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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Word on the street is TPegs is introducing a new foot and a half dog to the concessions this fall and I’m stoked.
  2. The only game I’ve ever attended in Buffalo was the late season game against Boston ( 7-0 ) loss. It was a sea of black and puke yellow. Surrounded by chowder heads and a New England Accent. Definately a strange experience. Don’t get me wrong, the B fans around us were respectful as they were at the restuarant and the pub after but it sure would have been nice to be surrounded by Sabres fans for that experience. Really not sure what the answer is ? Put a better product on the ice ? Despite the Sabres improved play it was men against boys that particular game.
  3. Wow! Legend. R.I.P. Rick. A sad day indeed.😪
  4. I’m thrilled with the direction of the team but when you’re basically standing one and goal you do whats necessary to get over the line. We are that close to the dance. I’m not talking about mortgaging the future. We have one of if not the deepest prospect pools in the league. Get us over the damned line K.A.
  5. Just watched ‘ nobody ‘ with Bob Odenkirk on Netflix. Really enjoyed that one. Great action flik.
  6. Canucks prognosticators lamenting the one that got away. Our very own Zack Benson.
  7. Looks like he has a scab on the knuckle. I like it.
  8. I think he kind of tip toed around it but he kept it respectful. He has friends in that Sabres room.
  9. I’m happy for Jack. If he says something boneheaded about the Sabres or Buffalo that happiness goes away. Play it smart Jack.
  10. Damn ! And all this time I thought it was a gerbil☺️Time to find a new supplier.
  11. Justine Trudope will likely bring in a wildfire tax. Seems to be his answer to every crisis. Well that and virtue signalling.
  12. Can’t see this going beyond five games with the way Vegas has dominated on the scoreboard these first two games. Wouldn’t be surprised with a sweep. It also appears that Paul Maurice is incapable of making in game adjustments other that hollering at the officials. Not sure I’ve seen a strategy change or not. Nothing has changed in the results. Florida not repping the East in a good way.
  13. Vegas is fortunate they don’t have the snake charmer in net.
  14. I wonder how many players league wide have winterpeg on their no trade list ?
  15. Johnson is saying all the right things. Felt it in my heart. Love the team and what they have here. Yada yada yada. Welcome aboard kid. Disregard what all the negative nancys had to say earlier in this thread. Feelings don’t matter now. You’re a Sabre. We got work to do. Now get out there and win a cup.
  16. Lol I don’t hate Eichel I would just prefer to see Samson lift the cup. So there might be a small bit o hate during the finals.
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