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Everything posted by Marvelo

  1. Marvelo


    I'm tired of these bad starts and barely squeaking or not squeaking in at the end.
  2. It was an intense game! I had no problem about this performance except two crucial defensive lapses. If Buffalo plays like this every night, especially against the lesser teams, they'll win most of the time. Problem is, Buffalo seems to only get up for the Pittsburghs and the Bostons but not the Carolinas and the Columbuses.
  3. I'm thinking outside the box here so bear with me a second. Not only has the Sabre Dance become an tired, old cliche, but the Sabres have become a tired organization. The way the Sabres came into existence was the first owners, lacking a coherent vision of their own, threw it open to the fans to name the organization. Fans flooded the organization with names. The favorite I remembered was the Buffalo Veni Vidi Vicis... So around this one fan's annonymous concept sprung a conservative and boring organization with dull packaging and different gimmicks, like The Sabre Dance, Sabre Tooth, and other things that made up the Sabres identity. I'd like a professional repackaging of the Sabres. Throw out the Sabres and start from scratch. The Buffalo Sabres as an organization is a dead end.
  4. One tweak to the lineup I'd think about is getting Lee Stempniak.
  5. how generous of you.
  6. Thinking about this tragic Karlsson event, I couldn't help but notice that Cooke has been suspended 5 times. 5 times he's been charged with reckless endagerment. IMO it should be 5 times and you're out for good.
  7. Marvelo

    This team stinks

    Blow it up! Blow it up real good! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUtdXzBSVaU
  8. my prediction the Sabres will make a half-hearted attempt to satisfy the fans' bloodlust by axing an underling...James Patrick.
  9. Marvelo

    This team stinks

    I've narrowed the problems of this team to three main issues: offense, defense and goaltending. Once we get that fixed, we'll be fine.
  10. first he calls Gerbe "Gerber" then he confuses 6'8 Myers for 5'7 Ennis. He is an asshat.
  11. I despise the Ottawa pbp man.
  12. Marvelo

    This team stinks

    I'm missing Corey Tropp. We have to get some of these imposters and over the hill players out of here. And Pegula has got to get the deer in the headlights look out of his eyes and play the part of a real leader, not some crass nouveau riche with a hockey hobby.
  13. Imagine if Tyler Myers had been playing the last couple games...Someone should ship him and Stafford out immediately!
  14. The amount of running around in the d-zone, having our passes or clears intercepted and kept in the last few games has been astonishing. I don't think I remember Buffalo ever having such trouble clearing the zone, forced or unforced.
  15. Bucky has a firm grip on the obvious.
  16. Marvelo

    Commander Cody

    great dish to spring the Hoff last night.
  17. Marvelo

    Commander Cody

    Cody Hodgson has quietly accumulated 9 points in the last 6 games. He has 5 goals and 7 assists to Zach Kassian's 5 goals and 1 assists. Case closed. Cody is a magician with the puck and dishes the kind of passes us Buffalo fans love to see, after rosters full of unskilled lunks who've thrown thousands of bad passes before him. Just thought he deserved some props for the way he's turned it around since last year and gelled with Vanek and Pomers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R7l7nDuj1o&feature=youtu.be
  18. R&R, what a perfect way to describe them.
  19. Marvelo

    Tyler Myers

    Darcy was a trend-setter when we had the small and fast team in 2005 but when the league adjusted to big bruisers after that, he didn't, until it was too late.
  20. I want ruff/regier gone too, just don't like this chronic complainer being the one leading the charge. I think a fish rots from the head down and it's the Sabres higher management that are to blame.
  21. Here's a letter I just sent to Jerry Sullivan about his latest article calling for Ruff's job. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130207/SPORTS/130209292 ate: Feb 8, 2013 8:54 AM
  22. What's everyone squawking about? Buffalo can be a very good team every four or five games.
  23. I don't like Lindy throwing anyone under the bus. If anything, he should be throwing himself under the bus to take the pressure off his players, like most coaches with experience and class. As for Enroth, I'd play him again. He was getting in a groove the last 2 periods and I'd give Miller more time to sit and contemplate his performance to date.
  24. Then again, we have Miller and Enroth.
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