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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Didn’t he have a brain injury ? Saw him in an interview and he was way off.
  2. Yeah you’re likely right on that
  3. This is the year to have the pieces in place to make the right choices. Or KA can throw a dart at the board.
  4. All teams top players off the table ? But they want ours in return ? Walk away. The Sabres always manage to trade from a position of weakness. Other teams don’t want to pony up they don’t get the best player in the trade. Simple.
  5. If absolutely everything goes right... if the stars align... in a best case scenario... if luck is on our side... forsaking any injuries... if the young guns take the next step... if the old dogs can keep up... every offseason the following season is dependant on gypsy fortune tellers and the magic 8 ball. Take the mystery out of the equation and build a team damn it.
  6. Because stuff like that never happens in North America.😉
  7. His ego was too big to realize or admit that he was in way over his head. The kind of guy that can’t or simply won’t self reflect on his own weakness or shortcomings. Kind of pathetic and weak really. In his mind the smartest guy in the room.
  8. They have a 65%chance of picking 3rd. 18 something % chance of picking 1st. Prolly picking 3rd I’m guessing. 2nd its around 16%. Like others have said not sure it really matters in this draft.
  9. I lean toward Granato. Anyone but old leatherface( Babdick ). Anyone will be a vast improvement on ‘he that shall not be spoken of again’.
  10. That pos Kadre should be getting another 1st rd suspension. Likely won’t.
  11. Taylor friggin Hall
  12. Not sure I’ll be able to handle Sid whining to the refs for the entire playoffs. Like to see them bow out early.
  13. Reminds me of an old friend who used to pour Tang orange flavour crystals into a bottle of vodka and drink it. Weird factoid I know but this Shites real.
  14. Truthfully I don’t know one way or the other. Based on the body language I tend to lean to the side that he’s done. would rather keep him but don’t want him if he wants out.
  15. Has this knuckle dragger quit drinking ? That seems to be at the crux of his problems. If he could do that one thing all his other problems likely go away.
  16. Guys that want out are by definition losers. Doesn’t matter if they go on to a better surrounding cast and win. They’ve quit on their team mates. They walked away when the going got tough. Cliche sure. I could add many more. Never liked those guys. Sams a ufa in a year. Not putting him in this category. He’s earned it. Jack has 5 more on his contract. Never thought of him as a b...h, but he’s earned it.
  17. I’ve followed this team for 45 years. Heck losing is in my dna by now. I will see this through to the end and I will be here when it turns around. It’d be nice if our best players were make a difference guys or be part of the solution guys instead of the grass is greener types or this path over here is easier guys. This team needs more of the former and less of the latter. And that is the culture change we need. We need guys with that inner fire that put the collective ahead in those moments that matter. That have a deep ingrained fortitude and drive to make a difference not to check out because that route looks easier. I hate the idea of the perpetual rebuild but if we can assemble a collection of guys throughout the lineup and in scouting and management that have that attitude we can see an end to this disfunction and losing culture. If they don’t want to be here good f....n riddance.
  18. Look at the Avs eh? 4 years ago they were pretty much where we are again. 4 years and they have the presidents trophy. With some of our ‘ cast offs ‘. Funny how that works. Other teams seem to do it right.
  19. I’m not up for another rebuild either. When will they ever figure it out. Methinks this never gets fixed as long as the Pegulas own this team. Its a perpetual rebuild.
  20. He’s always been a shittty captain. Leads with his lips. Always poutin and throwing his head back/arms up. Or snapping sticks. Psst Jack. Thats not how you lead. That being said he is a terrific player. Should fetch a good return.
  21. Thats what I’m talkin about. There can be no questions whether the players will go to war for each other. Ever.
  22. I meant on the scoreboard. Despite what some believe you can still ice a team that will go through a wall for each other. They don’t have to be goons but they will require ballz.😁
  23. Sounds like Jack
  24. Jacks a f¥€{en weasel. Burn it down. Bring in guys with heart , grit and god given talent and build a team that can kick the ***** new teams ass.
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