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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. I want me some of those tittie sprinkles. I guess you can't believe everything you see or hear on the internet. Who knew ?
  2. Soccer is hands down the most popular sport in the world. North America, not so much. Hockey is a fringe sport anywhere but Canada apparently and will continue to be so with Gary Bettman calling the shots on behalf of the owners imo.
  3. No playoff hockey in general or in Buffalo because if its the latter I would think we'd all be used to that by now.
  4. So the handguns get a free pass ? I guess if everyones got one they can't be all that bad.
  5. I agree. That it took till post 37 to get to the heart of the matter says something. I know not many will agree with me sighting the old adage that guns don't kill people,people do but how many times in the past year have we all had this conversation. You can go to any channel on t.v. and watch the most demented violence and they will blur out a womans nipple. Thoughts and prayers to the poor relatives that will live with the aftermath of this senseless violence the rest of their lives.
  6. So...its business as usual for Regier. We've put up with guys playing above their ability in Buffalo especially at the centre position long enough to expect him to operate the same way for the Amerks.
  7. My hope tank is almost empty but I really hope you're right.
  8. In a league where perhaps 25 teams are said to lose money Bettman recently hinted at expansion. I think this league is addicted to expansion fees. I too want this league to stabilize but I haven't really heard anything out of the owners side that will fundamentally change the way they do business to the point that it will fix the problems. We'll all be discussing these same problems when this next CBA expires and where no doubt the owners will once again go after the players for making too much money.
  9. Dodgers sign who and who for how much ? Meanwhile over on the other thread people complain how much hockey players make relative to their skill set and ask what makes them so special. I've never heard of either of these guys but I'll admit I don't watch much ball.I also realize you can't compare pro hockey to the other big 3 but Jesus that kind of money is insane.
  10. I don't think you will get your wish of the players in this league paid on a scale with Nike factory workers. We're well beyond that. These are the best 800 or so hockey players in the world bringing in literally billions of dollars a year for their bosses. They should be paid accordingly. Do I think some of them are overpaid ? Sure I do. Do I believe if they cut their salaries by say 30% that the owners would drop the costs of seats and merchandise accordingly. Not a fuggin chance. This is all about squeezing the players to get every ounce of value out of them for maximum profit and then kicking them to the curb when they are of no use anymore. Why shouldn't the players share in the profits of that system ? Really,what should the players make in this billion dollar league ? What professional athlete do you believe they should be paid on par with ? The Leino and Gaustad contracts were written and signed by a guy thats considered a star among G.M's. Maybe the league should look within to fix their problem instead of trying to cover their screwups by going after the players. Signing players to bad contracts seems to be celebrated by this league yet when it comes time to negotiate a new CBA you never hear about these geniuses and their team building philosophies.
  11. Couldn't agree more.
  12. And the same could be said of Bettman. Since when does saying take it or leave it amount to a negotiation ? Thats basically what the league said with their last proposal to the NHLPA. When the NHLPA came back with a counter proposal the league shut down negotiations and Bettman proceeded to hold a 35 minute rant on what was wrong with the NHLPA'S approach to negotiating. No give and take. Its all take. And Betman has the balls to say they have given enough. Really what has the league given in this negotiation ? To top that off when he was asked if there was a drop dead date for starting the season he replied that Oct 5 was the drop dead date when the hockey season should have started. Here's some news for you Gary. YOU locked out the players. So you see if you take a totally biased view based on your dislike of one side you fail to see the other side of it. The owners aren't without blame in this.
  13. And people will continue to come down on the NHLPA for hiring a hawk in Donald Fehr. As I've said before this was the best move they could have made and the best person they could get to represent them in these times. Its quite clear that the NHL is playing for keeps, why shouldn't the players ? You are doing yourself and future members a disservice to hire anyone but the best in the business when the other side in the negotiation is loading up with the same.
  14. Did he ? Until the membership tells him to do otherwise he's simply doing what he was hired to do.
  15. those nasty greedy players wanting to be paid well to play a game. It could be worse. They could be like those nice billionaire champions of industry that take all our tax dollars to build their new digs. This game must really be in dire straights if they have to reach into the pockets of common folk.
  16. I realize Jacobs has made a fortune so I don't doubt that he is a smart man but he certainly looks like the village idiot in that photo. Glad someone had the balls to stand up to his crap.
  17. Well there is a good chance he'll find the killer in a jail.
  18. McCabe gets the call for team USA. Sorry if this is old news.
  19. I see your point. Really when you look at it they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. It just pisses me off I guess. Senseless.
  20. Kind of surprised there's no mention of the K.C. situation this weekend with the murder suicide. I thought it was very strange the way they made the game sort of into a memorial for the killer. This guy murdered the mother of his child by filling her full of bullets then orphaned said child. LOSER. That game shouldn't have been played out of respect to the victim of this crime. Its hard to feel sorry for him.
  21. Just a hunch but the Gov. will make Merle and Darrel fight to the death to prove allegiance. Now that Andrea has seen what the Gov. is actually made of she will somehow help save the both of them before they rip each others throats out and help them escape. I actually think Michonne is more of a sociopath than the Gov., sure wish she would have finished him off when she had the chance.
  22. Jacobs will intimidate the others into silence . It'd be great if someone slipped a hidden camera into that room.
  23. Just the type of player we need. Far to often we've seen the extra pass when what we needed was the killer instinct. I can't count the number of times while watching the Sabres when I hollered ' just shoot the damn puck ' at the t.v. in frustration.
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