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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Not sure how Dahlin can be as positionally unaware as he was on that offside. Just a bonehead play as he stands inside the zone and watches his team mates enter the zone. Oh well. Its just a learning year. Wins don’t matter to the braintrust. Why should it matter to fans.
  2. Wanting to win-priceless
  3. As is the turdable ownership. Oops, terrible.😊
  4. The big money question is does losing most of the games develop them or stunt their growth. I guess we’ll find out.
  5. Well the NHL has gotten ALL kinds of publicity from the borderline legal/illegal goal by Sonny Milano. Its literally everywhere. Shows that on a call that could have and imo should have gone the other way due to it being a high stick their vested interest probably played a part in ruling it a good goal. Why not ? Nobodies the wiser and the sadsack Sabres are ripe for the picking in being ridiculed league wide once again on being on the wrong side of a bad call. After all, its just the Sabres and many comment sections on-line ask the question many are wondering, what the heck were they doing defensively on that play ? Anyways things can’t really get any worse for this team. Or can they ?
  6. And they’re training another crew to be la de da about the losing. Culture change my ass.
  7. That would explain a limp
  8. Limp down the tunnel ? Reinjury ? I thought he had a broken wrist first time around.
  9. Anyone not score yet. The sound of silence seems apt.
  10. Friedman is fried man. Talk about Captain Obvious.
  11. I contemplated turning the volume down several times tonight. Not a fan.
  12. Didn’t like the call on the Milano goal but I liked the creativity by Zegras. Oh well Sonny rode Chers looks to fame why not Milano ? looks like Granato tightened up their defensive play tonight. Upl looked ok . It wasn’t a tire fire and I was entertained.
  13. I believe this and briefly talked about it in the last GDT. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. Most coaches teach defensive responsibility before they let them loose. Most if not all of these players learned how to play defence first systems while they rose through the ranks in other leagues etc. Dons system sounds great on paper but not sure its attainable given the makeup of this team or the goaltending.
  14. I’m finding it hard to see growth in situations like 6 unanswered goals etc. Most nights they look like the keystone cops in their own end. This season is going to be a slog and the next 3 are setting up to be losses. If UPL starts one of them it’ll likely be a dagger to the heart of his confidence. If he has any.
  15. Would that surprise anyone at this point with this ownership ?
  16. Crikey ! Its a damn good thing we didn’t end up with Benning instead of JBotts.😳
  17. Yeah we’ve been shite on a stick for 10 years. And the Pegulas have an empty building as a result. Its tragic.
  18. Much like the Sabres they’ve had a problem with direction. Hire Linden , fire Linden. Hire the Sedens. But what is their role ? Are we rebuilding ? Are we going for it ? The hosts on 690 love to laugh about the Sabres org. And the city of Buffalo. But they’re not much better. They had to do something. Green had lost the room. But unlike the Sabres I doubt they tear it down and start over.
  19. Then hire a bunch of unqualified newbies to do it all over again. The Pegulas have been an absolute curse to this once proud franchise and its fans. They can’t demand better but they certainly feel that they know better. Pfffft.
  20. Some teams demand better. The Sabres, not so much.
  21. 82.7% of statistics are made up on the spot-Steven Wright
  22. And Power and the mule will both be put in positions above their ability. Its a Sabre tradition
  23. You and I both. Growing old watching this shite.
  24. That was dreadful. If it wasn’t so tragic it would be comical. We are going through goaltenders like the employees go through wet wipes in a whorehouse. Meatballs and KA take note. Its fine and dandy to say we are going to play a damn the torpedoes style of offence but perhaps you should do what every other coach in this league has figured out and that is you need to teach the basic fundamentals of defensive hockey first. This team is lost. 20 goals against in the last 3 games.
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