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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. This team as its currently constructed is leagues below teams like the Bruins, the Lightening, the Caps , the Isles etc. These teams compete in the regular season like every game is a life and death battle just to sniff the playoffs. Its quite literally like watching a league above the nhl when comparing how this Sabres team competes. The Sabres don’t compete, they quit. They have no grit. They stay to the perimeter like their life depends on it. They rarely battle. They don’t drive to the net. They barely initiate contact. They are the least penalized team in the league. And when the actual playoffs begin the aforementioned teams will actually ramp up their compete to another level above the one the Sabres couldn’t match in the regular season. So no imo a new coach won’t change this team. There needs to be real dramatic change to turn these guys into a competitive team. Someone other than RK will help. But player turnover also has to happen to transform this team.
  2. The “ we’re playing a pretty good game “ shite is the crap Ralph feeds them between periods and before the game. He’s set the bar so low with these guys trying to pump them up. How a gm and the team owners can let this swarmy llama ding ***** anywhere near this team is beyond me. He’s quite literally a fraud. Get rid of him.
  3. Get RK away from our players. Does anyone believe he can coach these guys to victory over the Isles Sunday ? Its over Ralph.
  4. Is he still here ? Oh for gawds sake. maybe keep Ralph around kind of like Betty the powerskating coach. Bring him in occasionally to ‘ motivate ‘. Based on the results he’s clearly good at it.😳
  5. I missed that. Fire Adams immediately. lol. Kind of joking but sorta serious. If I wanted Pegulaspeak from Adams I’d listen to Kim. Fans aren’t stupid Kevin. Yes having capable goaltending helps and this season it is one of our issues.
  6. Before you do anything with this roster you bring in the right person to evaluate these players. Remember. Both Adams and Ralph truly believed that these guys had the character to win. Some of these players have talent /skill. For the most part they lack the intangibles. The character, the grit, the toughness, the playoff experience. Not sure I’d let Adams tackle the job of turning this around. He’s a nice guy but so are a lot of these players.
  7. I watched the Bruins /Caps game tonight. Those teams are in another league. That game was everything the Sabres aren’t. It would take a roster turnover of epic proportions to transform this group into anything resembling those teams. Shrinking violets cannot win against men. This team is done. No playoffs nada zip.
  8. What I got out of this presser was that Ralph ain’t bullet proof, he’s human, he’s fallible and ultimately puntable. The Isles have four good lines with defined roles. And goaltending. Not really much of a chance we beat them with Ralphs system. He’s done.
  9. Yeah you’re right. Problem is it creeps into every thread at some point.
  10. Rehashing all the same arguments. Every single season. And you know what ? Nobody will sway anyone to change their stance. Agree to disagree and move on. It is what it is. We suck.
  11. The Pegulas have destroyed the brand. The team is viewed as a laughingstock. They are owners sure but its their job to carry the torch and one day hand it off to the next owner. Hopefully they can restore this team to its former standing. I have my doubts.
  12. But Kim and her lapdogs know more than the fans.
  13. One would hope. I’m calling it. Rock bottom. 7-1 loss.
  14. The thought of RK having input into roster construction scares the bojangles off of me. This roster is already ultra soft. Least penalty minutes in the league soft. They don’t go to the tough areas. They don’t or rarely initiate contact. They mostly turn the other cheek. Its embarrassing. Some of this is player make-up but some is also coaching. Don’t get me wrong I love skilled players. But I also love old school skilled players. Not sure but I get the feeling Ralph don’t mind soft hockey.
  15. That video series at the time of the draft looks pretty silly now. Kevin and Ralph and the Pegulas had it all figured out. After 10 years of ineptitude they rode into town and were going to turn it all around. It was so simple. FAIL !
  16. Ralph talks like the ‘ system ‘ is foolproof. Ralph that would mean that every other coach in the league ( or at least in this division ) is not capable of out coaching you or devising a strategy to beat your system. We all know thats an untruth. And in doing so you throw the players under the bus when you say they are having breakdowns in the ‘ system ‘. You put it all on the players shoulders. True the players should shoulder some of the blame but Ralph no coach in this league is infallible and most certainly you . Its obvious you think this losing is below you by your arrogant statements. Get out of town.
  17. This is pretty much where I’m at too Swamp. But for one night in a season where the team has seemed uninterested most nights One of our better youngsters showed that at least he has a pulse. And as fans we needed to know that.
  18. Maybe it’ll rattle a cage in Pegulaville.
  19. Plastic potatoes don’t bother me at all. Nutjobs that are offended by a plastic potatoes masculinity bother me. Its a toy.
  20. Loved that Young Cozens stood up for himself. That kid gets it. Turn the other cheek and they walk all over you. You want the other team to respect you ? Drop the mitts. Some don’t understand this and want it out of the game and it likely will be soon what with cancel culture and Mr. Potato heads masculinity offending people but tonight Cozens showed his team mates what team mates do. Brothers in arms.
  21. Fans will return for this ?😳
  22. As fans of this team we are so ******.
  23. That ship sailed long ago
  24. Agreed. If you can’t score 5 on 5 with a top 6 of guys mostly known for their goal scoring ( plus Skinner ) then its got to be systems. Or they’ve simply tuned you out in which case the coach generally goes. Its coaching. I’m not sure I’ve actually seen him coach during the games. He stands there much like Housley.
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