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Everything posted by Marvelo

  1. I'm starting to think that Ted Nolan can't fix this mess. I like him and he's a good coach but not a great one. I'm thinking someone from outside the organization, someone with Stanley Cup credentials, hand-selected by TM might fit the bill better. This Sabre mantra of cronyism has to be busted, obliterated. We unfortunately have a history of losers. Not sure who would step in and try to salvage this Pegula-engineered train wreck, whether we have 30 first rounders in the next few years or not.
  2. you could put him on a line with D'Agostini and call it the Dog Line.
  3. I think Errorhoff is beyond frustrated. He's beyond caring too. Almost completely demoralized. I wouldn't be surprised if demands a trade. I wouldn't mind seeing him leave....it would be a relief. Him and Leino are All Pigula.
  4. My two cents is Leino didn't work out in Detroit and had some success with a playoff team Flyers. And he didn't work out in Buffalo. I think some players function best as a complimentary piece to an overall puzzle that's pretty much in place and I think Leino is that kind of player. I don't see him as any kind of leader. The Sabres the last few years have been in a freefall, especially since Pegula took over.With all Leino's injuries, he's now in a tough position as a lame duck. It would be nice if he could put a good string of games together for the fans but overall I just think he's too fragile and should retire from the NHL and just go back to Europe for his own good and just return rest of the salary, no questions asked.
  5. The Sabres have been inept for a long time, it's not just this year. But they've perfected inept this year.
  6. Be careful what you wish for.
  7. I wish Ryan Miller well and of all the ex-Sabres on different teams now, except for maybe Pominville, I hope he wins the cup the most. However from what I've seen of Miller, he's a classic Silver Medal kind of guy. He's a terriffic goalie but from my experience watching him these last 45 years, he gives up too many clutch goals at big moments. However again I say I'm pulling for him.
  8. It's just very sad that we picked a guy off waivers and he goes straight to our #1 line.
  9. Yeah, he was laying on his stomach on the left boards. Might've been Hodgson?
  10. Anyone have an instant replay of the disallowed goal by Ennis? For sure it wasn't a penalty but I thought I saw a hand pass by one of the Sabre forwards in the Chicago end just preceeding the goal.
  11. Freddie's Doughnuts, vanilla creme filling with either chocolate on top or powdered. Or a hot glazed Krispy Kreme.
  12. No, I don't care about him although I think the Amerks were counting on him being a replacement for McNabb. What I mean is are the Sabres entitled to further compensation?
  13. wonder if there's an NHL rule is when something like this happens?
  14. I heard the Amerks were serious about a playoff run.
  15. I wouldn't be too surprised if Torts get the axe soon.
  16. I'm not sure how the moves all pan out but it's good to have fresh blood in here...the old blood is stale. I'd like to see TM build a team full of big, skilled ruffians with non-stop motors. I'd like to see that kind of ruthless model and I hope that's what's happening. Bravo to TM for all the moves and a belated kudos -- to DR for the final Vanek move which is turning out to be a master stroke with Snow's helpless blundering.
  17. My Islander fan friend told me PLF resigned the Islanders job after 40 days because they fired his buddy Neil Smith. Wonder if all this talk extending TN is true or if Pat left again because one of his cronies was about to get jettisoned?
  18. I feel that Battista telling Nolan not to dress Miller/Ott was a tipping point. Wouldn't it have been PL's job to tell Nolan? Maybe PL couldn't stomach the trade and the finagling that went with it.
  19. latter? Oh brother!
  20. My guess is we'll never know what happened. For all we know, Pegula and PL made an arrangement at the beginning that when all the pieces are in place, PL can step aside. I said it before that I would've loved to be a fly on the wall when Pegula initially came begging on his knees and crying to PL to become his GM, only to be told that he didn't have the experience. This to me tells me that the organization is being run by someone who doesn't know what he's doing. When an organization is run by someone who doesn't know what he's doing, there's chaos. I can't expect the truth from Pegula, there's too much shady stuff in his past with fracking and Penn State.
  21. Lafontaine had a 40 day stint as an Islander exec than abruptly quit too. Wonder if the concussions have anything to do with the volatility.
  22. Yes. I don't think Hasek as excellent as he was deserves a statue. The way he engineered his way out of town was ugly and left me bitter about him. I'm not sure I ever saw a player bully an organization like that before or since. Neither Miller or Hasek have won cups here. That's what statues are all about...legends, multiple cups, dynasties. I don't think a French Connection statue was deserved either...maybe Gilbert Perreault but that's it.
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