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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Everyone does sports fandom in their own way. I’ve never understood the criticism for the fan who looks at the team as a glass half empty. More often than not, It is. And well as they say opinions are like asshol€s, everyones got one. But who are we to judge ? If everyones opinion was the same as mine it would be a pretty fecking boring place. Thank gawd thats not the case. This is a colorful place with all the different takes and in my mind the larger the variety of opinion the greater chance to learn. Anyhoo thats where I stand on this. You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone.
  2. Luke Schenn has been kept out of the lineup for trade related reasons. Sounds like maybe the Bruins.
  3. That and for the most part our guys were either a step behind on every play in the first or standing around watching.
  4. Yes he’s the right meatball for the pasta. This team is a work in progress. Youngest in the league. When its approaching the level of contending teams with the right number of vets/rookies or 2nd3rd year guys with nhl caliber goaltending and spending near the cap then Donnie can be judged on whether he’s the right coach.
  5. No shots on their power play is a disaster. For cripe sakes figure it out.
  6. Its funny if you’re a Sabres fan. I guess. Kind of deadpan without much humour. Skinny needs a writer.
  7. He sold the gin brand for 610 million $ to one of the big established brands.
  8. Unfortunately where was that in the 2nd ? Certainly not all on him but goalies got to make some saves.
  9. Sure. I guess. I’ll have to watch the video again but snowflake could have had children with him. He could have had his wife with him. There’s a multiple reasons why he may have felt threatened. Maybe his 84 year old dad is sitting in the vicinity. Maybe he decided I’d better punch this racist punk because there’s other children around. S’pose we’ll never know. Whether he’s justified or not the mullet haired racist had it coming. I think he got off lightly.
  10. Snowflake, thats Rich. Lol ok agree to disagree.
  11. That was not a sucker punch. Sucker punches usually come from the side or behind when the person isn’t aware its coming. That punk was fully aware at that point that fists might fly and if he wasn’t he is more of a moron than his words and actions indicated.
  12. I’ve been impressed with Sandler in non comedic roles. The guy can act. He’s not your average goofball.
  13. Wow. What more can you say ? They layed an egg. Put it in the rear view and move forward.
  14. Some of these young-uns have never in their lives faced consequences. Time outs don’t count. In my youth if you disrespected someone especially someone older than yourself you got a slap sometimes a punch and if they were real ornery a purple nurple (in my case once til the nipple bled). That taught me that if I disrespect someone I’m potentially setting myself up for some pain. Then I turned 3. Calm down y’all I’m joking. But truthfully I took some pain in my youth for disrespecting and smart talk and it taught me not to be a smart ass. That kid in Dallas missed those lessons when he was given a time out.
  15. Apparently J.Chychrun has removed the Coyote affiliation from his social media.
  16. The white pants make Ras disappear into the background a la invisible man . Just a terrible look. Those blue pants make all the difference.
  17. Yes the psychological side of it. I mentioned the Dahlin comment where he said the guys love those goatheads. It would be interesting to hear how they felt about the whites.
  18. They going to lower the cost of a beer? That would be a nice change. The canucks charge about 16 bucks for a beer or so I’ve been told. Not sure its been years since I supported that owner. He won’t even pay his fruit pickers. Cheap prick.
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