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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. They’re always 4-5 years away from being a serious NHL team. Every friggin year.
  2. Well the teams worse than it was before the break so no, I’m not looking forward to seeing them. You can’t discount what effect losing the mule and Quinn mean to this squad.
  3. Yeah never watched one moment of that . It really sucks. And the fact they stretched it out over 3 days makes it worse imho.
  4. Pegula=moron
  5. I’ve lost faith in KA. I suppose you could throw Donny G into that as well although this is more about the GM. Not sure he feels any pressure to get better. Seems content to wait for inner growth which may or may not come. Lots could have been accomplished this past offseason by simply throwing out the mantra of not blocking the youth and bringing in one or two vets to help get the kids through their growing pains. I’m positive the playoffs never entered his mind until he was questioned about expectations. If he truly believed this team was ready he might have done more. Big fail in my estimation.
  6. I know what you’re sayin but I’m hoping its the real thing and not the gov’t with holograms. Lol
  7. What these guys do on their offtime is none of my business. I hope they enjoy the downtime.
  8. I like the fact that van is currently playing lights out or has been for most of the first half and still wants to improve. If only our braintrust put that emphasis on winning.
  9. I particularly like the line ‘ I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die ‘, and the crowd in folsom roars lol
  10. I thought we wasted a pick on Keith Gretzky but it could have been Brent. It was a long time ago.lol
  11. Good win but unfortunate loss. Lets hope Quinn is o.k.
  12. Tuch! Well its obvious the Sabres want it more.😝
  13. Its obvious the sharks want it more. Maybe the Sabres lucky charm Bryson will bring the mojo.
  14. Rob Ray- the sabres have good control of the perimeter but they need to get to the inside. Duh Rob.
  15. Just overall game speed in passing , quick decisions , accomplishing plays. They’re slug slow.
  16. Watching their power play says it all for me. Every teams penalty kill becomes world beaters against these guys. Its aweful. No speed in the passing or skating for that matter.
  17. My gawd is he tone deaf to the situation. Out of touch and possibly out of his mind. He literally had to go out of his way to elbow this player and lift himself up to actually make contact with his face. Also the hit was late. He could have just as easily hit him body to body. And then he has the nerve to victim shame the guy? Blame the victim. Idiot.
  18. Anyone catch Gallaghers elbow on Pelech ? 5 minute major and a game. Totally suspension worthy. A brutal elbow where he clearly raises his elbow to Peleches face on a flyby.
  19. Mmmm. Perhaps for missing the net ? Tage seemed to take an aweful lot of shots and most went wide. Don’t have the numbers to back that up but I seem to remember it that way. You don’t get a star for attempting to register shots but I have no clue why he’d get it over anyone else.
  20. That powerplay was turdable once again. Moving the puck around like it was stuck in mud.
  21. Can’t fault them for effort. Good win. We want two !
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