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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Thats it Kyle ! You missed the net again. I’ve had it. Go take a seat and I want you to practice shooting against the barn for the rest of the afternoon.
  2. Marty and Ray was like watching two guys in sumo suits. I think they were laughing the whole time.
  3. Thats refreshing compared to how Ralph would handle that.
  4. Too bad JBott and Ralph believe you can’t have or don’t need the skill and the heavy. Its one or the other according to what I’ve heard from Ralph. The pens have been pretty successful employing both.
  5. Skinny needs one so bad
  6. Haha i caught that bonehead statement too.
  7. What was Yoki doing there ?
  8. If Okposo misses one more frikkin net...
  9. This Pens colour guy is a moron.
  10. Is that a Rayism ?
  11. Journalism has taken a real nosedive in the last 15, 20 years. Ethics and integrity have pretty much gone by by what with fake news , biased paid for articles, the internet, clickbait, and news outlets using stories to divide people along racial, religious, political or cultural lines. Immho.
  12. I’ll always remember him for that crazy backhand goal
  13. Little man complex. Always overcompensating.
  14. More players involved than just the pick. Boston continues to improve while we tread water.
  15. How long before this sad sack squad quits on Ralph ? Sounds like Skinny has.
  16. Ah the FA market. Where JBott will massively overpay to make us better.
  17. Ralphs arrogance knows no bounds. Or perhaps its a little stubborness as well. He’s essentially done nothing and he acts like this team is head and shoulders above what came before. Someone tell Ralph that the goal is the playoffs.
  18. This is obnoxious. Just kidding. Lol
  19. This is what happens when JBott thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room.
  20. Bah ! I’d hoped the Hutt had found his groove.
  21. There we go. Shouldn’t have mentioned the leafs. The minute we do the hockey gods raise an eyebrow.
  22. And JBottom met with his Ottawa counterpart today.
  23. And that makes the Sabres just like 18 other teams in this league.
  24. Puck awareness Carter puck awareness.
  25. Pitt up 4-0 over the leafs early. Oh joy, can we catch them ?
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