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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. Yep. They were talking amnesty. So what did Barack do? Circumvent Congress and issued the executive order to institute amnesty for 800,000 young illegals in June 2012.
  2. No they haven't. Barack Obama had BOTH houses of Congress until January 2011. He STILL has the Senate. He could have gotten ANYTHING he wanted done. And he DID get what HE wanted done. Healthcare. Stimulus. Dodd-Frank. etc Impeded by Republicans, my ass. What a ###### joke.
  3. A) http://finance.townhall.com/columnists/craigsteiner/2011/08/22/the_clinton_surplus_myth/page/full/ B) He's obviously talking about 9/11.
  4. lol
  5. Tell me how Bush was responsible, please. Specifics. In your own words.
  6. Too funny how people still think George W. Bush was responsible for the economy tanking. Too funny how people still blame George W. Bush for the problems we have even though the recession officially "ended" in June 2009. And too funny how people think that, even despite that, Barack Obama has handled the economy well. LMFAO at this point.
  7. Many people have. It's doing very, very well at the box office. Go see it.
  8. Heh. Funny.
  9. Aside from the complete utopian garbage about how it's "millionaires and billionaires fighting over money and the rest of the people are struggling", and the whole "together we can" stuff, that's a bad ass video overall. People don't understand that no matter if one side is wrong, or both sides are wrong, or if they feel it's all about money (which it is).....this is what these leagues do. The owners and players, they don't play in our ballpark. That's totally fine. They're dealing with tons of money. This is the scale on which they operate. It's important. It's easy for us to sit back and say "who cares, it's just millionaires v. billionaires", but you know what...it's a lot of freakin' money at stake. I'm pretty confident they'll get a deal done. I hope they do, because I don't want to be stuck watching basketball from November to, say, Christmas.
  10. Let it be known that I'm 1000% cool with having to show ID to attend the convention. I'm also 1000% cool with having to show ID to vote. The point isn't that they shouldn't have to show ID to attend the convention. As for hookers, well, Bill Clinton's speaking isn't he? I'm sure he'd be interested in some post-speech accompaniment.
  11. What's hypocrticial is talking about IDs and all this crap being oppresive and racist to potential voters and then requiring IDs to attend conventions and such, lol. Just funny is all.
  12. That racist,oppressive, disenfranchising Democratic National Convention, I guess. http://twitchy.com/2012/09/02/suppression-dnc-charlotte-identification-required-even-just-near-convention-site/
  13. I didn't say that there's nothing this country could be doing better. There's a lot this country could do to be better. Like, returning to what made us strong in the first place. Yep. "Pillage", lol. Jesus. You're right, this country is being overtaken by a cult. The cult of Eurotopianism. Taxes are too high. Regulations are too high. Demonization is too high. Class warfare rhetoric is too high. Way to ridiculously simplify the issue. "Gee, I can forego that 4th cable box so someone doesn't die!" Everyone DOES have healthcare. You can go into any facility and get care if you want. The issue is health insurance in that regard. As for money and taxes, well, I'd say "the rich" are paying way more than their "fair share", as evidence by the % of the total taxes they pay in this country per year. Gee, some common sense. Holy crap.
  14. No, that's not a better idea at all, because there's a whole helluva lot of ###### people who are just jim dandy happy living in America and believing in America and we don't want to be turned to Europe or fresh liberal hells IN the US like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Detroit, or New York. You want that, go to those places and leave the country be. No point in wasting time and effort and ruining lives just to turn the country into what you think it should be when there are plenty of other places that already have this utopian garbage in place.
  15. Eastwood is not exactly a crazy staunch conservative or anything but he definitely leans right. Besides, there are many leaders and politicians who are conservative (or liberal) in traditionally liberal (or conservative) places. Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin, Paul Ryan in a heavily Democrat district, Susana Martinez is the governor of very overall-blue New Mexico, Scott Brown semi-conservative-ish-but-not-really-at-all-but-still-labeled-"Republican" in Massachusetts....it happens.
  16. I would have rather had Kelsey Grammer or Jon Voight be a celebrity speaker and had Allen West as the mystery speaker. Too bad I'm not planning ###### though.
  17. I don't want the team to look like ######. Whether on the ice aesthetically or through their play. It's perfectly okay to make sure we have an identity that is good looking. Same with the people who belittled concerns of NFL fans about the ugly new Nike jerseys. It won't exactly make me stop watching the Sabres if we had an ugly jersey, but that's no reason to go ahead with any ugliness lol
  18. Is there any specific reason why you feel Rubio is genuine and Ryan isn't, DD? Serious question.
  19. Rubio and Romney were unreal. As someone who Mitt needs to convince as well, he's doing a damn good job so far with selecting Ryan and his speech tonight. Let's see what happens once the war chest is opened up.
  20. What a TERRIBLE "debunking" by that psycho Sally Kohn. A) The debt ceiling battle and Republicans saying "no" came as a result of reckless spending in the first few years of the Obama administration and Democrat-controlled Congress. So what, Republicans are going to be blamed for the downgrade because they had the audacity to say enough is enough? LMAO. B) Ryan's claims about the Janesville plant have been proven to be true over and over and over by now. http://www.cleveland...ff_line_at.html http://washingtonexa...62#.UD_kRfmQnKf http://newsbusters.o...t-closed-under- http://www.therights...s-open-in-2009/ etc C) Her point is pure BS and is not supported by anything of tangible nature. The context is even worse than the original quote. http://pjmedia.com/z...singlepage=true http://www.therights...ong-in-context/ http://www.breitbart...h-anti-american D) http://www.forbes.co...inst-paul-ryan/ http://www.nationalr...ion-yuval-levin .....as for the "stuff Ryan didn't mention"---- He didn't bring up abortion because nobody gives a ###### about abortion right now. Well, of course, except for people on the lef who like to push the stupid "war on women" garbage, and the lunatics on the right like Todd Akin who nobody heard of two weeks ago is now suddenly the poster child for all things Republican. Nice specifics on the "didn't bring up his previous plan to hand Social Security over to Wall Street", lmao. Here's an article where he himself talks about votes for TARP, etc. --- http://dailycaller.c...on-aig-bonuses/ As for the stuff about "millionaires and billionaires" and "cutting programs for poor" and "raising taxes on 95%", that's not even worth responding to with anything else besides an LMFAO.
  21. No majority-gold jersey. PLEASE.
  22. Gee, thanks for clearing that up bro. Somehow I'M the racist because Joe Biden said to people that "they gonna put y'all back in chains". With an emphasis on the word "back". Not even "They're going to put you all back in chains." But I'm the racist. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Cool.
  23. LOL. Damn, that California is in such great shape, huh. Thank God there's all these taxes to take care of the stuff California needs to pay for. Oh wait, the taxpayers are leaving in droves? Oh. Okay.
  24. Based on the fact that he said "they gonna put y'all back in chains" to a crowd FULL of minorities. Stop being obtuse. It's unbecoming.
  25. http://twitchy.com/2012/08/29/worse-than-katrina-pics-of-plaquemines-parish-where-rising-floods-strand-residents/ Looks pretty ugly out there.
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