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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. I guess I would say that the fans responded to Jack with boos because that was how they felt. Some fans feel slighted. They’ll get over it much like Jack will. I would say this to Jack though. You are in control of your legacy. Act in a manner that a professional would and that will go a long way towards what your legacy is. Right now its trending towards whiney douchenozzle.
  2. That was a terrific friggin game. That was a meaningful game. Probably the most meaningful game at this time of the year in years. And the boys did it. Congrats to Anderson on his 300th win.
  3. Thinking about turning the sound off for this one. ESPN will be slobbering all over Jack start to finish. Wish him well going forward but for tonight lets beat these guys. Go Sabres !
  4. Since Ruff. Well that bars been set pretty low. Although I pretty much agree with Smells take on Donnie.
  5. Not going to use officiating as an excuse when the opponent is Florida because clearly they are loaded and we mostly look like we are loaded i.e. drunk but that was some terrible officiating tonight. Couple examples were the call on Hayden when him and the other dude simply collided but the other one that stands out was in the 3rd when the florida player reached from behind and grabbed the Buffalo player by the chin and pulled his head back with the official only feet away and watching the play. Terrible lack of a call. Also not sure that was development that I witnessed tonight.
  6. Omg wtf ? Where was the team defence on that 5th goal ? Loved how the 3forwards coasted in and watched as Anderson was hung out to dry. I’m out.
  7. No really look it up. The Turkish people are going back to Turkiye. My wife has a shirt she bought in Turkey in 2002 and thats how it was spelled. Turkiye is the Ottoman. now back to the original programming. How bout them Sabres?
  8. Turkey is now Turkiye
  9. I agree but the wild are a desperate team right now and this was a must win for them. Our guys did the dirty work to get the win. We do need much improvement to become even middle of the road though. Its a start.
  10. Wow. I could get behind this team with a little more consistency and more jam. Love seeing the boys stand up for their brothers. That was a fun game to watch. Happy for the fans that were at the game. String a few more wins like that together and the fans will come back.
  11. Wow that was a pleasant surprise. Likely the new best game of the year. The boys played a perfect road game against a team that has played lights out lately. Nice job !
  12. Its a tank but its subtle. If they weren’t tanking we’d be on our second coach. Also the goalie debacle. I like Donnie but Its still unclear to me how losing so much helps develop the kids. Also other teams develop the kids by winning.
  13. Yup. I don’t agree with the team when they say winning doesn’t matter. Winning should always be the goal for the coach and the team even if your GM says otherwise, even if you are incapable due to ***** ownership and mismanagement. My post was more about team managements attitude towards the lack of importance of winning. I’m no wordsmith, i guess it fell flat.
  14. Right now the only trophies KA and Meatballs are interested in are in the form of draft capital. When they have every first overall pick they can possibly hoard they’ll ask the team to start winning.
  15. Glad I didn’t waste a beautiful sunny day on that garbage.
  16. Just win. Hold a lead for a moment will ya. Go Sabres.
  17. Lets be clear. This is Putins war, not the Russian people’s or its expats. Hasek is offside.
  18. Tough loss. Dahlin is almost there. He looks set to start taking over games. His physical play is coming along and he dives into scrums without hesitation. Really excited to see the finished product.
  19. Rotten to the core.
  20. Avery is starved for relevance. Being off the radar was never his strength.
  21. As much of a trainwreck as the Habs have been you can see in their play that winning is still important. The Sabres, not so much. Q meatballs presser. I’d like to ask him which team got the most development for their youngsters during this game. I doubt he’d acknowledge that the habs benefitted the most.
  22. Intrigued by Peyton, casey, Dylan as a line. Should be a fun game. Go Sabres!
  23. Think thats bad the leafs just traded futures for Carter Hutton.
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