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Everything posted by Marvelo

  1. I wouldn't mind to see the replacement refs go the rest of the year and thru the Super Bowl. It puts a wild card aspect into each game and gives a team like the Bills a chance to go all the way. As for Moorman, I'm sorry to see him go like this. He was our best player for almost a decade, which says something about how sorry the Bills have been.
  2. The guy should be free to speak his mind, sounds like the ring of truth to me. $250,000 is harsh and I hope they take it to court. Maybe the NHL has something to hide? The owners and the players are crying foul, but who's getting screwed? The fans. We're talking about a sport that is consistently out-rated by Women's Basketball on TV. The inmates are running the asylum. Players will have to take a cut, they can't earn more than the owners.
  3. Good one. We can't lose sight that the NHL is consistently out-rated by the Women's Basketball League on TV.
  4. A couple days after I posted this, the Sabres signed Andrey Makarov. I feel as though I discovered him and should get a percentage if he makes it big.
  5. Not a bad idea if there is a lockout .. boycott any NHL merchandise until the 2013-14 season.
  6. I see Carolina waived Gragnani.
  7. If I'm Ennis I'd be reluctant to sign with the Sabres. After all, they were chasing a 35 year old player with megabucks, and they're trying to squeeze Ennis, who's currently the #1 center on the #1 line. I just don't understand this team, how they can spend $8 million dollars on a stupid locker room and neglect one of their mainstays.
  8. My guess about the team's next moves is that Ralph is gonna croak soon and then the Bills will move.
  9. Why has this team not drafted a quality quarterback since 1983?
  10. you know, you're right.
  11. note to T.P: Money can't buy loyalty.
  12. Yeah we're being manipulated and it ain't fun.
  13. In recent years, the fans have been out of it. It was louder even when the Aud had a capacity of 10,400. The "Let's go Buffalo" chant has been there ever since the Bisons. I remember one game I went to in '76 or so when the Sabres beat the Caps 14-2 where the crowd was chanting "1-2-3-4-5-6 we want 7" and beyond...haven't heard that one in awhile. The Earl of Bud was a tradition...what happened to him? The crowds have been quiet in the last several years as a sense of generic corporate manners have set in, killing any kind of spontaneous combustion. Loud, obnoxious piped in music and cheering and video urges to cheer have drowned out any sense of enthusiasm from the bleached out crowd, along with the annoyingly over the top PA announcer Jay Moran. Not to mention the bland national anthem singer whose name escapes me. How about an inspirational national anthem singer for a change? zzzzzzzzzz.... We need real leadership to restore a sense of hockey tradition here, not artfully hide the fact that the HSBC has become a morgue. But the brand of hockey has s**ked. The team hasn't had any guts for years. When the Sabres are challenging, the crowds get rowdy. It's just that the team can't expect a crowd to lift them, they have to lift the crowd. Build it and they will come.
  14. Yes. In one sequence it pointed out what's been wrong with the Sabres and forced us to address it. No more cowards.
  15. Ducks too.
  16. Wonder how Ralph Wilson is doing. Can you imagine the team without Ralph? http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/8318917/buffalo-bills-owner-ralph-wilson-hospitalized-good-condition
  17. A friend of mine got into a huge 3 car collision because some idiot didn't have their dogs secured and jumped all over them and they lost control of the SUV. Her car was totaled and if she wasn't wearing her seatbelt, she would have died. Her car rolled over 2x. One of the dogs died. Secure your dogs down if they tend to jump around while you drive and always wear a seatbelt because there's lots of idiots out there. It might save your life. I thank you.
  18. Good one. You'd have to think that frequent sweater changes are the mark of an unstable and unpopular franchise that has image problems, one that is desperately reaching to to gain an image and to sell merchandise. I know if I bought any of the Sabres 400 sweater changes and they were made obsolete in two years, I'd be ticked off and less likely to buy one in the future because that one would be phased out too. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, don't get fooled again. That being said, this is my 1000 th official post, although I had many more under different names, so a hearty congratulations to me. I'm now a third liner, and the best one in the damn game.
  19. zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Mediocre minds at "work." When oh when will they roll out the classic red white and blue bottlecap jerseys? We've had the best uniform all along but are too fracking STUPID to realize it!
  20. Seriously what is the holdup with Ennis?? Is the fax machine broken again?
  21. Truth hurts.
  22. http://deadspin.com/5937604/why-your-team-sucks-2012-buffalo-bills
  23. Buffalo is too conservative, and afraid of change to do what Boston just did. Pegula's more like Arte Moreno of the Angels than the Red Sox owner, so I keep seeing him bribing big name players to come to Buffalo, whether they fit into a plan or not. I can't believe Ruff/Regier are still in Buffalo and I just feel that for some unknown reason, we will be one point short or one goal short every year til the end of time. Buffalo has done something collectively wrong that can't be righted...It's our fate.
  24. Doan's too old to make 7.5 mil a year. Hopefully good sense prevails. It's really too bad that Buffalo has to bribe players to come over.
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