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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. The First game I’ve shut down early this year. These guys aren’t ready for the playoffs nor do they deserve it. They’ve lost that killer instinct they often showed earlier in the year which now makes the game pretty much unwatchable.
  2. Disappointing outcome. Got tired of the ballwashing the espn crew was giving the Isles.
  3. Who we going to lose to the expansion draft. I hate the thought of giving away people we draft and develop to teams that are given every opportunity to be better than us off the bat.
  4. Rob has his Rickyisms and thats why we love him right ? ......Right ?
  5. Well that improves the team. A roster player for someone that may never make the show. Nice job !
  6. If losing a buddy rattles them they’d better toughen up. Or grow up. Life isn’t fair. The objective for the gm is to improve the product. I get it about trying to compete for the next decade but nothings guaranteed.
  7. That Bawston play by play dude is to hockey broadcasting what paint by numbers is to art. Just freaking terrible.
  8. I thought with Pastas embellishment the only call was both guys to the box. But that meltdown had little to do with UPLs trip on Pasta. The team threw in the towel and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen this years team do that.
  9. That was painful. Fugging embarassing. Throw them a lifeline KA.
  10. Miller has really got anger management problems.
  11. Hopefully whether KA is ready for it or not these guys can push past his expectations. He sounds like the experienced bull saying to the young bull if we walk down the hill as opposed to run down we can nail all those cows instead of one.
  12. As I’ve said before the development gained from making the playoffs and getting a taste of ‘ the show ‘ would move these young guys forward exponentially.
  13. Well that was nice to see them come out of the slumber for the third period but too little too late. Good to see JJ find some scoring success. Wicked snipe by Quinn. Disappointing result considering the games in hand. Forward we go. Put that one in the rear view.
  14. I sometimes pass the bargain bin in Walmart and man are there deals to be had there.
  15. I remember a time when the tender would use the paddle of his stick to let the guys know if someone had snuck in behind them or was coming out of the sin bin. Maybe UPL didn’t notice ? Anyways it was a big gaff.
  16. Most excellent. Did Cozens get the Gordie Howe hat trick as well as the regular hat trick ?
  17. Would like to see Krebbs shoot the puck or drive to the net when he’s basically got a clear path to the net. Last night he chose to pass it to (i think) Cozens who had a guy hanging all over him. Its maddening. Do better Krebbsy !
  18. Great win. The old dog stops the puck. Skinny with two. 50 some odd shots on net. Keep on rollin boys.
  19. That was a horrible non call and the elbow itself was dangerous considering Kyles history. The league needs to look at that. But they won’t.
  20. Woot woot. What about that elbow on Okposo ? Good for Booshkinovski ! Nice to see him get one. That penalty kill where he hit like 3 guys was money. What a game.
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