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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. We're overcompensating and it's obvious.
  2. I cannot believe we got out of that unscathed.
  3. Myers has been bad so thank God he got on the board there.
  4. Goodness what a ###### start to the second.
  5. Good opening period. Lots of energy out there, Ott looks damn good. PK has to stay strong. Lucky that wasn't a goal for Philly
  6. Loving our energy out there! That PP was damn nice.
  7. I'll say it'll be a TV Party for the first goal.
  8. Sight for sore eyes. Tomorrow will rule so long as we win, Baltimore wins, and San Francisco wins loll
  9. Not interested in OReilly. Dude seems like a punk with all this stuff lately. Screw him.
  10. No idea how much Center Ice will be this year. Maybe I can get it from DTV discounted or free.
  11. Schedule looks okay. I'm pumped for the opener. That's gonna be one hell of a day. We have a good amount of games on National TV which is good for me since I live in CA. Wish we got Center Ice free, dammit.
  12. Nice gesture to those out of town fans.
  13. Man, that's gonna be one crazy day.
  14. Looks like we're opening at Boston on the 19th, according to Harrington.
  15. Can't wait for Leino to GTFO.
  16. So that free Center Ice thing was probably BS, huh.
  17. Just read that details on camps and such won't come until Monday.
  18. It's over, baby!
  19. Now that the House has passed a stripped down, only-ACTUAL-Sandy-aid bill, I'm anxiously awaiting Chris Christie's press conference where he lambasts Harry Reid for sitting on his ass on this. Tick-tock.
  20. Nah, not really. Even worse than Romney. Leftists love when they can convince Republicans to run "moderates." Easiest to beat those who are "middle of the road." Can't say I fault that strategy because it, like class warfare, works. It works REALLY well. For proof of how well it works, look at 2012, 2008, and 1996 as the most recent examples. Personally, I can't stand Christie for, among a few other things, his associations with less-than-savory people.I won't say who, because I'll just be called a bigot or something so who cares. I couldn't care less about the ###### people have been getting on him recently for.
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