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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Nice win. Cozens with a good to great game. Boys were buzzing in that 3rd. Oh Henri what a shot! Liked that Sammy take down on Mctavish.
  2. Ray has become the game within the game. For his sake I hope he gets this under control. He looks like he could pick his teeth with Ariana Grande.
  3. That power play looked like the keystoned cops. WTF is going on ? It really really looks like they are trying to lose this game.
  4. Good game boys. An old fashioned beatdown. The Rangers needed that.๐Ÿ˜
  5. I think it was the edge of the top of the boards. Is that what they call the dasher ? Dunno just throwing it out there.
  6. Especially when Lindy gets them into his moronic alamo mode.
  7. Yeah that sucked pretty bad. One of the worst renditions of the anthem Iโ€™ve witnessed.
  8. Whoa nelly!
  9. Any mods here ? This is getting tiring. Can we just set politics aside for a couple hours and enjoy this game ?
  10. Heโ€™s a moron with no answers.
  11. Feel ***** for McAvoy. You can see how much being out hurts. That benefits the Canadians but you like to see teams at their best in these short tournys.
  12. Wow that empty net goal by Sid was great. Possibly saved their bacon on that play.
  13. We are owned and run by morons. The evidence is everywhere and the witnesses are many. Everyone appears aware of it except the owner. Its like heโ€™s covering his ears and shouting la la la as loud as he can to drown out the noise. I just got my first senior discount last week and Iโ€™ve been a fan since I was ten. F.U. Terry.
  14. Congrats to all you fans stateside. The U.S. played a close to perfect game. Well deserved victory.
  15. Did Crosby get an assist on that one?
  16. Its the toxic relationship for me. I put a hell of a lot more into this pairing than the organization does. And to be honest I donโ€™t think they intend to fix things. They have no answers and it appears like they are doing absolutely nothing to get things straight so that I might benefit on my end of the relationship. Its like treading water.
  17. Dahlin with some push back.
  18. Iโ€™m pretty crushed they paused the Sabres craptastic season for this. We were just getting warmed up.
  19. Looks a little sleepy ?
  20. Erase that 3rd period and that was an enjoyable game. Alamo can blow as far as Iโ€™m concerned. Iโ€™ve always hated that chickenshite style of hockey.
  21. Iโ€™ve always enjoyed a good western but this alamo shite has me biting my nails. And I donโ€™t usually bite my nails.
  22. Rock, paper,scissors would have solved it immediately.
  23. Just turned the game on. Hows Rosen looked?
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