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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Kanes shot was redonkulas
  2. Whoa ! Guess I didn’t need lip reading 101 after all.
  3. Looks like he took it right on the chin to me.
  4. Apparently New Jersey has said they are willing to move the #2 pick.
  5. Thats Kelly McCrimmon ? Looks like he should be calling bingo at the Wheezy Lung and Grill.
  6. My thoughts exactly.
  7. 5-1 midway through the 3rd and Harry Potter does not look amused.
  8. Also its about the cumulative effect those hits have over a 7 game series.
  9. Also I believe we had the second most man games lost to injury just behind Montreal. You bet injuries played a roll just the same as good health played a roll later on.
  10. Yup there’s a cross check to the spine every 30 seconds or so of every game. Playoff hockey babbbbbby!
  11. For me what Brawndo said about wasting the last 10 years or so of RJs great voice on the mess the Sabres have been resonated with me also what LGR4GM said ‘ thankful ‘. I feel very thankful and fortunate I was around for that hall of fame play by play. RJ was one of a kind. Thank you RJ.
  12. Has Cooper made any in game adjustments ? Must be a bad coach.😉
  13. I get it. If I root for Tampa they are therefore cursed to losing in the first round. Hey everyone I am no longer pulling for the Lightening.
  14. Tampa really bowing to the pressure here. They certainly don’t look like the team that beat the leafs 8-1 last week.
  15. I see that leafs fans are the Karens of the hockey world. First game and they’re already whining about the officiating.
  16. Great win for the team and for RJ. Mitts becomes a trivia answer for RJs last goal call. I too am amped up for October. First time in many moons that I can honestly say that this team is trending in the right direction.
  17. Well. Ya can’t win them all. That’s all I got.😉
  18. Of course everyone forgets to mention we are a bottom feeder thats barely above the cap floor while Vegas is hard up against the cap. I was listening to sports radio out west today and they were laughing at Sabres fans for this take without taking the difference in salaries into account. Its actually very flattering to the Sabres that our record is virtually the same as theirs.
  19. Another entertaining game. Thank you Sabres!
  20. Can you blame the fans ? The 10 or 11 years the Pegulas have owned the team could be a case study on how to alienate a fanbase. Add to that how other markets routinely refer to or talk down the Sabres or the city of Buffalo despite the rich history of hockey in that region. Pretty much nothing but negative press for the last decade. As others have said winning will bring them back.
  21. I’m not sure which is worse. The fisherman or the slugallo. Take yer pick.
  22. That isn’t the actual team picture as evidenced by the people in the foreground and in one case in the way.
  23. Victor with 3 helpers tonight against Jersey.
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