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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Jack was used to getting what he wanted. Probably held his breath.😠
  2. Yup the boys made his glove hand look world class tonight.
  3. Flashback of Lehner there. O.T. Was fun but man I hate the shootout. Overall a pretty good game. Got the point. Keep moving forward gents. Onward and upward.
  4. That was more Will Smith than Todd Bertuzi but prolly a fine. Maybe nothing.
  5. It sure is trending in that direction. We lost a pretty decent player but we gained a team.
  6. Don’t care what y’all biatches think I choose to stay positive. Hell ya !
  7. Whenever I see Tuch celebrate a goal I’m reminded of Gerard Butler in the movie 300.
  8. I enjoyed it. I harbour no ill will towards Jake either. Also felt nothing for the Chicago tender. We’ve been on that end of too much losing for a decade. Its someone else’s time. Onwards and upwards.
  9. Seeing Jake McCabes reaction on the Chicago bench was priceless.
  10. I can’t judge the man. R.I.P.
  11. And there it is. Never give up. What a game. A little bit of everything. I was entertained. Can’t ask for more than that.
  12. Butcher left Panarin all alone in front for his goal.
  13. They essentially played keep away in the nuetral zone. No real attempt to attack the net. Not a fan of that strategy if it is in fact one.
  14. Aw man that sucks. My buddy has tickets to a show in Victoria in Oct. R.I.P.
  15. Enjoyed that game. Wash. Is a bit of a powerhouse and we hung in . Got a point. Anyone find RJs pronounciation of Samsonov off or is that how it is?
  16. I think with Brysons skating skills he’ll be slippery enough to do well in the playoffs despite his lack of size.
  17. I decided to try and stay positive on this one and vote yes. KA has his work cut out for him and not sure if that is the goal. More than likely he sticks with slow and steady but I’d like the boys to take it into their own hands and will it to happen. Fight tooth and nail and kick the door down.
  18. Carhenge ?
  19. Great game. My homerism might be at play here but it seemed like the puck was always on our sticks. I’m falling for this team again and am super excited for the future. Thank you Sabres.
  20. He’s fully bought in and imo becoming a leader.
  21. I’m not sure all had convinced themselves Rossi was the man. Certainly some had.
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