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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Brady Brady Brady. The Sens feed all game long. Good game a little too close for comfort at the end there. But they won. Woot woot.
  2. Glad to see after 4 games Donnie is actually doing some coaching. Moving guys around. Moving up moving down. He could hit on some chemistry he had no idea existed. Or he may go back to his original lines mid game but at least he’s doing something to try and get a spark. Now lets see if he can show some emotion during the game. Get the guys pumped up. Anyways go Sabres.
  3. Didn’t enjoy that one. The guys just never seemed dangerous for most of the night. Team defence was discombobulated and looked confused for the most part. Anyhoo gonna skip the negative stitch n bitch. G’nite.
  4. You just know that somewhere inside Bogasions beard is a half eaten smore, a cracker jack and possibly a wayward toenail.
  5. Sometimes meatballs is as rigid as he who shall not be mentioned(cough RALPH cough ). Its only two games in Donnie have some fun with it. Change some lines up ! Demote someone, move someone up. You just never know.
  6. Can’t blame the losses on Zack he’s been good to great considering his age etc but Right now I’d rather be 2-0. Not to be captain obvious but others need to step up. Granado should shuffle the deck to try and get a spark. Try the kid up top for a few shifts. At this point what can it hurt. We’re already bottom looking up.
  7. Not superstitious. Although I do have a favourite fork. Lol
  8. I guess my take away and based on preseason and going back to the last few games last season many will disagree since almost everyone pumps his tires, but Levy will not save us. Maybe in year two if we don’t break him this season throwing him to the wolves. Make no mistake despite what KA has said, this looks like a development year. Maybe they make the playoffs ? But had that been UPL in net this thread would have been dominated with UPL hate. I want Levy to be the guy but unless we do a 360 and learn some sort of defensive awareness its going to be tough on the tenders.
  9. I would buy a ball hat in sabres colors with that badge fo sure.
  10. Definately saw him wear one at least once or twice. In warmups maybe, or walking into the rink before the game. Anyhoo it was more a joke than anything. No offence intended there. He is a great player and would add another layer of awesome to this team.
  11. I’d do it if he sheds the turtleneck. It would be a bad look for the team.😎
  12. Went to our first game last march and took the train from our hotel and when we got there saw the sign that said no purses. That was a kick in the gut. We scrambled to get back on the train and back to our hotel so the wife could shelve the purse. I wondered at the time how many people does this happen to ? Its moronic but I suppose had I read the back of the ticket I might have seen that info. Not sure its there.
  13. End your statement with a period. kidding 😂
  14. Yeah he’s got a bad case of shutedafuknpuk. Wide open net.
  15. Who loves ya baby ?
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