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Everything posted by Marvelo

  1. If the Sabres trade Kane and Okposo isn't able to continue longterm because of health reasons, there's an immediate lack of scoring without replacement right there. And the Sabres just came back from a historically low goal scoring drought. I think you keep Kane in case Okposo doesn't pan out.
  2. I like Okposo's game but I think he was damaged goods when we got him. The detached retina is a very serious injury for a hockey player, especially with the continuing possibility of concussions. I want him to be well and stay well with that kind of injury for sure. It doesn't appear to be much precedent or timetable for his injury....I think Okposo as a reliable part of this roster, is just as you say, shaky.
  3. When the Sabres signed Barrasso out of high school, they started him. They took a chance and he was a superb goalie. If Buffalo signs Peterson, I hope they give him the starter's job and trade Learner. I don't think goalies necessarily need work in the AHL like the rest of the positions do.
  4. I can't find this link anywhere other than facebook, but talk about improving the Sabres in-game experience. The Buffalo Sabres need this! https://www.facebook.com/chauffeursnieuws/videos/vb.1442044079411813/1895616680721215/?type=2&theater
  5. http://www.thehockeynews.com/news/article/how-many-teams-could-actually-trade-for-ovechkin-right-now
  6. Thanks for putting your genius stamp on it.
  7. My prediction is the Sabres will somehow get Ovechkin and sign him to a mega multi-year contract. I think there's a fair comparison between Pegula and Arte Moreno, owner of the L.A. Angels, who spearheaded the move to bring Albert Pujols to Anaheim, a deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars which has handicapped the Angels to build a team. I expect Pegula to make a similar, wrong-headed big splash as if to prove to Sabres fans that he's trying to build a champion and alone knows the answer. I expect the meddling to continue despite the new management.
  8. Sure worked for GMTM.
  9. I don't know about you, but I'm going to miss Tim Murray. He was pretty damn colorful.
  10. What are your reasons for calling me a troll?
  11. I'd include the lame people in charge of the in-game experience, Doug Allen, the embarrassingly lame national anthem singer, the lame promotion people, the lame organist and most of all lame Sabretooth. Hit the road!
  12. Nail Yakupov anybody? He had 3-6-9 in 40 games this year. He has now been benched extensively by Oilers and Blues.
  13. The Connor McDavid goal where he stopped on a dime showed Wayne Gretzky at the game jumping up waving his arms when he saw the goal. What a coincidence that those two played on the same team.
  14. he left the Sabres with Briere on that horrible day for fans. Maybe the Sabres management was incompetent, but I as a fan felt betrayed by Drury and Briere. You may not have felt that way...you may have loved it for all I know. But I never wanted to see Drury or Briere as long as I lived after that. And now the team wanted to hire that guy as GM.
  15. Please someone explain to me why the Sabres would even consider a turncoat like Drury. Maybe the organization suffers from Stockholm Syndrome?
  16. Rick Martin. The others just didn't light the lamp nearly as often or consistently as Sabres although some went on to be great goal scorers with other teams...Mike Bossy instead of Ric Seiling would've been nice. A good read is Punch Imlach's "Heaven and Hell in the NHL. It gives much of the dirt on the Sabres and Leafs in the 70s and 80s.
  17. http://nypost.com/2015/03/10/kyle-okposo-returns-to-islanders-just-in-time-for-rangers-duel/ “There is always a risk that it can happen again,” he said, “just with my eyes being the way they are. Being very, very nearsighted, there is always a risk.”
  18. Shill much Promo? No I'm not cool with Terry. He has succeeded in business on his own but is an inarticulate butcher when it comes to being a sports owner. He needs someone with experience to manage it for him and stay out of it. He can't find one. He can't decide. Does anyone know of any experience that Kim Pegula has in hockey? Anything outside of Uncle Terry; apparently not. She's been with him since age 22. Marrying Terry and working in his businesses IS her business experience. She's an opportunist. She hasn't forged anything independently of him. Probably a similar situation with Trump with Ivanka and Kushner, and Bill Clinton with Hillary, except Trump and Clinton got elected and Terry bought this. This appears to be pure nepotism. If they want to run an organization based on this, I don't agree with it...that's me. She's completely inappropriate for the influence that she has. And she is not a person to be looked up to and neither is Terry. They need to find someone who knows what they're doing and step back. If we need the NHL to make that decision, so be it. I have far more respect for women who forge their own path, whatever their lot in life, rather than those who glom onto Richie Rich. btw Out of curiosity, anyone know the name of Pegula's first wife....has she passed away? He had two children with her... Jacobs' family owned the AHL champion Buffalo Bisons. Steinbrenner owned a team in the old ABL (American Basketball League) in 1960. Sure he became the gorilla in the room but the good ones know how to budget, step back and manage and that's what these successful owners have done.
  19. Just because she's a woman doesn't mean that she is right. There is no reason she should be involved with the team. She brings nothing to the table. What does she know about hockey? She doesn't have any successful management experience of her own or any experience with hockey whatsoever. Why should she of all people be calling the shots?
  20. I despise inexperienced people at the top whatever their gender.
  21. Housley as coach, Lombardi as GM/President, Anitpin and Voynov for defense with Valimaki as top draft choice.
  22. If Okposo suffered a concussion, then it's possible that he may have also damaged his detached retina, which previously almost ended his NHL career with the Islanders...
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