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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. Okay.
  2. Never said Obama's accomplished nothing. Obama has accomplished a ton. He's delivered on his promises to fundamentally change this country. He's a failure to the majority of the country. Not to his agenda and ideology. To those, he has been extremely successful.
  3. Pretty amazing that the Democrats have gotten what they've gotten done despite that, eh?!
  4. They said that with the stimulus, unemployment would be 5.6% by July 2012. Without stimulus, it would be 6.0% by July 2012. Aside from the utter stupidity of that 0.4% difference somehow being worth 800 billion dollars, the unemployment rate is still above 8.0% and has been for the last forty-three months. That's not just "oh, we're getting close, we need more time". That is a ###### FAILURE. Well, failure for what the majority of the country wants. Not failure for the Eurotopians. For the love of everything, if the labor force was the same as it was in January 2009 when this guy took over, the unemployment rate would be 11.2 ###### percent. And that's just the U-3 percentage. Maybe if they didn't want to worry about "GOP obstructionism", they should have done something worth a ###### damn when they controlled the House, Senate, AND the White House instead of pushing through their hardcore agenda. Oh yeah, they control the Senate and the White House still. How many bills are just sitting around waiting for Harry Reid's punk ass to bring them to vote or discussion? GOP obstructionism, LMAO. How about that Senate budget? Been a while, huh? Waiting on Sir Harry Reid on that one, too. Any attempt to spin this record of failure deserves to be met with ridicule and belittling commentary. Completely and utterly pathetic.
  5. Maybe, maybe not. I know my family isn't. We would be if we had the money to. But we don't.
  6. Uh, no.
  7. Welp, you guys have figured it out. Everything's fantastic with the economy because the corporations are making profit. My bad. I guess what we were discussing earlier in this thread is true....there really IS no purpose in discussing politics with people.
  8. Pretty funny.
  9. Yeah, they've adjusted to doing the same work. When there are surges in demand though, like, say, holiday season.....then extra jobs get added. But once that demand goes away, those jobs go away. You're under the assumption that employees are owed something by their employers. Businesses exist to profit. That's it. Contrary to any utopian fantasy garbage that you may conjure up in your mind, that's it. That's why over-regulation leads to companies offshoring their jobs and production, because the jobs can get done for significantly less. Hey, you have a problem with that, blame the people who put these policies in place which make it less profitable to keep businesses here. The free market will decide if these companies are "screwing their employees" because if people care, they won't shop there anymore or work there anymore. Do you have a business background, DeLuca?
  10. Because there needs to be demand to create jobs. If people aren't buying things, there is no demand to create jobs. Also, in a ###### economy such as we've been in, companies have learned to do the same work with less personnel. If I adjusted to running a business with 10 people the same as I would if I had 12 people before having to let two of them go, why would I hire those two people back?
  11. Well, I guess I'll defer to you guys then, if it's that much of a commonplace. I don't like that one bit, but whatever, I'll step off on that.
  12. You guys use the term "fallen angels"? I do take issue with the other stuff too. Touting Iraq like it's THEIR success. Completely oblivious to the fact that around 1500 of the 2000 deaths we've had in Afghanistan have been during Obama's tenure as President. The current administration hell-bent on including the Taliban in peace talks. (LOL) But no, I was talking about the "fallen angels" comment.
  13. August jobs report in. Utterly horrendous. 96k added jobs, expectations ranged from 130k to even 200k. Unemployment rate goes down to 8.1% because of a huge drop in the labor force. Over 300k people, actually. July and June reports revised DOWN. If labor force was the same as it was in January 2009, the unemployment rate would be 11.2%, not 8.1%. Pathetic.
  14. Sorry if I'm pissed that this ###### guy, the Vice President of the United States of America, called our dead military personnel FALLEN ANGELS. Of course, if that term doesn't mean anything to you, then go ahead and gloss over it. I guess it's just "Joe being Joe" either way, right?
  15. http://washingtonexaminer.com/article/2507187#.UEnaZvnLnKe What trash.
  16. So the VICE PRESIDENT of the United States of America refers to military members who have died in combat as "fallen angels"?!? http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/OTUS/transcript-vice-president-bidens-democratic-convention-speech/story?id=17178040&page=5#.UEm1W_nLnKc Wow.
  17. Well, to be fair, I'm not on a mobile device, lol.
  18. I guess next time I have to explicitly note that I'm joking back.
  19. Who cares. His name could be "Gargamon-XVJ-9" and I'd still vote for him in November.
  20. I guess I'm an imbecile because I'm a conservative and I'm not a millionaire. Good thing we have economic mobility in this country. Well, they're trying damn hard to kill that off too. Since we're, you know, we should have "shared prosperity" and we "all belong to the government", and all that good stuff. Oh well, I think I'll live being a conservative. Take that class warfare ###### and shove it.
  21. Not sure whether to laugh or cry. SMFH.
  22. Oh she did? Oh ok. Maybe next speech she has, she can explain how she could possibly be a strong, independent woman if she's asking and pleading for government to pay for her sexual habits.
  23. I'm pretty cool with the people who spoke at our convention, actually. A laundry list of up-and-coming stars. Couldn't care less what Steve Schmidt has to say about anything. He was the campaign strategist for the worst run Republican Presidential campaign in modern history.
  24. lol, Sandra Fluke. How pathetic. Last week, in the same exact time slots, the RNC had Condoleezza Rice and Susana Martinez. This week, the DNC has......Sandra Fluke and Elizabeth Warren. LMFAO.
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09cEwnivdr0&feature=youtu.be LMFAO. Too funny. Unbelievable how they can boo the notion of MENTIONING God/Jerusalem in their platform. Jeeeeeeeeeeeez.
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