the opposing party is holding their convention, but whatever, that's to be expected out of these guys. Heh. Keep on campaigning Barack. You're so in touch, dude. Not like that Romney guy who throws parties "while black people drown".
  4. I could do without your condescending tone about people of faith. You're an atheist, that's fine. Don't be a typical one. Hell yeah it would. About 23 seconds.
  5. Hell yeah it would.
  6. I don't like overly religious candidates either, but it's funny how you can't vote for people who believe in that stuff but you can, "in good conscience", vote for people who buy into leftist utopian garbage. Yeah, that's good stuff right there.
  7. Why is Romney being a Mormon such a big deal but nobody cares about Harry Reid, who's a Patron Saint of the left and has been in the Senate for years and years?
  8. LOL.So going into an accent and saying "they gonna put y'all back in chains!", trying to scare a black crowd (and minorities in general) about Republicans if they get elected is somehow not racist. Do you seriously not get the implications and how it ties into slavery? Do you NOT get this? Do you NOT get how offensive and RIDICULOUS that is, especially in this day and age?! I guess you'll see what you want to see. Maybe you should look at Joe Biden's past racial commentary. I mean, LMFAO here. Be REAL dude.
  9. Glad to know you know who Kira Davis is. More people should.
  10. Good LORD. Just in the last two weeks, Joe Biden came out and said "they gonna put y'all back in chains", MSNBC host and 9/11 truther Toure went on TV and accused Romney of "N-ization" of Obama, Samuel Jackson comes out and talks about God being unfair and Isaac avoiding the RNC and going to hit NO again, the left has gone on an all-out assault on Mia Love and Artur Davis, and the Yahoo News Bureau Chief out of Washington came and said that the Romneys love to party while blacks drown. And this is just RECENTLY. AND I'm leaving out way more incidents. I mean, to claim that the GOP has a monopoly on racism is just so sickening, and so offensive.
  11. LOL. ....and yes, if anything like that gets said about ANYONE it's sickening. To compare gay marriage to the plight of people who ACTUALLY struggled during the segregation era is so infuriatingly offensive, I don't even know where to begin.
  12. That is ###### sickening. .....oh hey, speaking of ###### sickening: http://twitchy.com/2012/08/29/firedavidchalian-yahoos-bureau-chief-romneys-happy-to-have-party-while-black-people-drown/?utm_source=autotweet&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=twitter http://twitchy.com/2012/08/29/sick-wikipedia-entry-calls-mia-love-dirty-worthless--and-house-/ Get ready for unbelievable amounts of bigotry and hatred toward Mia Love. Been following her for a long while now and she had her introduction to America yesterday. The left will tear her down in the most sickening of ways.
  13. Durrrrrrrrrrrr I was watching CSPAN. Apparently the big networks (network and cable) were cutting away quite often. EDIT: A nice little summary. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/08/28/RNC-Tuesday-Night-Media-Live-Blog
  14. Look at all the racism and sexism at the RNC. Women speakers, minority speakers, minority women speakers! And the news networks conveniently don't show them. Gotta control the narratives, I guess.
  15. Oh, many people have their minds made up sure, but that doesnt mean that people are paying attention overall. That 12% number you threw out, who knows how many of those people are paying attention? People start to hunker down once the conventions start and such. We'll see an influx of ads, pushes for attention, etc. We'll be seeing some more "accurate" ###### soon. As for your final sentence, nobody has done the Chicago Way like Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod and their crew have. Even Clinton's cronies weren't this bad. Unfortunately, there's no way to "quantify" that so you'll see what you see in that regard.
  16. So Barack Obama is a "sure loser" against any "competent" opponent but against Mitt Romney he's not? Romney wasn't my favored candidate, in fact neither of them were. I was rooting for Paul Ryan to start, and lookie-lookie who's the VP nominee now. To say that Mitt Romney is not a "competent" opponent is asinine. Not only does he have executive experience as governor of Massachusetts, he also spent a lot of his time actually running ###### the private sector. Not only that, he ran in 2008 and lost, and that experience helped him become, easily, the most polished out of the field. Jon Huntsman? Please. That guy was utterly worthless and if you think Romney is a fake, I'm not sure how you could consider Huntsman as a credible guy. Your belief is wrong. You might try to put on the act that you "might have considered Huntsman if he were the candidate, but those damn right wing extremists just HAD to pick MITT ROMNEY!" but we all know that's garbage. C'mon now. He's "awkward on the campaign trail" and "it shows"? He "says the wrong things" and is "quite unfunny" and "tries too hard"? Have you LISTENED to Barack Obama and Joe Biden speak? I can't even BEGIN to count the idiotic comments made by Obama, Biden, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Stephanie Cutter, Jim Messina, Jay Carney and the rest of the re-election gang? Too bad Mitt can't go around saying things like "they gonna put y'all back in chains" and have it laughed off as "Mitt being Mitt", eh? This assertion is TOTALLY, TOTALLY absurd. I mean, LMFAO. You try to play this "spoiled rich kid who is cannot relate to the average American" thing, as was totally predictable from the onset from everyone on the left, but that is just such BS. First, Romney gave up his entire inheritance when his Dad died when he donated it to BYU. On top of that, you act like he just sat there and collected checks when he went into business HIMSELF and made his OWN fortune. Why demonize success? I don't know about you but, as an American, I can relate to someone who spends years of his life trying to build up his wealth. His wealth does not mean I cannot be wealthy, as much as so many people try to push that narrative. His wealth does not offend me. It does not make me jealous. It INSPIRES me, actually. Oh, Mitt Romney is sooooooo outta touch. Say, remember when that Obama guy said, "the private sector is doing fine"? Oh, Mitt Romney is sooooooo outta touch. Say, remember when that Obama guy said that his policies "worked"? Oh, Mitt Romney is sooooooo outta touch. Say, remember when that Obama guy said to millions of business owners, "You didn't build that. Somebody else, made that happen"? Oh, Mitt Romney is soooooooo outta touch. Say, remember how that Obama guy hasn't met with his supposed" Jobs Council" in months even though he's had enough time to host dozens of 30k-a-plate fundraisers over the course of that same time? Oh, Mitt Romney is soooooooo outta touch. Say, remember when that Obama guy funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to "invest" in worthless "green energy" companies? Oh, Mitt Romney is soooooooo outta touch. Say, remember when that Obama guy and his friends had control of all branches of government and instead of working on jobs like they said they would, they rammed through disastrous legislation that fit their agenda such as Obamacare, Stimulus, and Dodd-Frank? Oh, Mitt Romney is soooooooo outta touch. Say, remember when that Obama guy's policies ended up with 42 straight months of unemployment above 8% and counting? Oh, Mitt Romney is soooooooo outta touch. Say, remember when that Obama guy and his buddies in Congress ran up 5 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt in 3.5 years? Oh, Mitt Romney is sooooooooo outta touch. Say, remember when that Obama guy pushed that Buffett Rule nonsense not realizing that if you taxed those who make above 1 million dollars a year at 100% of their income, you'd only have enough money to fund govermnent for just a few WEEKS? Oh, Mitt Romney is soooooooo outta touch. Say, remember how that Obama guy had a best buddy named Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, both unrepentant domestic terrorists who, to this day, hate America, talk about white privilege, and other awful, horrendous garbage? Oh, Mitt Romney is soooooooo outta touch. Say, remember how that Obama guy had a racist, hateful preacher that he sat in on for 20 years as he spewed out anti-American, racist, evil, hateful rhetoric under "Black Liberation Theology", the creed of the "church" in question? Oh, Mitt Romney is sooooooooo outta touch. Say, remember how that Obama guy had a Harvard professor Derrick Bell? The guy who Obama said we should "open our hearts and minds to"? The guy whose writings Obama assigned on his syllabus at the University of Chicago? Remember how this guy Derrick Bell wrote more racist, hateful, divisive garbage, including a short story called "The Space Traders", which was about white people paying their debt to aliens by sending them black people? Oh, Mitt Romney is sooooooooo outta touch. Say, remember how that Obama guy attended an anti-Israel dinner for a known radical named Rashid Khalidi and how there's a tape of this event that nobody has seen since it is locked up at the LA Times somewhere? Oh Mitt Romney is sooooooooo outta touch. Say, remember how that Obama guy's father was an anti-American, anti-colonialist and how once his father abandoned him, he was mentored by admitted, unabashed communist Frank Marshall Davis, who would have been eligible for detainment or deporting if actual war broke out between the US and USSR? Oh Mitt Romney is sooooooo outta touch. Say, remember how that Obama guy thought he was off the mic, and told Russian stooge Dmitri Medvedev that his hands were tied and he'd have more flexibility after the election, who said he'd "transmit to Vladimir". Oh, Mitt Romney is soooooo outta touch. Say, remember how that Obama guy and his cronies operate with the Saul Alinsky playbook "Rules for Radicals"? Freeze the target, demonize, never let a good crisis go to waste, etc. Oh, Mitt Romney is soooooooo outta touch. Say, remember how that Obama guy was a community organizer, a state senator (where he voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, btw), and a US senator for a year and a half voting present half the time before launching his Presidential bid? Oh, Mitt Romney is sooooooo outta touch. Say, remember how that Obama guy somehow, someway got into Harvard and wherever else he got into even though he pretty much admits he was a worthless bum who smoked dope or did coke all the time? Oh, Mitt Romney is sooooooo outta touch. Say, remember how that Obama guy went on about how the Constitution is fundamentally flawed? Oh, Mitt Romney is sooooooo outta touch. Say, remember how that Obama guy's wife once said that America is a "downright mean country" and that, in 2008 "for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of this country". Please tell me how Mitt Romney is SO out of touch just because he has money. Do you think Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are POOR? Do you REALLY think they relate to the average American? Please tell me how someone who actually loves this country, enjoys AND promotes the fruits of this country is somehow out of touch with it. How the hell is Mitt Romney out of touch because he took advantage of living in America and capitalism and made millions of dollars while someone who has spent his entire LIFE detesting this country and being around people who detest this country is somehow IN touch. TELL ME HOW THAT WORKS. And don't even dare telling me how those links in his past don't matter now, considering every single action he takes reflects the ideology that have been instilled in him over the course of his life. Your influences don't just disappear. You go on and say how Romney is too secretive. I mean, this is just projection, right? Barack Obama is, BY FAR, the LEAST vetted politician in the HISTORY of America. He kept a title at Bain Capital when he left in 1999 to fix the Olympics but everyone involved says he had nothing to do with day to day operations or anything. Just because you're listed as something on SEC documents doesn't mean you have any operation control. And you go on about how Bain Capital is some evil entity or something, fully failing to realize that Obama's budget director is a Bain guy and his campaign has taken thousands of dollars from Bain. And please, spare me the tax nonsense. A) He's released all he's had to. B) If he's hiding something, the IRS would know and he'd be in prison. C) People demanding to see tax returns know full damn well that no matter WHAT is on those tax returns, it wouldnt change a damn thing and they'd bitch more and more and more. I literally cannot believe you have the audacity to say Romney is "too secretive" yet, apparently, you must thing Barack Obama is an open book. How is Mitt Romney too secretive when Barack Obama used executive privilege to block documents from being released about a plan that was intentionally crafted by Attorney General Eric Holder, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, etc that ran guns to Mexican cartels on purpose, resulting in the deaths of over 300 people including US Border Agent Brian Terry and ICE Agent Zapata? I mean, c'mon now, be serious here. And ROMNEY has a sense of entitlement? Holy crap man. Do you even KNOW the guy you're defending. Barack Obama is the KING of entitlement. He's been entitled his entire life. When challenged, he acts like a five year old. Remember when he came into office and said "I won", as if that means we should just cede power to him? And don't get me started on his whole "okay, if Congress won't do something, I'll just do it by executive order" stuff, like with the 800,000 illegals and the stripping of the work requirement from the 1996 welfare reform legislation, and that was just in the last month! I mean, I don't even know where to begin. And not only does he FEEL entitled, he makes sure to keep the entitlements flowing so that more government dependency is created. It's how they keep power. I mean, LMFAO here. You literally have me stretching my hands out, shaking my head, and laughing here. The guy has the press in his back pocket. All he does is blame the past. When he doesn't get his way, when things don't break for him, all he makes are excuses. Earthquakes, tsunamis, the Middle East, Europe, Bush, Bush, Bush, Palin, Cheney, Republicans, Limbaugh, whoever. And oh, don't get me started on the whole "oh, you can't criticize Barack Obama and his policies, because you're a racist if you do" garbage. He's got the ultimate sense of entitlement because he feels he can do no wrong. He's been told he can do no wrong his entire life. He's got an army of people willing to give him verbal and textual ###### at the drop of a hat on any issue. He's been guided along by people like Valerie Jarrett (do a search on her if you don't know who or what she is). He's been handed everything. You want a guy with the ultimate sense of entitlement? Look at him. If the press and people in general did their jobs, Obama wouldn't even SNIFF the Presidency because of the associations and beliefs he possesses. But Romney is the secretive one, lol. I like how you say "to top it off he picks Ryan", when Ryan is like, the only guy in Washington---forget the Presidential race---that has ACTUAL plans to fix ######. You DO realize that entitlement reform and the economy go hand in hand right? You DO realize that prospects for long-term fiscal health affects short-term fiscal health, right? If you think the fight is just about Medicare, then that's a shame. Say, how about that Obama taking 700 billion dollars out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare? Oh but it's Ryan who wants to throw granny off a cliff. Got it. Picking Ryan actually shows that Romney IS in touch with getting ###### in order economically now and in the future. Akin is a non-issue. A total non-issue. Every single prominent Republican has disowned that loser. Ryan is against abortion, sure, but he's literally made his ENTIRE CAREER about fiscal issues. Besides,he's the VP. Tell me how the VP has ANY power to influence policy in this regard. Romney has flip-flopped often and that's one of the big complaints about Romney on the right. But you can't go in one paragraph and say he's a flip-flopper and in another say he's "omg, such an extremist". If you guys are gonna try to make everything about abortion, then let's go for it. Oh, that aforementioned Born Alive Infant Protection Act that Obama voted against in Illinois, yeah, well, that law protects the babies who survive abortion from being killed. Obama voted AGAINST it. And he's also on record about being cool with third trimester abortions too. Now THAT'S an extremist. And somehow Ryan and Romney are the extremists because of one idiot that nobody even KNEW about a week ago? Please. People's minds won't be made up in the summer. Somehow, some way, the majority of people aren't even paying attention yet. The only people who pay attention right now are the diehard political types. Actually, many polls are still using "registered" instead of "likely" voters, which will change coming very soon. I don't care much for polls, but if you take a look, look at recent trends. Romney hasn't tapped into his cash, you're right. He's got a lot of cash. And they're gonna use it. And good for him. I like how everyone complains about Romney's cash yet they don't care about the INSANE money that Obama was collecting and throwing around in the 2008 campaign. In short, it's the economy stupid. Obama has failed on the economy. He can't run on his own record, so he's going to lie and distort. This is how he works. It's the Chicago Way. It's clear you're no expert in our internal affairs. Really clear. Go read about the Community Reinvestment Act, subprime mortgages, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, then go read about George W. Bush calling for reform of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac multiple times throughout his Presidency only to be met with denials that anything was wrong by prominent Democrats such as Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, John Kerry, and countless others.
  17. 8.3% unemployment with real unemployment significantly higher. U3 unemployment would be 11% if the labor force was now what it was in January 2009. After the 800 billion dollar stimulus package that promised unemployment under 8%, and 5.6% unemployment by July 2012 (6.0% WITHOUT it), obviously that projection didn't get reached. 8+% unemployment for 42 months straight (compared to 39 months TOTAL with 8%+ in the 60 years prior) Black unemployment around 14% 16 trillion dollars of debt and counting. Deficits over a trillion dollars AGAIN in 2012. 1.5% GDP growth in the 2nd quarter of 2012, and not one quarter about 4% GDP growth during the first 11 quarters (and only 4 quarters above 3%) of the "Obama recovery". Tens of trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities to "social safety nets". Median income down. House values down. 300+ dead people as a result of Operation Fast & Furious which intentionally ran guns to Mexican drug cartels then was covered up by the Justice Department and Barack Obama himself via executive privilege. GM tanking again as we lose 25 billion taxpayer dollars, after all the money from the "successful auto bailout" got sent to grease the wheels of the UAW that caused the problem in the first place. 500 million dollars wasted on Solyndra, and hundreds MORE millions of dollars in payments to other buddies in the name of "green energy investments". 1500+ deaths in Afghanistan since January 2009. I could go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on. http://www.aei-ideas...12obamaecon.jpg http://www.washingto...yEeGOQ0o8Q3VQSg Something tells me that Obama doesn't have the numbers to win in November either. Which is why he and his campaign will continue to resort to distortions and ridiculous claims. It's only August 24 and Mitt Romney is a murderer, a felon, a tax cheat, a dog abuser, and hates women. If the country re-elects Barack Obama in November 2012, we deserve what we get.
  18. Being that you're not from here, I want you to explain what you think caused the economic situation in the United States. And I want you to explain SPECIFICS as to how he's doing such a great job getting the country out. Go.
  19. Who CARES about charisma. Charisma doesn't put food on my table, clothes on my back, or a roof over my ###### head. Charisma doesn't make sure my country is the strongest in the world. Charisma doesn't ensure the long-term fiscal health of my country. Charisma doesn't do ANY of that crap. Voting based on charisma and EMPTINESS is what got us INTO this dilemma. Jeeeeeeeeeez.
  20. Well, he IS explaining why he doesn't feel we should go after him. Not everyone has to agree. Not sure I do or don't.
  21. Yeah it's not "our money", but we still want the team to be fiscally responsible because that affects everything. I'm down with Doan. Hope he plays more "tough" than "thuggish", though.
  22. http://www.washingto...EeGXOe75nF-yhQ# Oh look, every single major demographic supports the idea of presenting an ID to vote. And LOL @ the notion that this "debate" only pops up near election time. This whole voter ID thing LITERALLY makes no sense to me. Show a ###### Blockbuster card. A library card. A Costco card. An old bill. A blood test result. SOMETHING. ANYTHING. For the love of God, this whole thing is so STUPID.
  23. That's what I was thinking of. Not a moment, but Miller being unbeatable on a must-dominate stretch.....just incredible.
  24. Yep. From going and saying "they gonna put y'all back in chains" to a crowd with a ton of black people in the crowd (as absurd as the notion that the GOP is going to do such a thing is to BEGIN with), to saying that Barack is first mainstream black guy who is "articulate", and "clean", and "bright", and "nice-looking", to the thing he said about his state being a slave state in the past and having such a large black population, to his comments about Indians at 7-11 and Dunkin, etc. He's got a history of making racial statements. And a history of being a moron in general. That's cool though, it's just "Biden being Biden", right? Nobody should be surprised though. He and the left get by on "ism" politics.
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