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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Maybe you and I watched a different game ? Edmonton was desperate. Buff got overwhelmed.
  2. Very well could go 0 for 3 on this trip. I’m not gonna lie. The feel good stories from the Knights and Leafs games were washed away watching the no show in Edmonton.For me.
  3. But was there development ? Will someone tell young Mr. Krebs if he’s 10-15 feet from the net don’t look to pass to your team mates who are all being smothered by orange jerseys. Shoot the bloody puck please.
  4. The Leafs have been very vocal through the media about missed calls which is a strategy. It was good to see the officials make sure they never missed any infractions the Leafs made in Hamilton on Sunday.
  5. Yeah thought so too. I just found it to be a bit odd. Rivet threw it out there and the conversation kind of went in another direction. That emotion and youthfull energy from Cozens and many of the other guys is part of why I watch in this throwaway season.
  6. The part about meatballs telling the team not to hit caught my attention. I suppose context may be missing because we don’t know why he would say that. Could be he asked guys getting over injuries, maybe young guys he’s trying to ease in, who knows ? The NHL is not a development league. Its a pro league and the best hockey league in the world so I would hazard a guess that that was a first in this league for that request from any coach. If true, I’m not on board with it and I don’t understand it. You’d think a guy people call meatballs would have some meat and potatoes to his game.
  7. Yup. Me too. Not many occasions where the Sabres get to be on the big stage. National attention is good. Especially if they can beat the Leafs.
  8. This game will be interesting. The Leafs have been working on the officials through the media for the last few days for perceived missed calls. Its not like they don’t get away with shite too.
  9. No doubt. From my interactions here on Sabrespace Buffalo has great fans not just on the hockey side but all sports. My point was that fans tend to have a myopic opinion when it comes to their own team and the quality of its fans.
  10. Every fanbase thinks they are the best fans in the league. Just throwing that out there. I’ve heard that so many times from so many different teams supporters it gets old real fast. The homerism is strong everywhere. And, every city has former players that choose to live there. Well except for Winnipeg.
  11. I guess I would say that the fans responded to Jack with boos because that was how they felt. Some fans feel slighted. They’ll get over it much like Jack will. I would say this to Jack though. You are in control of your legacy. Act in a manner that a professional would and that will go a long way towards what your legacy is. Right now its trending towards whiney douchenozzle.
  12. That was a terrific friggin game. That was a meaningful game. Probably the most meaningful game at this time of the year in years. And the boys did it. Congrats to Anderson on his 300th win.
  13. Thinking about turning the sound off for this one. ESPN will be slobbering all over Jack start to finish. Wish him well going forward but for tonight lets beat these guys. Go Sabres !
  14. Since Ruff. Well that bars been set pretty low. Although I pretty much agree with Smells take on Donnie.
  15. Not going to use officiating as an excuse when the opponent is Florida because clearly they are loaded and we mostly look like we are loaded i.e. drunk but that was some terrible officiating tonight. Couple examples were the call on Hayden when him and the other dude simply collided but the other one that stands out was in the 3rd when the florida player reached from behind and grabbed the Buffalo player by the chin and pulled his head back with the official only feet away and watching the play. Terrible lack of a call. Also not sure that was development that I witnessed tonight.
  16. Omg wtf ? Where was the team defence on that 5th goal ? Loved how the 3forwards coasted in and watched as Anderson was hung out to dry. I’m out.
  17. No really look it up. The Turkish people are going back to Turkiye. My wife has a shirt she bought in Turkey in 2002 and thats how it was spelled. Turkiye is the Ottoman. now back to the original programming. How bout them Sabres?
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