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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Reminds of how long Krueger tried to force his game on the players.
  2. That was fun. Seemed like the good old days. Now add to that consecutive win column please. Bottle that good feeling and do it again.
  3. Thats a good soundbite fer sure by Torts but if courage came from balls we’d camp in the crease. Some guys are just built different and every team seems to have a couple, some more than others. I’m not sure we have one.
  4. I won’t get home till 5 tonight. The game will be a period and a half deep by that point. That rink will likely be chalk full of Laughs fans. If the Sabres lose in a big way like we know they’re capable of this season, it will be an embarassing and humiliating shitshow of epic proportion. Godspeed Donnie, Godspeed.
  5. If these guys can’t find it within themselves to bare down and give it when they make the kind of money they make they don’t belong in the league. But I think what these players want is a system that they can believe in and a system that works. Other teams seem to have it. Its a part of their culture and its bigger than any individual player. Lose a player another steps in and the system continues to work. Some will hate this but the bruins come to mind. The Sabres don’t have that. Its coaching 100%. The players won’t say it but they want that from their coach. As do the fans imo.
  6. I view Donnie basically the same as I viewed Krueger near the end of his run. They both use the same language which means literally nothing at this point. It means I have no answers so I’ll keep giving you this spin. Just say I am in over my head.
  7. Fans should be tearing that place down. Let the genius who runs this team know you are pissed. At least boo. The fans are as apathetic as the players.
  8. Lol, have another beer🥴
  9. The guy in front is allowed to crowd the crease with impunity. Two guys on him. Punish that guy. For the love of the hockey gods! You are being rewarded for your lack of heart.
  10. I’d rather the players cared about the on ice product and gavr two shits about the room experience. Its a country club and that folks is why they play like losers. Hold each other accountable.
  11. Having an implant done at the dental surgeon and he’s using what feels like a dremel to grind down my jawbone.
  12. Other teams hold each other accountable. The Sabres sing coombayeah. Congrats
  13. I think Kevin Adams overplayed his hand on the ‘ players who want to be here ‘ front. I mean, come on. He had no choice. Everyone in the league is well aware of the clusterf&$k that TP has created. KA owes the fans a word. An observation. A simple gesture to let us know that what we are seeing is not part of the process because if it is…someone needs to lose their job.
  14. They’ve quit on meatballs. Cut the cord.
  15. Levi was not ready for that shot. And neither was UPL.
  16. Well they were shut out, not much to say. Pretty good effort but UPLs gaff comes to mind as the death nail in the coffin. Not that I’m blaming him. Coyotes wanted it more. Time for bed.
  17. Get to the front of the net like wee Benson does. Git r done boys.
  18. I stand corrected. What is this bi-polar jekyl and Hyde character flaw this team has. If they could ever figure out a way to play like they did tonight on a consistant basis they could be world beaters. But they lose big and lose me then win big and pull me back in. It’s maddening. Nice team win. Benson is money and everyone chipped in with lots of grit. Cousins layed a guy out then went in for a nice goal. And they wiped that smile off of jacky boys face. Good stuff.
  19. Tonight I’m taking the wife out for sushi, I’d quite literally rather stick wasabi in my eye than to watch these toddlers throw up over themselves. Vegas is how a team should be built, none of this KA trying to re-invent the wheel or Donny teaching offence first. The plan should have been whats tried and true. The way pretty much every team thats won has done it and will do it as far as team construction and player make up goes. Simple formula. I’m sick of the we know better approach that these morons have sold us. Anyhow, I wish the boys luck. Break a leg.
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