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Everything posted by Marvelo

  1. ugh.
  2. Nobody has picked Leino up yet I see.
  3. Interesting article about analytics. http://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2014/08/09/nhl-brink-intelligence-explosion/rzB1N81iptBsR1NQkslbGM/story.html?p1=Article_InThisSection_Bottom
  4. Meanwhile next year the Ducks will retire Teemu Selanne's #8. That's how a class organization operates, not after 10-15 years.
  5. The five most evil NHL photoshops. http://www.thehockey...d-come-up-with/ (for now)
  6. That's a stupid reply pastajoe. You don't even know who I am. Why should I, who was born and raised in this country have to move because our leaders, Bush and Obama are incompetent?
  7. Bush was terrible. Obama is even worse. 1. Wars: Iraq and Afghanistan are in complete chaos now. While he has withdrawn regular troops, he left behind mercenaries to take their place. Keep the wars going but hiding them...he didn't cause these wars, the moron Bush did, he's made a bad situation worse. 2. Hiding things seems to be what he's best at, seeing with scandal after scandal. Lying and hiding things from the American people. 3. ACA aka Obamacare. I'm personally a victim of Obamacare. Obama directly lied to the American people about what the ACA would do. What it has ended doing is wasting massive amounts of money and energy to insure a relatively small number of people who could have been insured by other means, such as expanding medicare. The ACA has been very poorly designed and administered w constant changes as to how and when employers have to participate and many people, including me, have seen their rates skyrocket (mine doubled) to meet ACA standards, which I don't even need. I was forced to change insurance plans, I couldn't keep my doctor (one of Obama's promises). The ACA has been an absolute disaster punctuated by repeated lies from Obama personally. So why are you defending someone who is obviously incompetent when you didn't vote for him the second time?
  8. He was a Junior Senator; a one term senator. Very little experience. As senator, he wasn't responsible for any major things. He mainly just voted "Present." The guy has no common sense or ability to lead. Everything he has done has been hurtful to the ordinary American citizen. Please inform me what Obama has done to help the ordinary American citizen? Not Guatamalans or anyone else, Americans.
  9. yes. except as a community organizer, whatever the hell that is.
  10. Here's the latest boost for unqualified military appointments ahem I mean ethnic diversity, a disguise for dumbing down and greasing the skids for good ole white American males. A non- pilot woman has been given command of the Air Force in the Pacific. She doesn't know how to fly and yet she is the commander. I guess I shouldn't be mad. Obama is commander in chief without any military experience and is President of the US without any kind of experience at all. What's going on makes me want to leave this country. These are not my people. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jul/17/air-force-command-nominee-is-1st-woman-non-pilot/
  11. Only my opinion but...Brian Duff's inability settle for a hairstyle is getting a bit disturbing to look at. He used to be clean-shaven with a somewhat full head of hair. Now he has shaved his head and grown a playoff beard. Brian, please change back to the Ron McLean thinning hair but clean-shaven style and restore my sense of equilibrium.
  12. Moochelle.
  13. I am far from convinced that Myers can last a whole season injury free. He seems to have injury-itis.
  14. your welcome... http://www.amazon.com/Before-Blade-complete-History-Buffalo/dp/0966978404
  15. if Pegula had a 3rd uniform with the red pepsi caps, fans would go bonkers. It's so much better than the Sabres uniforms.
  16. Looking over the 69-70 roster of the Bisons, old timers might find some familiar names...including Wayne Maki (of the Teddy Green incident), Terry Crisp, Bill Plager, Forbes Kennedy, Orland Kurtenbach...and Mike Robitaille. And don't forget Gilles Villemure. http://www.hockeydb....0002311970.html Villemure had the coolest mask. For a $400 you can buy an autographed replica...
  17. I guess I'm not surprised that only five people recognized the name Guy Trottier but it's also sad that most of these so-called knowledgeable fans have no idea about this important guy in the history of Buffalo hockey. Not even the Buffalo News recognized him.
  18. I just learned that "The Mouse" has passed away...on June 19. I had the pleasure of attending games with my dad and little brother at the old Aud and witnessing Buffalo's last major championship, when they won the AHL Calder Cup in '69-70. 5'8 Guy was a prolific goal scorer, bagging 45 in 68-69 and 55 in 69-70, the championship year and year before the Sabres made their first appearance in the NHL. Guy was my favorite, a quick, clever little guy who just kept shooting and scoring. RIP Guy Trottier. https://benchedathle...9/guy-trottier/
  19. Hey, Derek Roy is still available...
  20. my question is, will there be no Bills cheerleaders this year? :cry:
  21. just a feeling that the Penguinis end up with McDavid.
  22. Thank you to PLF for the assist at finding this brilliant hockey gnome.
  23. Yeah it happened but I think they were in their 40s, could have been the Aud's last game or maybe the night they retired the French Connection's numbers.
  24. That's great to see Matt back. Now all he has to do is convince Tavares to come over here.
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