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Everything posted by Marvelo

  1. I agree. I can say thug league about any league, like the NBA or NFL that has a pretty high rate of criminals. I never heard of Sherman and really don't care. He's irrelevant to me, I'm just speaking as a hockey fan who hates basketball. Spare me your hysteria, PC police and rabid fact-checkers.
  2. I think it's a rush to judgement by the PC police. There was no investigation, no trial. There was a severe penalty. I'm not condoning what he said...what he's saying makes no sense to me...I think there are mental issues there. Sounds like a demented, crazy old bastard to me. The guy was taped in secret...this should be considered in some kind of well-researched trial, like in the Black Sox scandal.
  3. no, it means it's a league full of thugs.
  4. Where did Adam Silver come from? I thought Bud Selig lookalike David Stern was in charge. Instead, it looks like this latter-day Kenesaw Mountain Landis came from the moon to exact untold punishment on the utterings of mere mortals. 2.5 million fine for something he said at a b-ball game? Lifetime suspension? It's a rush to judgement accelerated by our big-mouth president. It was a setup, an extortion, a blackmail. The guy is 80. He might have dementia. I don't support the guy, he sounds pretty scummy. But the punishment is way too severe for what he did and amounts to PC-panic. Kareem has it right: It's the finger-wagging Olympics. http://time.com/7959...-jabbar-racism/ The NBA is thug league...this is no surprise.
  5. Anything is better than those clown outfit thirds. Maybe they made them wear the thirds to embarrass them even more with the putrid way they were playing.
  6. This is cool. A Washington-area illustrator has made Game of Thrones-style banners for every NHL team. Why can't the Sabres get a professional designer instead of one of Pegula's lame cronies doing the uniforms? http://www.thehockey...for-every-team/
  7. I don't hear much observation that Miller was worn out from the Buffalo experience of getting 35 shots dumped on him every game and had nothing left by the time he was shipped to the Blues. I heard Ott's a good team guy but I highly doubt what he brings to the ice has any kind of value at all. He might be a bit valuable to a rotten team like Buffalo but what did he do for the Blues? Nothing. His positive influence I think is way overrated. He's a cheapshot artist and we have plenty of those-- and cheaper. His most memorable moment as a Sabre: I think both of these players are washed up.
  8. You want Miller back? Remember the definition of insanity. Don't care for Ott either, he stinks.
  9. Good luck getting that mega contract next year Ryan.
  10. Miller will make the tough saves but then let these floaters in from the point. It's maddening. It would be interesting if there was a stat over the years to see how many garbage goals were scored on Miller's regular eye side and the crooked eye side .
  11. Year after year negativity gets tiresome. To say his top favorite memories did not involve Buffalo teams says something to me. I can't believe he's been there a quarter of a century. Time for some new blood!
  12. On the 25th anniversary of writing for TBN, Jerry Sullivan wrote a special column. Little did he know about all the haters just lurking for an opportunity to take a shot at him. The level of invective and abuse he takes in the comments section today is a bit shocking. http://www.buffalone...ts-old-20140418
  13. I'm going to miss Numminen but someone stuck him in the wrong slot.
  14. Anyone know if Buttman has the comissioner's job for life?
  15. Stafford still must go. He's only good compared to the rest of the rotten roster we have so he looked better than usual. He got rewarded with a huge contract after his 30 goal season, sleep-walked through a few years after that and now he's re-emerging as a "leader" when the team was at its all-time nadir. In the past, when the team had good players he was nowhere to be found. The fact that he is still around to me says that Stafford is the beneficiary of an organization that accepts and rewards mediocrity from its players and execs, no matter what it says about winning Stanley Cups. The Sabres are an organization that doesn't know their a** from their elbow. TP just wants that cushy comraderie and ego stroke from being an alumnus to some mythical form of excellence.
  16. Overheard at a Boston bar while watching the game... (Camera focuses on Ted Nolan behind the bench) Guy at bar: "The Sabres have an Eskimo for a coach!"
  17. Time to wipe the dog-doo that is the Sabres organization off the sneakers, but the stench will linger. The Sabres used to be a smart, small market team but have been very dumb, especially when the new owner arrived. Maybe Murray can fix that but with Uncle Terry and his minions pulling the strings, I highly doubt it. I'm also nervous to think about who Ted Nolan (who has "free reign") is going to bring in next year too.
  18. I detect a note of cynicism here.
  19. Thank you McBain for personally taking care of Enroth and Hackett.
  20. On 8/15/12 I posted this: So you should thank ME for Makarov.
  21. I tell ya, I don't get no respect at all. And the Sabres don't deserve it either. They're dead men walking and that's hard to root for. There is a slight pulse shown by players like Girgensons but we need players who without any questions stand up for each other and fight. https://www.youtube....h?v=m4qe4QcymLM
  22. Don't get me wrong, love the Sabres and following the sport but I am so relieved this season's almost over. It's been torture. I'm so sick of reading the descriptions of our team as "NHL-worst", "woeful", etc. Here's the latest indignity from The NY Post: Time after time, being a fan following this team this year reminded me of the dumb kid being sent to the corner in school. And we're being described as worst by these complete morons who can't even spell "past."
  23. so good, he's out as the league discipline czar. Bettman should follow him.
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