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Everything posted by Marvelo

  1. He's a tough dude no doubt. But my mental image of him is standing somewhere behind the net befuddled while an opponent is standing wide open for a shot in front of the net.
  2. anyone know if you can start a goalie, then pull him for a different goalie during a shoot out?
  3. That's right Tyler Myers. Dump it in the zone when you have a 5 on 3.
  4. That's right. "Hockey Operations" has nothing to do with the Sabres.
  5. After PLF left, someone please remind me, who is the President of this "organization" now?
  6. That's the truth. The team is arguably worse than last year. The passing is like they play hot potato...nobody wants/are able to carry the puck so they throw it or dump it to someone else who also doesn't have a chance...no doubt they'll break the NHL record for being shut out. They can't even get the puck.
  7. Myers has got nothing. Get what you can for him TM.
  8. buffalo needs a superstar goalie. Enroth is not it.
  9. This Thought provoking post, thanks. You have to watch who you put statues up for...what's next, Hasek?
  10. Marvelo


    Kaleta is true native blood Buffalo born guy and I always enjoyed watching him represent the team with his guts and edgy play. But his antics grew thin in the league and they started hounding him, he started compromising as a player, then he had a horrific bunch of injuries, capped off by getting hit in the face with a shot. He isn't a young guy anymore and has a lot of miles and enemies. Just retire please before he gets injured badly again.
  11. Interesting. That and the Austrian Olympic hockey team drinking scandal while captain, the Edmonton offer sheet, the Montreal playoff follies all adds up to a player with a defective character, although supremely talented hands.
  12. LOL, good one. The first game after his death was very sad as I remember; that might have contributed to the legend. I think the night he died, he actually broke his jaw the previous game, got tanked up with alcohol and painkillers and took that fateful ride about 110MPH down the QEW. Besides the enormous success of his donut shop, Tim brought a respectability to the Sabres defense in the early years and set the table for d-men like Shoenfeld. The guy was about 42 when he was with the Sabres. There was a connection w Imlach's cup winning Leafs and I think Imlach might have talked him out of retirement when he first came here. He was tough as nails...they said if he could get you in that bear hug, he could break your ribs. I agree, the retired number is over the top but the statue is a way over the top clueless Pegula-ism. Not sure about the message sent honoring someone who died driving drunk.
  13. I don't get the feel that Nolan is a major league coach. If he doesn't get his way, he goes crying to the press. I say handle things quietly and internally. If he doesn't like someone, get rid of them. Don't make the organization into a league wide laughingstock with this type of quote. The pee wee quote just appeared in the Boston Herald, I'm sure it'll appear elsewhere. I want a Babcock or a Laviolette, someone who's been there before, not yet another crony or retread that Lafontaine (where is he now?) plucked out of obscurity because Pegula came crying to him like a baby. I used to love this org, even with the Knoxes, Rigas and Golisanos but we seem hopelessly lost under current ownership. I'm not saying group hug but our group is very unconfident. I want to see player moves and coaching moves until we get the right formula. I can't stand this crying to the press.
  14. Anyone who wants to write Gordie: Gordie Howe c/o Texas Trailer Corral 12207 HWY 87 Lubbock, TX 79423
  15. Nolan should have been fired as soon as he said that "pee wee" comment. A team just can't have their coach say something like that about them to the press.
  16. Silly topic. Of course baseball will never be done as a major sport. It's America's Pastime.
  17. Until the Sabres stop getting outshot 900-4 each game, my constructive suggestion is to play the starting goalie only two periods because like last night, by the third he'll be exhausted. The Sabres need to play the backup in the third which is the only way I can see that the Sabres have a chance of holding the score down. That is, if both goalies are decent.
  18. Since the their inception, the Sabres have hired two coaches who had previously won a Stanley Cup, Punch Imlach and Scotty Bowman. Would it kill the Sabres to finally hire another cup winning coach? Geez.
  19. I don't think the tank is even close to half over. We are being thoroughly manhandled and outclassed on the ice. Heck, we can't even get the puck. To me, the lopsided SOG and our inability to even break 15 SOG per game only tells part of the story. It's men against boys (and broken down old men) and each game is like a game of keep away. While our prospects mature, this organization has to take a close look at itself. There has always been a lot of cronyism in this organization. It has now turned rancid with the Pegula administration.Theodore Black, Clifford Benson, Joe Battista, crony backslappers all. The parade of amateurs running the show starts with Brett Ruff, Jessica Kindron, Mark Jakubowski. Rob Murphy, Kyle Liebzak, Danny Flynn, Tom Coolen, Jason Long, Dave Williams and Tim Macre, the "trainer." Rip Simonick, you're in the Sabres HOF...you can wear the jacket but please retire. I can't stand the whole lot of them. The problem is no one will trade with us because our our players have nothing to offer or are so devalued, they'll get nothing in return. Plus I can see no one wants to come here because we are a minor league organization with a primitive retread coach and a first time GM in place. I believe since the day Pegula and his fracking buddies stepped in, we have been cursed and we will continue to be cursed.
  20. Nolan's got to go.
  21. Tyler Myers with the shoot in to open a power play. Great play Tyler.
  22. Sabres just move to another city please. This team has nosedived since Pegula took over.
  23. Last year they set a record for least amount of goals in a season. This year I can see them break their own record for least amount goals and set the record for least amount of shots in a season.
  24. :bag: this is not a professional hockey team.
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