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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. http://www.freedomworks.org/blog/grusbf5/good-morning-america-heres-those-layoffs-you-voted teehee
  2. I don't care about demographics. I don't care about any of that. I know what the issues are in that regard but it's utterly worthless to discuss. My focus is on a bigger picture. The bigger picture is that this is America being subjected to simple history of the world. We are not exempt. The voting public has spoken. They reap what they sow. I'll be there to laugh along the way.
  3. lol @ crazies. The last two Republican candidates were Mitt Romney and John McCain. This isn't about Republicans or Democrats. It's about an irreversible trend that reflects the natural course every single great nation takes. Nothing we can do about it. It's simple history. Read some ###### Tocqueville, for goodness sake. ---------------- http://www.washingto...c486_story.html teehee ----------------- http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/07/us-usa-campaign-energy-companies-obama-idUSBRE8A60N920121107 teehee
  4. It does make me happy. Hence the "teehee"
  5. lol, ok ..... http://lasvegas.cbslocal.com/2012/11/07/vegas-employer-obama-won-so-i-fired-22-employees/ teehee
  6. http://www.cnbc.com/id/49729998/ teehee
  7. I'm glad I don't have to actually travel to Europe now.
  8. You reap what you sow, I guess. America is not exempt from history.
  9. Then sure, you are absolutely legally and morally clear to vote. It's only a problem if you abuse your privilege to vote by using it more than once.
  10. Did you already vote at your normal address? If so, then no you shouldn't vote. If you haven't voted at all yet, sure, vote.
  11. Mitt Romney was not my first choice. He was not my second choice. He was not my third choice. Actually, my first choice was the man that has been selected to fill the other half of his ticket. They've run who they've run. This is it. Here we go.
  12. I think you have your answer.
  13. Ah well, I guess much ado about nothing then. Thanks for clearing that up, CIA!
  14. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/coney-island-residents-pleading-post-sandy-assistance-article-1.1195458 more SMH-worthy stuff.....
  15. I am missing hockey bigtime. It was the sport I picked up to really distract and get me off of basketball and I certainly don't want to go back to the joke that is the NBA full-time. With baseball finishing and football being once a week (all the Thursday night games are pretty much worthless and MNF doesn't have much "luster" anymore either).....it's really bad.
  16. That's cool. Shame you couldn't find out "what the hell I was talking about", then.
  17. http://www.waff.com/story/19981857/some-nonunion-ala-crews-turned-away-from-sandy-recovery#.UJNHtzkFemg.twitter Wow.
  18. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/11/were-going-to-die-staten-island-residents-plead-for-help-3-days-after-sandy/#.UJMqQJWbN9E.twitter SMH. Getting worse and worse :-/
  19. Sorry if I find this a topic worth getting unhinged over. I have made the case multiple times but I guess I'll make it again. It's as clear as day. In the simplest of explanations: They ignored multiple warnings (including prior attacks against the compound) and intelligence. They ignored multiple requests for more security leading up to and even ON the day, they denied requests for more security. They sent him there for some ###### reason that day. They had a drone watching over feeding real-time info to whoever was in Washington, they had forces and arms ready and willing to go in, people were told to stand down. They went on and on and on and thought they could get away with blaming it on some stupid video, they arrest the filmmaker who's now a political prisoner in our country so they've thrown the First Amendment under the bus. NOBODY has lost their job. It's been SEVEN WEEKS and NOBODY has been held accountable. They can't even get their damn story straight as evidenced by the fact that nobody knows what came from where. Miscommunication from day one as they tried to get their ###### straight. Now their narrative is crumbling, crumbling to PIECES as more and more media start to destroy them and more and more Americans are becoming aware of the only scandal that could possibly rival Fast & Furious in levels of "heinous". And to think all the ###### that got raised during Watergate, with every newscast leading with the news and everybody talking about it. Too bad that's not happening with a story that makes Watergate looks like a ###### 7 year old stealing a candy bar from a local market. And that's just the simplest of explanations. So gee, I'm so sorry if I throw quite a few invectives when people are pieces of ###### about this and throw out their dismissive garbage. They thought they could run this one out just like they did Fast & Furious, but they can't. Not this one.
  20. If that's all you can reply with, then don't even bother ###### responding. Go back to talking about ###### that doesn't matter and I'll go back to ignoring this thread. Still haven't received an apology from Eleven for jumping down my throat when the news broke out about our diplomat in Libya being killed that day. I don't expect one. Guess he didn't expect it to blow up like this, eh? I commented that day because I knew it WOULD. Anyone with a ###### brain knew what happened that day.
  21. But do you have a problem with people from CBS News, ABC News, Daily Beast, Washington Post, etc asking questions about what happened, too? Because they have. http://www.thedailyb...s/eli-lake.html http://abcnews.go.co...drip-drip-drip/ http://www.cbsnews.c...enghazi-attack/ http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57544026/sources-key-task-force-not-convened-during-benghazi-consulate-attack/ http://www.lvrj.com/...-176736441.html http://washingtonexa...article/2511875 Does that satisfy your "nothing but FOX" ######? God forbid there are at least SOME people in this ###### media world that possess a shred of journalistic integrity. Maybe next time you can put away your bias and at least pretend to give a ###### about the 4 Americans that were left to be murdered and the subsequent lying about it, blaming it on a ###### VIDEO instead of a dereliction of duty and a complete and utter failure on every single possible level. Maybe you can actually put aside your ###### and act like you care about getting to the ###### bottom of what happened leading up to, on, and after that day. Oh by the way, there's still a filmmaker who's IMPRISONED because of his dumb video trailer, even though it was IMMEDIATELY clear that a movie trailer had absolutely NOTHING to do with that. Are you happy with having political ###### prisoners in America? IN America? Or are you perfectly content with conducting ourselves like some third-rate dictatorship? Maybe we can go back to talking about things that really matter, then? How about it? You guys were talking about abortions for a while. How about going back to that? Does that satisfy you?
  22. http://www.nbcnewyork.com/video/#!/on-air/as-seen-on/Sandy-Starved-New-Yorkers-Dumpster-Dive/176839571 Dumpster-diving, SMH.
  23. Been living under a rock for the last seven weeks, guy?
  24. Too bad he couldn't look so "presidential" and "bipartisan" before, during, and after a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya which saw the murder of four Americans on September 11th, 2012. Guess we can't have everything in life.
  25. Amazing episode last night. And yes, I think it was her. Immediately after that, they showed Carrie and Brody in the car and Carrie brings her up.
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