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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Did I hear Tage got the Gordie Howe Hattie ?
  2. Watched the Jays after they clinched a playoff spot and you’d think they just won the world series. Pouring champagne all over each other for about an hour. Long after the crowd was gone they are still high fiving and soaking the press. I just don’t get it. I guess thats why I love hockey.
  3. This has me worried. I contacted sportsnet to ask a few simple questions and while I was waiting to get an answer a robot came on to say my session had timed out. Terrible customer service won’t get my money. I have been happy with nhl tv the last few years and am pissed they went off.. hopefully they reappear.
  4. I liked Webber as well for what he brought to the table. I agree with pretty much all of this.
  5. Really excited about Boosh and can’t wait to see him stand someone up. Something we need to help the young skill guys do what they do. Everyone on the bench feeds off of these type of guys and possibly may even play bigger as a result.
  6. Not a royalist at all. Not sure there’s a place for it in this world. A figurehead worth billions of buckolas who won’t pay for the repairs on her castle or her travel and security ? What she represents is colonialism, greed, exploitation, etc. But I do feel for her little grands right now who will be missing their grandmom so she can R.I.P. wherever that may be.
  7. Well sure coming from you. Pumpin your own tires and all😝
  8. Sorry for your loss. Condolences to you and your family.
  9. I’m going with yes. Mostly because I’m tryin to rid myself of negativity and only think happy thoughts. If there’s a letdown how bad can it be ? So this has no basis in intellectual reasoning at all and is basically me pissing into the wind. We’ll see.
  10. Anyone know much about Odenkirks new gig ‘ The Straight man ‘?
  11. I would trade Jack Eichel for a hand full of picks and prospects.
  12. Hopefully you’re right about his experience with the Bills rubbing off on him. Maybe he’s been humbled by the losing on the Sabres side. Who knows ? I like what KA is doing. Lets hope it pays off.
  13. Well so far he hasn’t so there’s no damned if you do. His ownership has been an out and out failure. Unless you count collecting first overall picks as a positive. I like the way its trending but no ones proven anything yet. If he stays out of the way and lets his staff accomplish something maybe we’ll get there.
  14. Watched a bit on the local news and they were saying Bruce springsteen and the estreet band are charging like $5000 for a seat. I think there is a large disconnect with these musicians. I could dig deep and find the money but absolutely not. Its nuts.
  15. Thats when you literally need the ‘ fart in the elevater ‘ to break the silence and lighten the mood. I’d do it. I’ve certainly done it in an elevator lol.
  16. I’m not concerned about guys who nix a trade to Buffalo. KA said it a thousand times he wants guys that want to be here. In a couple years guys will be clamouring to join this team. I’d prefer guys that want to be difference makers now than the bandwagon types.
  17. Thats how the Japanese say wheel of cheeze.
  18. Why do I not feel bad for Perry?😝
  19. Just watched Adam Sandler in Hustle on netflix. Thought it was great. Sandler imo is a far better actor in a serious role. This ones chalk full of current and former NBA stars and is produced by LeBron James.
  20. Tampa wins this one because this Avs team needs to lose one before they can win it next year. Thats how it works this year.🥴
  21. Helping other teams with their cap crunch so we can get to the floor is moronic. Helping other teams get better while we tread water. Not my cup of tea.
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