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Everything posted by gomper

  1. I wish Housley would have gotten tossed arguing that offside call. They need something to wake these zombies up.
  2. Did I miss something? Where is RJ?
  3. gomper

    Dan Dunleavy

    Couldn't agree more. His call is almost Sylvester like. Does he still brag about trying out for the 1980 Olympic team? Hey Paul, so did about 10,000 other guys.
  4. Caught the show on TV today. Was Hamilton wearing a vintage Colorado jersey or a moo moo?
  5. He wanted no part of that Leaf 4th line in the playoffs. No thanks
  6. Lol. Well done!
  7. Boy, Hamilton is making a strong case as the laziest. Read the GM search article on the homepage. I guess watching HNIC and doing a quick Google search amounts to reporting these days.
  8. I was also behind the opposite goal for the Plante shot about 30 rows up. He took the shot and then the glass behind the net lit up like the sun in bright red. Awesome moment!
  9. Thanks for the synopsis. No time today to watch. This team is a disaster. It's clear the division runs deep. Even if you don't blame Bylsma it's clear that he has no chance in regaining the room. My friend works in the restaurant business in Amherst and says that certain groups of players will not dine there if another group of their own teammates are there. How do you fix that? Frustrating beyond belief. If DB is truly coming back he's done by the holidays with the team 11 points out of a playoff spot. F me.
  10. So,with the Leafs loss they're 3 up on TB/NYI with 2 to play. If they drop both games to PIT/WASH and NY loses one, they may have to count on the Sabres beating TB on Sunday. Lol.
  11. Kulikov Sam Sabres mental toughness Calgary Leafs On the plus side, right about: Lehner McCabe Folino Oilers McDavid MVP
  12. "Everyone do the chameleon"
  13. Love the fu he gave the Leaf fan in the front row on CBC. lol!
  14. An entertainer? Wow. I'm sorry but that is a huge stretch. What's so entertaining about his inarticulate nature and his regurgitated opinions? He's a fan. So what. He's also not very bright either. I don't find him to be representative of the intelligence of the fans in WNY. Quite the opposite.
  15. Tough to pick but Bulldog is absolutely useless. Must have pictures of someone high up. 2nd is Hamilton. I flipped over for 2 minutes while Maddog was in break. He stated that his comparison of the Leafs/Sabres development goes back to the respective Rielly/Risto picks and the two teams are even now. What? Of course those two idiots said nothing. Hey Paul, um......are you watching this season?
  16. Lot of air miles in that series lol
  17. Probably best a western swing is early. Team up and focus. If it's 30 games, so be it. Whenever he returns lets hope he gets back to the level that he is accustomed to playing at. Season starts tomorrow regardless. Time to play.
  18. Could be the Hockey Gods punishing us for the Tank.
  19. I never really liked Collar. I think the analytics shtick masked the fact that he isn't a very good broadcaster. That being said, he sadly is the best of a sorry staff. Wish him well.
  20. All over now.
  21. This will be fun. Sharks are deeper than TB and can transition with PIT. SJ in 6 tight ones.
  22. Great tip-in by Ward. California dreamin tonight.
  23. That was a fun game. Speed kills and sometimes it's vicious too. Should be a great series
  24. That's on Weber. Whoops
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