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Everything posted by Marvelo

  1. None of these sad tunes you name can touch this: Leo Sayer singing "When I Need Love." Check out Leo in the Rene Robert jersey!
  2. just checking in to keep the thread going. Stafford must go.
  3. I read Drew is having family problems this year. The Oilers might be a destination; he'd prefer it and he's got family there. But for the way he's hosed Buffalo, they should trade him to the hinterlands where he'll be miserable. (not where he prefers to go, Edmonton). http://www.edmontonjournal.com/sports/Western+conference/6033623/story.html
  4. Stafford still needs to go. Badly!
  5. I honestly don't think that elaborate celebrations are wrong. I don't think there shouldn't be penalties for it. It's harmless and should be part of the game. The guy who celebrates should be given a chance to do it, but with the condition that the other team is going to try to knock his block off next time.
  6. ....which reminds me of the story when Charlie Sheen kicked off his book tour in Detroit. (NY Daily News) If Buffalo fans can't force a trade from its seemingly unconcerned management, then they can boo the offending players mercilessly. I'd like to see the fans rain boos down on players like Stafford whenever he touches the puck.
  7. how about benching that clueless sack of s**t?
  8. Time will tell if I'm right.
  9. hopefully they learn their lesson and try to sell high, not sell low. You won't get a bag of pucks for this headcase and Roy...I don't doubt his heart but that injury ruined him.
  10. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah...all the best.
  11. 225 replies and counting. Maybe this lazy bum needs to go.
  12. I look at this list, I shake my head, my heart sinks. Most of them are either big flops or gone. Hightailed their way out of Buffalo.
  13. truth is unfortunately Bflo is a ramshackle town with ramshackle sports teams. what are you gonna do?
  14. If Stafford was a superstar, I might take his workout and festivus skit with a laugh. But when the results aren't there, I have to think that he's just a headcase that can't get it together.
  15. yeah it's fake but I wonder if the Gaga wig exists?
  16. Feather hat: http://1.bp.blogspot...staffy+cfc3.jpg As Jesus: http://www.thegooses...susstafford.jpg With the Furries: http://3.bp.blogspot...the+furries.jpg The Lady Gaga Wig, (whose play inspires the team to play like "little monsters"): http://hfboards.com/...d.php?t=1011173 Fu Man Drew's workout: http://ca.sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/Video-Fu-Man-Drew-workout-with-Drew-Stafford?urn=nhl-wp13166
  17. No hockey sense, no passion. Stafford's obviously tuned out Ruff, along with a host of others. He's got to do something dirty and get away with it in order to embolden and kickstart himself on some kind of streak. Stafford should have been gone eons ago when he called our fans a bunch of mouse potatoes. What's wrong with Buffalo? They hang on to stale guys way too long because they're so conservative and afraid of change...and with this new management, are still poor judges of both talent and character.
  18. I think Kerry Fraser has the pedigree and the knowledge to be the discipline czar. Although Shanahan is a HOFer, he has no credentials and no perspective with the rules of the game. Shanahan was a poor choice...Fraser would have been the logical czar with his vast knowledge of the rules and his experience officiating the game.
  19. despise the fact that Buffalo always gets it in the a**. There should have been a strong statement by Shanahan that you don't hit goalies unless it can't be avoided. Lucic could have certainly avoided it and he smirked on the way to the penalty box, in the box and during the postgame interview. The guy is a typical Bruins moron in the mold of idiot #1, Mike Milbury. Unfortunately Miller didn't help in his own cause by coming out of the crease. Maybe his hat isn't on straight either; just take the brakeaway dammit, don't leave the crease! With Enroth breathing down his neck, and with probable post concussion sydrome, maybe he wasn't playing healthy and maybe, just maybe it was his way of being carried out on his shield.
  20. my prediction: 20 games for Lucic.
  21. from Penn State to State Pen.
  22. how come all these a-holes get millions of dollars and I get nuthin? :censored:
  23. Policing the hits to the head is a great first step and Shanahan will have his hands full with that. Alot of the times the rock hard shoulder and elbow pads cause concussions...the equipment should be modified with that in mind and I hope Shanny can deal with that too.
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