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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Thats all he was getting in Van. on the 3rd line. Put him on the 1st here and he'll surprise you.
  2. I'm currently reading ' Porno ' by Welsh. Now I'll be heading over to the things that are not soft thread.
  3. My complaint is from a couple of days ago. In a wallmart lot and idling with my blinker on waiting for a lady to exit a space. Clearly I'm there for quite some time with signal on that I'm going in to that spot when some yo-yo comes from the other direction and puts his signal on to turn into that spot. So I wave over to him and make a gesture that thats my spot. She exits and I move in. All good right. This a$$wipe peels away as he gives me the finger and hollers something inaudible through his closed driver side window. Douchbag. These neanderthals behind the wheel are bringing civilization into the $hitpipe. I saw him later in the store and he was a little weasel. What a waste of space. He was a lot bigger and tougher behind that wheel.
  4. I think they play it again right before the new episode on sunday night. Not positive but I think thats how it ran last season.
  5. Thats his name. Thank you. I had a brain fart.
  6. After watching the premier of 2012 I have to say there's no other dude I'd like on my side than Rick the good cop. Without giving it away for those of you who may not have seen it, the final scene was very much like dirty harry. I likey !
  7. And it begins again. Been waiting for this for a long time. Was it worth the wait and what are your thoughts on where its going ?
  8. And Fluery played with a chip on his shoulders that was bigger than Ennis and Gerbe combined.
  9. Your dad and my dad had a lot in common. My dad couldn't help pointing out when Shack was on the ice. I agree with your take on the little guys. You've got to have the big guys to keep the other team honest.
  10. Put nipples on those cheeks and they'd be every mans dream. :wub: Did I just say that ? I am an a$$ man afterall.
  11. Tillyputty?
  12. For some odd reason I keep coming back to this thread. :blush:
  13. Well there was a remake of sorts or a part 2 a couple of years ago but it went to DVD before it hit theatres so it really blew as far as I know.
  14. Now that I could get behind.
  15. Ennis is much more noticeable at centre. That cat has wheels and he had the bruins backing up all night. Shifty.
  16. Mmmm,breasts. Oops, wrong thread. :blush:
  17. Shhhhhhh !
  18. Yeah. He can't score. His ol lady is pissed about that.
  19. Bought that album before christmas and I can't stop listening to the song little black submarines. That song rocks. So... Little black submarines by The Black Keys
  20. Maybe I'm the exception but big breasts are a big turn off for me. Big,loose,saggy udders affected by gravity in so many ways ( sorry ladies,not meant to offend ). I prefer and am attracted to small pert firm breasts. In the days when I frequented strip bars I'd applaude the girls that hadn't given into the pressure and invested in implants. Thats just the way I roll. Naturals where its at.
  21. Merry christmas to one and all from Kuala Lumpur!
  22. My complaint is the sabres signing of another pee-wee for our forward ranks in Sundher. Hey. The little elf said I could complain about anything I want. So there!
  23. Thanks for the clarification on that. I suppose when I see guys like Otis get ripped to shreds as the Zombies eat him you kind of wonder what would be left to be a zombie.
  24. I realize how you become a zombie which involves being bitten or infected through blood contamination but the zombies seem excessively hungry which leads to my question about Sophia. Why is she a zombie yet intact i.e. not missing any flesh or body parts. Did she become infected by a kind zombie or a zombie with no appetite? Just sayin.
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