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Everything posted by TheMatrix31
Nah. Pretty sure you should look at the numbers, states, and industries involved.
I'm sure things will work out just fine now that the Bringer of Peace has spoken to them, lol.
Weekly jobless claims up to 439,000. Unexpectedly, right? Gee, who could have seen that coming, lol.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm havin' some fun!
If only these media ###### did their jobs like this on the Benghazi terror attacks and subsequent coverup. But of course they didn't. Why would they do something that's against their interests? We know more about Petraeus, Allen, and these stupid whores than we do about the entire damn Benghazi situation---before, during, or after. And forget about what the general public knows about both events. Most people have no idea Benghazi even HAPPENED. Hell, most people have no idea where Benghazi IS. Thanks a lot, media. Sickening. Yet also predictable. But everyone loves a good sex scandal huh?
http://gma.yahoo.com/doc-shortage-could-cause-healthcare-crash-172501425--abc-news-health.html Gee, I dunno about you guys, but I am absolutely BLOWN AWAY by this revelation! If only people warned us sooner!
http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/11/13/Obama-Donor-s-Corporation-Lays-Off-Employees-Due-to-ObamaCare Teehee x 100
So let's get as close as possible, yay.
Oh I love the Canadian healthcare system. Not like my Uncle almost died from it or anything. I really want that here.
You waited five ###### months for a CatSCAN? LMFAO.
Well yeah. Common sense would dictate. I don't spend money on much else besides food and gas nowadays. Maybe other people could do the same. Maybe the government could do the same. Too much to ask.
What about that post conveyed any sense of entitlement?
You might think it's just a couple of dimes here and there but the pizza industry is huge. Three BILLION pizzas are sold a year. So do the math. And that's just from pizza. I know it's tough to do the math as an Obama voter, but do the math. Then apply that math to all the other food, service, and goods industries. It's not just "oh, just pay a little more so people can have healthcare." It. Does Not. Work. Like. That. It simply. Does NOT. He's not doing this to spite his employees. Businesses exist to make and maximize profit. If there are rules and regulations that are in place that take a massive chunk out of those profits, you best believe the owners and CEOs will take whatever steps necessary to make sure they can keep doing what they're doing. It is not up to you to decide what a person needs. Also, what will happen when the costs are relayed to the consumers? You say you're willing to pay a few cents more per pizza. Okay fine. But the prices will keep going up as the fees and penalties keep going up. Then you'll think (well, YOU already do) that the businesses are just being greedy and then you won't realize that it's not the business, it's the business keeping up with the rules. Then the consumers will start bitching more and resentment will get built further. I mean, it's apparent that none of you have run a business. Utterly shocking. It's zero wonder why Barack Obama got re-elected on Tuesday. EDIT: FJ, my family will not be living in California much longer. My parents are setting things in motion to move to another state as soon as we can. Hopefully it works, because California is just not working for us anymore.
So there aren't many who are struggling in this country then, lol. Look at your local ghetto and see how many people are walking around with iPhones and purses and such. We live in America and even the poorest of our poor are still doing better than the majority of the world. Excuse us if some of us want to keep this country prosperous and not go the way of various failed states.
Actually, no. That's the liberal mindset though, in a nutshell. I'm either a trust fund baby, sucking the government teet, a retiree (as if THAT option is possible nowadays), or won the lottery. Nope. I'm struggling. My family is struggling. Just like millions of people are. Just like millions of families are. Maybe if there were policies in place that didn't hinder businesses and didn't hinder job growth, I'd be able to get a job and my family would be able to make more money. Oh well, too bad there aren't. But I make due. And I find ways to make money. Doing odds and ends. You know, work where I can find it. And my parents do the same. Sorry that's such a foreign concept to you. No worries on your last point. If we keep going on the course we're on, I'm not the only one that will be dying in misery.
Neither, actually. You can try continuing to make the world a better place. Have fun living in your utopian bubble where 16 trillion dollars doesn't matter, 8% unemployment doesn't matter, rules and regulations that cripple businesses don't matter, and existential threats from various international foes don't matter. But keep trying to make the world a better place. I'm sure you find comfort dealing in your pie-in-the-sky fantasies. Maybe if you ever get out of that bubble you live in, you'll realize that elections have consequences and the only reason the world is collapsing is because society is asking for it. And "make no mistake", or "let me be clear", that IS what we're watching. And we DID build that. "Douche."
This isn't just about Romney v. Obama. I know very well how government works. And if I'm a douchebag because I want Americans to learn that elections have consequences, then so be it. Not all of us can live in a utopian bubble. Maybe if people learned how a business operates, they wouldn't be shocked at businesses taking measures to protect themselves. I'm what's wrong with the country. Yeah that makes sense. How about the people who have put us INTO this mess being what's wrong with the country? How about people voting to keep this ###### going being what's wrong with the country? Oh no, I'm what's wrong. That's rich.
There is something extremely hilarious about it. EXTREMELY. Excuse me if I have zero sympathy for those people who are somehow blindsided that people are being laid off and having their hours cut short because they voted to keep the politicians responsible for such rules and regulations in place. Even though so many of these companies and businesses have been warning about this very thing for MONTHS. It's about ###### time for the public to learn that elections have consequences. I will continue to laugh and cheer along the way. Eurotopia will fail regardless of what I do, so I will continue to point it out at every turn. Especially when people criticize and look to boycott groups like Papa John's and Applebees because they haven't the slightest clue about how businesses operate or what keeps them going. Own a business and learn how to operate one before spouting off ridiculous crap like "oh, just provide care, raise prices, and only make great profits instead of ridiculous ones." Absolutely NO clue. NONE. The American people voted for this, and they're gonna get it. Will of the voter, right?
http://twitchy.com/2012/11/10/more-obamacare-fallout-darden-restaurants-mulls-cutting-workers-hours/?utm_source=autotweet&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=twitter teehee
Wouldn't be able to see these living in LA anyway. It would be nice if they showed the Anaheim/SJ/Vancouver trip. EDIT: Yeesh, this was an old thread. Just realized it.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/09/papa-johns-obamacare-john-schnatter_n_2104202.html teehee, extra cheese
http://www.marketwatch.com/story/why-college-savers-should-fear-the-fiscal-cliff-2012-11-08 teehee
I did.
lol, Petraeus. Seems legit, bro.
Don't have a job to lose.