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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. Your friends are morons and don't know what they believe in if they claim to be "pro-life", "Libertarians", and say they're voting for Barack Obama. Sick of these dumb ass people taking to the polls having no idea what they're voting for and no idea what they're talking about. ######. Ask if them if they're ashamed that the President they so covet ignored multiple signs that something was going to happen, ignored multiple requests for help and added security, left our Ambassador and three other Americans to die in Libya on September 11th, 2012 only to jet off to Las Vegas, Nevada for a campaign stop on September 12th, 2012 then continued lying about it and blaming it on a stupid YouTube video for days and days and days after. And ask them to search "Born Alive Infant Protection Act Illinois" Oh, and tell them to read a book or four about political philosophies.
  2. It'll affect turnout, not the actual voting process.
  3. Is it the voice of Ambassador Stevens or the three Americans who were left to die in Benghazi, Libya on September 11th, 2012? Just checking.
  4. Giving a show three episodes when the seasons are so short to begin with is impossible for me. People kept saying "Oh, Mad Men gets so much better after the first season!" I'm sorry, but 7 episodes in on a 13, 14 episode season is near or at 50% of an entire season. A show should never require that much of a season just to keep your interest. That's what made Homeland so different. I was hooked instantly. A sitcom gets three, maybe four episodes on a 22-24 episode order to hook me. A drama? Hour long episodes mean you have one, two episodes MAX to hook me.
  5. Best drama on TV. Best since 24.
  6. Apparently it's not a prerequisite for Vice President though, considering what Joe Biden said about the size of Libya and Syria, lol.
  7. I'd be cool with around 60 games, I guess. Doubt we get a full 82.
  8. Any way to watch these games without paying that ABSURD price for the AHL pass?
  9. Are these AHL games viewable online without having to pay an INSANE amount for their online package?
  10. Good deal. Now let's get on the ice.
  11. Wow. Okay.
  12. Yeah, and? He was. And the "cool day, bro" was sarcastic. A play on the "cool story bro" joke that is all over the internet nowadays.
  13. Actually no, I didn't make it a partisan issue. I posted the news of the day and how it sickened me.
  14. Wow. That is sickening. I'm not happy at all. I'm ANGRY at apologizing. I'm ANGRY at what's happened. I'm ANGRY that our leader hasn't said anything. I'm ANGRY that he's spurned meeting with such a close ally because of "scheduling conflict". You're more angry at ME for being angry than you are angry about what's happened today. There's something wrong with that. I'm angry at YOU for saying such a heinous, disgusting thing. Wow man. Wow. That....that sucks dude.
  15. Sounds about right, lol.
  16. Embassy in Cairo attacked and they APOLOGIZE to the people who took our flag and replaced it with an AQ flag for "offending them". Consulate in Libya burned. An American dead - http://news.sky.com/story/983922/american-killed-in-libya-prophet-protest Netanyahu spurned by Obama. Cool day, bro.
  17. I don't think "swing voters" are the same as the people who think "we're ###### regardless".
  18. Hopefully the "whoever wins, we're ######" group just stays home in November.
  19. Romney leads independents in that poll by 14% and Obama leads the overall poll by 6%? LOL.
  20. Treat my boy Mario right, Buffalo.
  21. No, I definitely see what you're trying to say. Don't you dare sit there and tell me what I see and don't see.
  22. Way to look at things through that lens dude. Holy crap. Though I guess lefties don't know anything else but divisional politics.
  23. Condoleezza Rice had the best speech of either convention, hands down.
  24. lol
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