Still not liking the idea of Terry or Kim being overly involved in the teambuilding process. They are the owners I get that but I’m not sure how many fanboys have built cup winners in the past. Let the gm and the scouts do that.
Adams has Kimmy to bounce ideas off of. Perhaps he’s much like her and the old man. They feel they’re above seeking help. They’ve bumbled their way through ownership of this franchise to this point, why go outside their circle now ?
I know how others view the ineptitude of this franchise , the reason for the sad sackism 😳can be explained dozens of different ways. And has been. For me it all comes down to ownership. And ***** runs downhill. And most of the decisions ownership makes continue to be questionable. The list is long. Many of the people they hire are in way over their heads. Rarely do the successful franchises make these same fundamental mistakes. Whats worse is they never seem to learn from said mistakes and somehow pass the buck when its time for accountability. And then they do it again. Its maddening. Anyways rant over.
I’m with you on this lou. If any of the better or top echelon teams bows out early and lands the #1 pick its criminal. Should have stuck with the same formula however disfunctional it seemed. I get the feeling Gary Bettman would like to personally handpick the lucky recipient each year.
Makes no sense. And what of the teams that were so putrid, so filthy bad, so disgustingly incompetent that they couldn’t even limp their way into the playoffs ? Nada ? I no understand this system of snakes and ladders.
What in tarnation is going on ? Are we locked in at 8 or whatever but teams eliminated from this qualifying round of the playoffs can now move up to number 1 ? What the holy hell is going on ?