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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. Yeah, I'd definitely want another person who doesn't stand for anything as my opponent too if I were a leftist. Easiest to beat.
  2. Yeah, Benghazi is just a fake story. Ambassador and three others dead----no big deal.
  3. It's ###### hilarious to me that Al Gore tried to rush the sale of his network to avoid tax hikes on January 1st. But I guess you missed that little bit of hilarity. Not surprising, considering who you are and what you believe in. Not to mention the delicious irony that Al Gore, being the global warming cult leader that he is, sold his network to Al-Jazeera, which was built on oil money.
  4. http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/01/02/al-jazeera-said-to-be-acquiring-current-tv/ That is......say it with me boys........"too funny"
  5. Too bad we couldnt keep a clean sheet. Damn. Awesome ass-kicking though.
  6. Another one for McCabe! ###### yeah!
  7. No idea. Not my area of expertise. I'll ask around.
  8. Okay. So find something that you consider unbiased or find something that proves what's in there is wrong.
  9. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2013/01/02/the-pork-filled-and-expensive-nonrelief-sandy-relief-bill-n1477710
  10. So....how funny is it that the Democrats spent years and years and years talking about "Bush Tax Cuts for the RICH!" and "tax cuts and two wars destroyed our economy!" and all that other crap, changed their entire tune, and are now tacitly admitting that the Bush Tax Cuts weren't just for the rich and that they're not bad, evil policy anymore?! ....the answer, of course, is "too funny" 10-to-1 ratio of spending-to-cuts, lmfao. Ah don't worry though, I'm sure unlike the last two times this type of deal happened, spending will ACTUALLY get cut in the future. Definitely confident on that! Great deal, bro. Can't wait for two months from now for the next fight.
  11. Well, since you like SEEING things, SwampD..... http://www.aei-ideas.org/2012/12/the-7-most-illuminating-economic-charts-of-2012/
  12. Just as I suspected. I hope you have a very, very happy new year, SwampD.
  13. Uh, maybe because spending wasn't as out of ###### control? Wanna go to the 90s rates or whatever it is? Sure, let's go to 90s spending. And there's quite a lot of hyperbole in that ###### sandwich post of his. Look harder. Like the fact that the Tea Party is such an "extremist organization that hides behind a mask of fiscal conservatism as a way to push an ultra-conservative agenda." Yeah, if they were, they'd have more influence, lol. And if I took that and substituted "Tea Party" for "Barack Obama", "organization" for "piece of ######", "mask of fiscal conservatism" for "hope and change" and "ultra-conservative agenda" to "hardcore radical Eurotopian leftist ######", I would be branded a conspiracy theorist, racist, bigoted, etc.
  14. Okay. Just wanted your thoughts. Just about what I expected. You'd probably like the NYT op-ed out yesterday saying we should do away with the Constitution. http://www.nytimes.c....f=opinion&_r=3 And Swamp, nah. I prefer calling a spade a spade. Thanks. You're telling me to stop with my supposed hyperbole yet you're seemingly perfectly fine with the tripe I have quoted above. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
  15. What power do you consider them to have? I find it interesting that you refer to them as "parasites" but not Congress and our President overall, considering what the latter have been doing with our money in recent years. Not to mention the "parasites" who feed off such funds. But hey, we already know what you're interested in.
  16. So you, like our President, aren't interested in a deal. You're interested in destruction. Got it. At least you don't try to hide it like he does. I can respect that, I think. Kinda. Eh. Well, not really.
  17. lol, this Senate deal has $41 of spending for every $1 of cuts. Sounds like a good deal, bro.
  18. Good to see us kicking some ass today. After two consecutive one goal efforts, nice to see the offense wake up a bit.
  19. A job, lol. Oh wait, do I need Rush Limbaugh and Fox News to tell me that, too? Maybe once I actually find a job and wake up before 3:30pm every day, I can listen to Rush Limbaugh's show. Unfortunately, as it is now, I sleep right through it and then some.
  20. Heh. .....alright. Have a good game, man. I really hope you play well.
  21. I'm sure they do have them. Glad you're admitting that IPAB would be the same. Difference is that you can move around between private companies if you don't like how they do things. And no, really, I'd really like to see what you have to say on the subject of the right being the ones who wrote the book on class warfare. Seriously. I think it would be quite interesting to read your explanation.
  22. This would go a long way in mending fences with fans, IMO.
  23. What's an IPAB?
  24. USA/Canada starting soon! 4:30am ET.
  25. I don't watch Fox News or listen to Rush Limbaugh. But that's cute that you assumed that. I can just as easily assume you watch MSNBC or read Think Progress. Frankly, I have zero idea how saying "class warfare works" is even considered a "talking point." I mean, it exists. It's true. It works. It's worked throughout history. Please explain to me how the book on class warfare was written by "the right". I must have missed that lecture during my time majoring in political science at UCLA.
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