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Everything posted by waldo

  1. Do you know what he signed his last contract for.. you need to laugh? take a look... a guy with....700+ goals?
  2. I know...lol.. a very slow day here... I should have used the phil esposito signing!
  3. D ROY SIGNED? one year 4 mil with the BLUES.. Gonna get him a cup!...lol
  4. a wacko anti fracking environmentalist as the first line center on our AHL quality team? I knew something was up when he was seen eating dinner with Andrew Cuomo, Jim Salinger and Al Gore. I bet Cody is pro carbon credit and anti pipeline too.
  5. there are no goaltenders here ..lol
  6. I think you wanted to say Myers. lol Oh my god..hockey players taking the highest offer and owners and their coaches treating them like meat. oh my! dogs and cats living together, chickens falling from the sky!
  7. Like manny and ortiz never liked the needle or flunked a roid test (along with probably half the other guys on that team during that era).
  8. +1
  9. lol...so true ..
  10. I was in floida that day eating on a resturant patio at 7:30 pm . it was not raining in the keys. i could see the boat extremely well. it was docked 100 feet away..maybe my eyes are better than yours..lol ...but then again ...i was closer to the equator, facing west and the fish was excellent. . so was the company . So i guess my argument goes up in smoke because it was early evening / twilight and not daylight? ... lol you win.. where do i send the check?
  11. 1, Response to the bolded part: Nope, had nothing to do with that.. 2, second bold: Nope. Only if Travon shot him after Zimmerman assaulted him or threatened to shoot him. . . He got shot because he jumped a guy he thought he could take and he was wrong. He was committing a crime when he got shot. Had nothing to do with stand your ground. the finding was self defense. If he does not choose to assault the pillsbury dough boy he lives. simple. You are entitled to your position that Zimmerman has liability. Imo there is no civil rights or civil liability in this case. I think a little time will prove me correct. The FBI , police department and prosecutors findings neuter the civil rights case and the self defense finding neuters the civil action
  12. it is called twilight.(not the movie)..the sunset on feb 26 was at 6:35 pm...he called the police at 7:03 it was still light out Taro... Step out 40 minutes after sun down tonight and tell me if you can see anything. do not carry your pistol..lol I corrected my post to replace daylight with 7:03 pm just to please you...
  13. Then the probailbilty goes up that you do not survive either.. In a potentially confrontational situation your brain, more often than not, is more useful than a weapon. For the record. How many pillsbury dough boy pedofile or homosexual rapists have you read about whose mo it was to follow healthy 6' 175+ lb hooded black adults into public property at 7:03 pm with an intent to subdue them physically and have sex with them there. ? The kid spent too much time listenng to his, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, female friend. Travon died because he got wrapped up in that bull---- testosterone fueled,peer induced, hood mentality thing and nobody ever told him that when you go mma (commit an assault) on a stranger in a carry state you can get you shot.
  14. "To be proud of learning is the greatest ignorance" :rolleyes:
  15. you could lock the entire site if you wish. :P
  16. . The history of the parties, is the history of the parties. The historical facts do not change because ideology within a given party shifts over time. . For any modern day democrat to accuse his political adversaries of being anti black is disingenuous at best and a overt denial of the positive role the republican party played in ending slavery and enacting civil rights related reform legislation starting in the post civil war era. Slavery would not have ended without Lincoln. Post war reforms would not have been enacted without republican support. The civil rights legislation of the 1960s would not have become law without the minority parties almost unanimous support in breaking the southern democrat hold on the legislation in committee. Your one must consider the shifts in ideology point is irrelevant .The historical record is the historical record. 1863-2013. The republican party never hung a innocent black man from a tree , enacted a poll tax or denied a black person a restroom or education or right to vote. That was the southern democrat party with not insignificant support from some non southern democrat colleagues’and a president or two. Todays democrat party is , in many ways , as racist as it ever was. seventy children shot in chicago last weekend and not a story from the administrations news networks or a peep from the president or rob of the emanuels. all just my 1st amendment opinion
  17. true..
  18. and i said that where? The history of the democrat party is the history of the democrat party Same holds true on the republican side/ I wonder if you could take some of your valuable time and explain it to me? Why the history of a party over time is not the history of a party good or bad ? In detail. This could be fun. Is this one of those revisionist history exercises that the parties morphed on the first full moon of 1930 --- Perhaps Lincoln was really a modern democrat, or George Wallace a republican? Maybe the post civil war republicans in congress were not republicans but democrats ? It is all so confusing to me. It was not the minority party in the house that was the force that moved the civil rights legislation in the 1960s when the southern democrats were blocking it, it was not republican votes that passed most of the post civil war reform agenda? Perhaps they called themselves by the wrong name? The vast majority of represenitives and office holders in the south were not democrats in the fifties and sixties? or perhaps Robert Byrd was not a member of the KKK. Now i am being disingenous...lol I could use some clarrification.. Please chime in, true blue ,given the fact you have a doctorate.
  19. I agree 100 percent.....and .I am not a republican nor am i a socialist/communist democrat in the ilk of Obama, Pelosi, or Reid.
  20. It is amazing that hollywood can make an entire movie about Lincoln and the civil war and never mention anybodys party affiliation. Did you think those were republicans in the south with sheets over there heads hanging blacks from trees. That Sanger was not the mother of eugenics? How long have the democrats been in control of the city of chicago ,detroit, new orleans...take your pick? What has happened to the black crime rate in those cities ? The education system in those areas. What percentage of the Chicago pd patrols south Chicago on a friday night? lol... wake up....
  21. Hate to break it to you Weave,, but just about every police man on your local pd had delusions about becoming a cop. Most of them got a free pass through their psych exam, He was interested in a criminal justice related career , his father was a judge. He went to college and wanted to live in a safe neighborhood. is your anti gun slip showing?..lol
  22. He was part of an organized neighborhood watch. A very old concept in this country especially in inner city ethnic neigborhoods.No spreading to high crime suburban areas. exactly...he needed to have more faith that the person who started the physical part of the altercation (a stranger) and now kicking the crap out of him would stop short of killing him...lol
  23. The Democrat party ( the party of slavery, the segregated south ,the kkk and Margeret Sanger) owns the black vote... They really do not care about crime in their neighborhoods as long as that vote hits the polls. Ironic that the PARTY is headed by a black man now. I have always wondered how a black democrat president could sit in the oval office and condone through his silence the four biggest problems that afflict his race in america.. abortion , unemployment. single parent households and crime. I guess free cell phones, more food stamps, and a little graft are enough to let him sleep soundly at night while his friends on wall street make billions.Do you think he knows that two generations of innocent black children have been lost in poor urban areas to abortion or that the schools in those area run by his union friends are wors now than they were during the 60s? Do you think he knows that if you subtract black on black and poor hispanic on poor hispanice gun crimes from the statistics . this country has no gun crime problem outside of the federal goverments unwillingess to keep them out of the hands of the insane. Another democrat voting block..( the mental health industry) He should , he went to Harvard, as a quota admission. While the Zimmerman case was front page , 225 black children got shot in Chicago. Did you hear anything about that?
  24. If you have ever carried one you would realize that it makes the average person far more cautious and responsible as it relates to physical confrontations..He was doing his job as part of the neighboorhood watch.He did not touch, punch or otherwise try to restrain Travon. He followed him , reported to the police and spoke to him.. Reason enough to beat the crap out of him ...right?
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