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Everything posted by waldo

  1. We are not getting McDavid..
  2. Roy, Vanek, Tropp, Gerbe, Leopold, Pom, Lydman, Tallinder, Regehr, Paille, Zubrus, Cambell, Seems like a few made out ok and played or continue to play well after they left. We have a talent for getting rid of guys that can play too.
  3. The next Sabres sick puppy? Oh such fun! Fans have to hate. lol . Is he the next in a long line of Sabre sick puppies who have left and become sucessfull NHLers elsewhere?
  4. Trade Miller, on with our 12 year rebuild.
  5. If he was a Bruin he would be gone already.lol Maybe he is reading the hand writting on the wall, last place,5-7 year rebuild, no scoring, no Pom, Vanek, Roy, Regehr, Miller, soon Ott and Moulson etc. Time to move. A 19 year old has a much better chance of suceeding playing with talent around him. :blink:
  6. 3 goals 5A, +5 having missed five games and hit six posts (actual number)..As streaky as he is, hopefully the posts will change to goals soon as he gets used to a different system and line mates.
  7. Note: hard to put a guy with a degree in mechanical engineering and sophisticated sense of humor, in the goon category. Think of him as a hard punching geek that other players in the NHL give a lot of space to.
  8. lol..+2 exactly! a perfect way for a 30 goal player in his prime to finish a career.. in the middle of a six year going nowhere rebuild . Now what happens to OTT and others.Does Hoff pick up the phone and ask to go? Thank you Darcy for not being able to find OR DEVELOP a true one center OR a power forward for Vanek to play with, not to mention a shut down d pairing or a second and third line of scoring OVER THE PAST SEVEN SEASONS.
  9. lol...i am..and worse ;)
  10. I was not aware that i had made a statement about "how public universities work" this must be waldo is confused week, first your good ,well read and some time abusive friend Eleven, now you? I think i have a good general understanding of how Public Universities are financed and operate.(work) I am more than vaguely familiar with their structure , personnel systems, , revenue streams , capital programs and even the systems RAM formula,...lol. On the operational side , It has been my experience that their adminstrations tend to be as parochial , corrupt and politcal as the worst of our politcians...lol.. The last time i looked , the tuition revenue base at BU was not sufficient to support the cost of the Universities operations. I doubt it would pay for even the debt service on their outstanding State Bonds, Although as one of the Andrew Cuomo new University Centers they now have more tuition flexibility , they will never be able to be self finance even with a facilities program paid for largely by the State and full cotrol of their tuittion. (IMO) In summary, most if not all the jobs at the university,not to be confused with its foundations, are in fact, classified as public sector jobs. No?
  11. Hopeful is actually a little low Potato.When one factors in indirect employment created by federal, state and local government revenue streams,debt financed programs, medicaid, medicare, social security, defense contracting, public universities, welfare, housing, auhority spending etc etc etc . That number goes up dramatically. A few years ago I read some well done numbers that noted close to three out of every five upstate jobs were directly or indirectly funded by a goverment revenue stream. It generally takes about two dollarsin admin to deliver a dollar in assistence. (probably three by now). I am sure true blue will comment on this? It is right in his statistical / census wheel house.. Never believe a government generated number.They are not what they used to be. lol
  12. It has become apparent to me over time, after reading most of your posts , your responses tend to lack any real substance or insight into the subjects you choose to comment on , and when frustrated, meaning when a posters comments do not fit within your belief systems parameters, you have a propensity to go with a ad hominem abusive type response . (i left a number of spelling, punctuation and syntax errors in my missive because i know it will bother you) Nice! huh? If a person really cared about the middle class , the poor , or a real sustainable recovery, your currency policy probably would not look like this? http://ycharts.com/i..._in_circulation http://research.stlo...series/CURRENCY What is your prediction for the dow drop when they halt easing. lol
  13. I think you may be one of the few people here with a real private sector job. I think we need a poll. lol ,or a study... ..
  14. a good one lol
  15. Explain it then Are you worried about default? Has the minority party ever used this tactic before? Do we pay 225 billion currently Who is the biggest holder of our debt? In the last three years who has purchased the most debt? Is debt service a legal priority Do we take in 3 trillion of revenue Do you think we have not pumped enough money into the economy with deficit financing When will we have an enacted budget again Is a 17 trillion dollar debt ceiling not enough Should it be balanced What is the tipping point on debt Was creating a 3 trillion dollar program in the middle of a recesssion wise... Where are you on QE ... wwow us with your intellect. because after reading your posts, I have a similar opinion of you .. This could be fun . A school teacher, oh my.
  16. Maybe someone can tell us what QE is in laymans terms.and tell the kind people here what the effects of five years of QE have been on the dollar and the debt market . Who are the main benificiaries of the policy? Can the program continue forever? What happens when the program ends? Is the program dependant on a debt ceiling increase? I have always wondered why trillions of dollars in spending over the past five years has not been enough to bring our economy back in Keynesian terms .Maybe we can get Paul Kruuuggggggmaan from the Times to comment..lol Or better yet, maybe True Blue can explain all of this to us in the vanacular. A teachable momment.
  17. Debt service is the encumbrance that gets paid first. Totatlrevenue is around 3+ trillion a year and debt service is about 225 billion of that, so default is just not going to happen unless a unhinged leader does something unconstitutional, (very possible). It should be noted that we, The U.S. treasury is buying about 60% of our own debt these days. lol Post debt service payments is where the process gets really interesting because then you are into programs. I would like to see that fight. http://www.usgovernm...dget_pie_gs.php Our President has taken Keynesian economics to the extreme. Instead of taxing and spending in a economic decline we are taxing, spending and printing at a pace never before seen in our history. Just as we are still feeling the effects of the Carter Administrations foreign policy mistakes today, we will be feeling the effects of the Obama administrations economic and foreign policy incompetence for decades to come. Assuming we survive ..lol The people who were holding all of those GM notes ,that the President decided to not honor, thought they had the force of federal banruptcy law guarenteeing that their notes be repaid first...lol ...Maybe that is the way out, meaning just like Jackson ignored the Supreme Court decision relating to Carolina Indian Tribe property rights, our President could ignore the requirement to pay debt . He has shown the propensity to ignore estblished law on several fronts. Who would challange him? The good citizens of Chicago? The Attorney General, Harry Reid? That would mean the end of the dollar as the world currency. America would lose super power status ...Sol would like that? no? They will work it out , the republicans do not have the stomach or the brains for this and our President does not understand anything beyond strict adherence to his socialist /communist dogma. He will win by default, no punn intended.
  18. I wish they really did have the balls to shut it down, but alas, they do not.
  19. why not just wait for the deadline and do it with the first.? they are a beast of a team already ...i think the highest first takes at the deadline with some clutter thrown in
  20. could have signed him cheap..but who needs skill and speed
  21. a little lower than I would have guessed but in the range per and longer than expected,
  22. never seemed angry to me..
  23. he played well
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