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Everything posted by Marvelo

  1. Hockey is such a fast game. There's a grey area between whether a hit is intentional or whether it was a mistake on the part of the hitter, ie he missed what he was trying to do. I know, I'm just recovering from a concussion on a non-intentional hit. Contact is incidental to the game of hockey and to try to crack down on errors of a split second, well Shanahan might be the Dutch kid plugging a watercourse (aka "######") with his thumb.
  2. This the Dynamos tribute to Lokomotiv from espn.com. http://espn.go.com/blog/nhl/post/_/id/11103/watch-dynamos-tribute-to-lokomotiv
  3. Damn those Russian planes and the fog. I don't trust the Rooskies or their airlines. Awhile back, the Polish president and all his cabinet died in a plane in a fog in Russia.
  4. I refuse to care until Ralph Wilson goes away.
  5. My complaint is: NOBODY CARES that Michelle Obama is spending $10 million this year (so far) on her vacations. I'm not normally a political person but this makes me very angry, with so many people in this country hard up.
  6. thanks but yikes! it doesn't matter if it's original or a repro.
  7. Let's go Ralph!
  8. With Dareus, it's deja vu all over again... I feel like we're back in 1985 again with Bruce Smith's rookie year. Same team of interchangeable and expendable faces too.
  9. doing a project where'd I'd like to find a REASONABLE hockey puck the the old bisons pepsi cap logo on it. anyone?
  10. The last three years was the slow-minded discovery of the management (under the non-leadership from Sugar Packets) that the team minus Drury/Briere doesn't have what it takes. Giving guys like Stafford/Connolly a chance to show that they can do it on a regular basis...it proved to be just wrong IMO. Meanwhile, sticking with and giving guys a chance, is a noble thing to do, if you're right about those guys. But they have proved to be wrong about alot of these guys like Gaustad, Hecht, Grier, Lalime and others and transplanting a guy on the downside, who didn't want to come here anyway, Rivet as captain just seemed like a way to pull back and let the system develop in front of our eyes. There are some pretty good pieces still in place...I still have hope for the Roy-Vanek-Pominville core, but many of the guys that they devoted longterm salaries to were simply duds and should be replaced by the yutes. I'm geniunely happy about the development of this latest crop, including Ennis, Adam, Kassian, Weber, Butler and yes, Gerbe and would like to see them get a chance this year.
  11. I think this is a transitional year and don't expect them to make the playoffs. If they do, .I think they'd make it by the skin of their teeth this year and I'd consider it a bonus.. I want them to play at least 5 rookies and phase the deadwood out. I'm starting to like this team. I was really down on them earlier but without Stafford, Rivet, Connolly and maybe some other roster moves, I'd be excited to see youth take over and form a new core. I like the way Buffalo is competing these days and hope they keep it up.
  12. it was a good game. I don't mind the loss so much because the mistakes were made by rookies I like, who are going to get better. I thought bflo played a hard game and if they keep playing like that they'll get their share of wins.
  13. It's a timid front office who's afraid of change...and a timid team too. If you don't have enough talent, you have to try harder. And this team can't or won't penetrate.
  14. ...wait 'til Connelly gets back!
  15. I said the same exact thing at about the same exact time and when it happened, I wasn't surprised. I wonder how many other Sabres fans experienced the same thing?
  16. I'm not complaining but... Is it just me or has Miller lost more shut-outs in the last five minutes than pretty much any goalie in NHL history? Any stats on this? It's almost getting predictable.
  17. The Western Conference has an overwhelming edge over the Eastern because of their youth. Youth means speed. Buffalo has alot of older, stodgy guys because they are conservative and go with the tried and true. Buffalo should get alot more youth on the team and get rid of the elderly statesmen.
  18. Although he needs theresponsibility, I can't begin to imagine a Sabres team captained by someone who plays 1/3 of the games would look like. :unsure:
  19. Did you see Vanek's postgame interview? Looked like he was crying.
  20. I want someone cut tomorrow. I don't care who.
  21. But I think they honestly believe the team is good.
  22. Balsille anyone?
  23. Vanek looks like the 7 footer in the NBA who misses all his dunks.
  24. Yeah. Somehow the Atlantas got hockey-smarter than the Buffalos. I never thought that would happen. Or maybe Buffalo just got dumber.
  25. I think DR and LQ have combined to become DQ. What a team of softies.
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