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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. The theatrics especially in regards to the high stick or for that matter the non high stick reminds me of euro football. In most cases its over the top. Play through it and if the official sees fit to call it great. If not keep playing.
  2. They produce better goalies out of necessity, they have no choice, they’re playing Canada.😉
  3. I was hoping to never see that face again. Thanks 😉
  4. I’m pretty sure this tournament isn’t a development showcase for the sabres. The coach will play who he feels can get them wins. I’d love to see Levy play but the handwringing over Levys icetime is 🤷🏻‍♂️.
  5. I’ve heard Toronto is known as losertown. Well last night that greasy looking guy at the end of the bar with the pencil thin mustache kept repeating that as he cried into his beer.
  6. Lol. Paul Maurice is awesome. keep em coming. Just try to hide your glee for fukc sakes.
  7. Watch how the team reacts when Krebs or Cozens drops em.
  8. Kevin Adams get me Gudas asap. Not this Canadian
  9. Not sure why its so hard to understand. Each guy in the studio(there were 5)picked one player from each team. This happens on most broadcasts where they go to o.t.
  10. All that ball washing during the intermission leading up to the o.t. Didn’t help the laughs a bit. You’d a thunk Florida wasn’t even at the game. These commentators should be ashamed of themselves. I want a sweep.
  11. Looks like Kanes sayin “Stay home Karen 😘”
  12. Taking on Pat Kane is like finally getting a shot at the hot girl from highschool when she’s twice divorced with grand kids and a smokers rasp. What you remember from highschool was the hottest she’d ever be. Its over. Don’t sully the fond memory of what could have been with what you’d wake up beside now. So its a no for me.
  13. Did they call that trip on Marner or Jose Quervo ? Looked to me like Jose tripped him.
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