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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Its fantastic that I'm off to Cancun tomorrow. :P
  2. In the first year of this proposal the salary cap would fall from 70 million to 58 million. Interesting.
  3. Not sure if its new news but the Rags have said they'll match the Sabres offer as per the article written by Ben Kuzma in the Vancouver province today. The Sabres chances just got slimmer.
  4. Anyone know the date the new season starts ?
  5. This teams still just treading water. So no, nothings different now.
  6. I had my opinion long before this list came out so obviously I've thought about it but I never realized Darcy was held in such high regard. That won't change my opinion of him as a gm. We all know his good and his bad, what he brings and what he doesn't.
  7. Holy chit ! Is my opinion of Darcy ever off. I guess I'll have to recalibrate and get in line. :worthy: Darcy! You rock !
  8. Hack journalism. Regier #3 gm in the league? Based on what exactly?
  9. R.I.P. Neil Armstrong. One of my childhood heroes. I always admired his honesty when questioned about what they witnessed up there and more specifically about ufo's which he readily admitted were looking in on them from time to time. Its too bad the American gov't among others haven't been as forthcoming. The truth is out there Neil.
  10. I am so on board with this sentiment. He's made a career out of wearing out his welcome ,getting fired and getting paid the rest of his contract for doing nothing. Mans a dick.
  11. Exactly. The importance of physical aggressive play can not be understated especially in the war of attrition that is the stanley cup playoffs. Its always been that way.
  12. True but the owners are their own worst enemies. The salaries continue to rise because the owners and their G.M.s just can't help themselves. It isn't the players fault they are given huge salaries and who can blame them for accepting them. Who in their right mind wouldn't? In the short term the players definitely hurt but as always the owners will shoot themselves in the foot and put themselves right back in the same position. In order to dig themselves out they have to take it from the players.
  13. Thats true. If thats what it costs to win the cup I'll take it.
  14. The fact that Buttman signed his shiny new 40 million dollar deal earlier this summer and that the league is guaranteed 200 million of N.B.C.s money regardless of a work stoppage as per the contract has me thinking that the league has planned for a stoppage of some sort for some time and plans to carry it out. Why wouldn't they? The players capitulated last time and the owners and Buttman are probably pretty confident that when the chips are down these millionaire players unity will fracture just as it did the last time.
  15. But put Buffaloes team of twinkle toes in front of Quick and they don't take the cup. They probably don't go past the 2nd round especially in the west. Thats where L.A. s size,Toughness and ability to battle through was the perfect compliment to Quick. He didn't win that cup on his own.
  16. Its only a ripoff if Clapton claims to have written it which he never. Its called a cover and I would hazard a guess that Marley and or his estate received stupid money for that song. I don't much like Claptons version either. But I know what you meant. ;)
  17. I'm on board with this. It ain't my money and if Pegula and co. feel this brings us closer to the cup I'm fine with it. I just want this team to compete like their very lives depend on it and like you Godd I believe Doan may be the catalyst to get this team rolling.
  18. Like most 'classic' rock Zep being a favorite but lately I'm into City and Colour . Dallas Green is an amazing singer/songwriter. A great unknown band to check out out of the U.K. is the little unsaid. Youtube it and check out beeswing, shipbreaking,Chelsea hotel, among others. If these guys ever break out they will be huge. Another couple of good videos on youtube is the little unsaid at stonehenge or into the faceless night.
  19. No you're right. Missing the playoffs 6 of the last 10 years can not be blamed on the man that built this team nor on the man who coached them. Don't get me wrong. I like Lindy Ruff. I'm sure he's a good guy but the results have been downright average or below average actually. And there's no excuse for that. The same can be said for Regier. Imo .
  20. Add to that the Boston puke taking out Vaneks ankle in the playoffs. The list goes on.
  21. 6 of the last 10 seasons missing the playoffs sums it up for me. Take away all the excuses and the results are really quite pathetic for both Regier and Ruff. The fact that people are willing to accept those results is even more telling.
  22. None of the moves Buttman has made in his tenure as League commissioner are what I would constitute as healthy for the game aside from the recent t.v. deal. He did have a hand in keeping the Sabres in Buffalo but on the other side he's kept the Coyotes in Phoenix for far too long. I don't think he thinks in terms of losing momentum because he sees himself as the saviour when the league eventually bounces back much like it did after the last lockout. Lets face it the mans ego is much larger than his stature. And the hardcore fans love of the game over rides any lasting bitterness over losing some games. He'll get what he wants at the expense of the p.a. and the fans.
  23. Our pp would immediately improve. And as the article alluded Leino may turn it around. I'm all for it depending on who goes back. Don't want to give too much to the Flyers or the original signing of Briere by the Flyers becomes the gift that just keeps on giving.
  24. Fixed that for you. ;)
  25. Grigorenko just had a terrible giveaway at Canadas blueline with about 4 minutes remaining but recovered nicely to help out his goalie at the other end.
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